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Rawesome16 t1_j3r9w9q wrote

Isn't it equality? She hit him, he hit her back. I finally read the article. So far nobody I've heard has mentioned she hit him first. They both sucked that night


[deleted] t1_j3sngo5 wrote



Rawesome16 t1_j3sr9lg wrote



My point is : until I read the article nobody on this app was taking about her hitting him. I assumed he just up and hit her. Not that he up and hit her back


yellowbellee t1_j3thu2t wrote

Remind me again how it’s equal when he’s 3 times her size?


Rawesome16 t1_j3tj2fb wrote

One slap vs one slap

Remind me why people feel they can got another and think they are safe from retribution?

I'll say again, I'm not defending him. It's a shitty move and a dumbass move for a man to hit a woman. But if drunk (which I think they both were since new years) I can understand if one is slapped that they slap back before they think about what happened.

I've been consistent in my comments : this is the first time I read she hit him. I'm asking that this is reported and talked about evenly. He was hit and he hit back. Didn't make it ok, but she is also at fault and I'm not hearing that


yellowbellee t1_j3tjifa wrote

She is also at fault but I’m not talking about that. You’re bringing up equality. One slap for one slap is equal if the people are equal. She hit him at a force much less and he hit her harder and twice. Uh-oh there goes your equality. If a little kid punched you as hard as he can and you do the same you’re saying that’s also equal. Lmao.


Rawesome16 t1_j3tk3tw wrote

Yes. Don't hit unless you are ready to be hit back.

If a small man hit a large man, and the large man hit back, that's equal. It's not the fault of the large man he is bigger and stronger.

I fully admit to reading this article and nothing more, so this is the first in hearing of him hitting her twice. I read he slapped her back and they were quickly separated so you have info I don't on this.

But yes, hit for hit that's equal. Try not hitting those you can't take a hit from


yellowbellee t1_j3tlkcr wrote

Can’t wait til you explain that to a judge after you strike a kid that hit you. “But your honor, that’s equality” man on man is more equal but still never truly equal. You need to know EXACTLY what equality even means. And that you don’t child.


Rawesome16 t1_j3tlsur wrote

Oh so a kid is a man? That's interesting. Didn't know that. How dumb are you exactly?

Ok that's rude, first I should establish if English is your primary language. If it isn't I will happily take my rude words back. If it is, my question stands


[deleted] t1_j3tm4zw wrote



Rawesome16 t1_j3tmw1u wrote

I mis-read your comment, this is why punctuation helps. Like periods, commas, or things like that. But I happily admit I mis-read that.

That being said, why am I hiring a child when I was talking about man v man.

And equality means if a woman hits a man she better be ready to be hit back. Equal rights equal lefts and all.

The fact you can't understand to just not hit people unless ready to be hit back proves your dumbasshood.

Buh-by little troll. I've no more time to waste on one such as you


[deleted] t1_j3tnbnh wrote



Rawesome16 t1_j3tnpiz wrote

Ah my assuming little simpleton. If she hits him she should expect to be hit back.

Your day "conservative sounding" like it's an insult. Shows how sheepish your truly are. If your own to far in any directing you are a dumbass. I see I've found a dumbass who lands far too much one way.

Little simpleton got his undies in a bunch. How sad


yellowbellee t1_j3tojng wrote

Oh wow look who’s back so soon. Why is your dumbass still talking about expectations? When did I ever bring any of that up? The topic is equality. God your stupid. Can’t even write one paragraph correctly without fucking it up ya conservative dummy. Let me teach you again with another example and try to stay on topic. I bet you think this conversation is equal because you get to comment and I get to comment. Now 1 comment against another comment on that basis alone is equal. But one comment from you against one comment from me is not. Because you’re dumb as a fuckin stump and I’m far more intelligent. Go rest on that sweetheart.


Rawesome16 t1_j3toyra wrote

Why still a wall of text?

Have you not learned how to use punctuation yet? They help get your point across. Since you are not worth the time of reading that wall of text.

But considering how much name calling you line to use I see your youth or stupidity. Your choice which it is. Stay mad little human. It's a good look for you


[deleted] t1_j3tp5qn wrote



Rawesome16 t1_j3tpohs wrote

Now that's better. You used periods. Your leaning! I'm proud of you.


yellowbellee t1_j3tpw1u wrote

Hahahaha “leaning” fuck you just keep doubling down. Try again sweetie


Rawesome16 t1_j3trql6 wrote

No more walks of text, use of punctuation, I would say that means you are learning. Still an ass, but as my mom says : "we all have an asshole, some just like to show it off more."

Feel free to stop showing yours off so much. Nobody likes to see it


[deleted] t1_j3tsolg wrote



Rawesome16 t1_j3tusfc wrote

Yup, at work and don't care about proof reading while swype typing.

I like your use of punctuation though. You can claim you don't care, but you are using the punctuation I suggested wonderfully, so good job.

Don't act like you could handle my mom. She is far too much woman for you random redditor.


jrhooo t1_j4br99e wrote

> man on man is more equal

that statement tells though doesn't it?

HOW is it more equal? This statement doesn't address size in any way. You statement suggests that gender/age is the defining guideline in what's "equal".


jrhooo t1_j4bqmwb wrote

people always say that, but it doesn't hold water if we're honest.


Because when a 140lb MAN picks shit with a guy twice his size, to the point of putting hands on him, no one says, "oh you can't him that guy back, he's too small." Everyone says, "fuck was that little guy thinking? He's about to fuck around and find out. Gonna get what he's asking for!"

So... NO. Is not about size disparity. Its 100% about gendered social norms about when hitting is a "big deal" and when its apparently not.


Eastern_Spirit4931 t1_j3rex8k wrote

Proportionality. If a kid shoots a pistol at a tank you can't blow him up with the cannon


Rawesome16 t1_j3rlvzf wrote

Itv was a slap vs a slap. Had he punched her I get what you are saying. But he didn't. He slapped her. Again, still fucked up and neither should be hitting the other. But this is a couple hitting each other, not just him slapping his wife, as it's been stated from what I've seen


[deleted] t1_j3rrs2h wrote



[deleted] t1_j3rsm79 wrote



[deleted] t1_j3rtwoh wrote



Rawesome16 t1_j3rv192 wrote

You can fuck off little boy.

They were drinking, more than likely, based on it being new years. He got hit and his knee jerk reaction was to hit back.

How's about don't be a little shit, like you obviously are, and also people. If she didn't slap him does he hit her? Maybe and maybe not.

I'm not defending him, I'm saying let's tell the news accurately. They hit each other. He didn't just hit him.

Is that too hard for you to figure out simpleton?


iWantToFlyyy t1_j3t39gr wrote

>This is the incel take
> is slowly becoming known for...

If you hit someone, expect to be hit back. Equal rights and equal lefts. Welcome to the real world.


pasionfruit96 t1_j3v2clm wrote



cujukenmari t1_j47mzea wrote

Dana white and his wife are trash and the UFC is a sport of deplorables. Trash all around. This is exactly who you'd expect to be running the UFC. Perfectly appropriate. Casino sport.


Personal-Ad7623 t1_j3stgkv wrote

Its a weak man that has to slap a women back. Yes she slapped him once then he slapped her 2 or more tines with much more force. Equality I guess, the grounds of showing both may have anger issues, yes. Maybe even the foundation for domestic abuse. Funny how alpha males show equality and insecurities


The_Wata_Boy t1_j3suarm wrote

What video did you watch? Neigher slap had any substance.