AllMuckNoPuck t1_j5vfxvn wrote
There is no point if you’re allowing athletes to compete under a neutral flag, at that point you might as well just let them compete under their own flag
joebro2022 t1_j5vgm1d wrote
IOC can't just go banning athletes of countries because of the crimes their government commited. Very few countries would be left
LiveOnFive t1_j5vj5kb wrote
They absolutely can. The International Biathlon Union did it immediately.
Ferris_Wheel_Skippy t1_j5vkndz wrote
Totally agree. Either take a stand or just don't bother at all
i'd honestly have more respect for the IOC if they just let the Russians and Belarussians compete under their flags, than this clown bullshit
paulc899 t1_j5vl105 wrote
Sure they can. South Africa wasn’t allowed to compete for years.
SgtKrowyn t1_j5vl7em wrote
The point of organized sport competitions is about sports and the ability of athlete. It is supposted to be a thing above politics. Banning the Russian and Belarus is a political statement but it's good they don't harm the sports due to politics
blackmobius t1_j5vlzdb wrote
If they are still doping and still winning then it doesnt matter if they fly a russian flag or one from the olympic committee.
Loosen your belt, open your pants, find your balls, and start banning these clowns
RJ4Aloha t1_j5vmnla wrote
Don’t let them compete!
Sex_Fueled_Squirrel t1_j5vmvis wrote
Allowing Russia and Belarus to compete is also a political statement.
joebro2022 t1_j5vrcmj wrote
South Africa's White Minority had voting power unlike Russian Citizens.
joebro2022 t1_j5vrgt7 wrote
Doesn't make it right
Such-Fail t1_j5vribb wrote
Honestly even politic aside they shouldn’t compete. Russia has shown time and time again that they are happy to ignore rules regarding doping. If they can’t play by the rules and keep PEDs out of their athletes then they shouldn’t be allowed to play.
Sorryyoudidntknow t1_j5vt91a wrote
That might be the point of sports for you but that doesn’t mean that’s the reality of what they mean for the world and geopolitics.
Believe it or not your perspective is not ultimately a truth :)
gwaydms t1_j5vuk4n wrote
That's an... interesting spelling.
Chris_M_23 t1_j5vvh2a wrote
Did the 2022 winter olympics even happen? I dont remember seeing a single piece of coverage for it in the news or on social media
redditkindasuxballs t1_j5vxlll wrote
No the fact that their countries are causing a war of aggression against a sovereign nation, that’s what makes it right to ban the athletes from competing and bringing their country the prestige and capital that having Olympic athletes gains.
alexjaness t1_j5vyiiu wrote
IOC: "you can still compete, but your flag won't be as pretty"
mayy_dayy t1_j5vyrih wrote
"No flag, no country! That's the rules... that I've just made up."
joebro2022 t1_j5vz7dh wrote
Then a lot of other countries should be banned. As those countries are doing the same.
thatthingdo t1_j5w0ekn wrote
[deleted] t1_j5w0h9k wrote
redditkindasuxballs t1_j5w2bu5 wrote
Cool, ban em
tads_the_way t1_j5w2ccj wrote
You’re getting downvoted but I agree to an extent. I’m against the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but if the Olympics starts picking which issues they want to ban countries’ representation of and which issues they don’t want to do this for, then you’ll no longer have a globally-united Olympics. You’ll just have an Olympics among the countries in the majority that agree with each other. The point to me is for everyone to put their arms down for a couple weeks and unify
hyzerlord t1_j5w2l4n wrote
Fuck Russia but banning their athletes completely does nothing to deter Russia from being an imperial menace. Why punish athletes who have worked their whole lives for the Olympics, and who have nothing to do with the war? The punishment has to meet the end goal. Banning Russians from the Olympics would only be more propaganda fodder for Putin.
joebro2022 t1_j5w2tw2 wrote
Although I disagree atleast your logic is consistent.
[deleted] t1_j5w8h0j wrote
Not_Rassie t1_j5w8tmv wrote
Let’s weaponise sport ,,, it’s not as if it was meant to bring us together
CBus-Eagle t1_j5w9i0z wrote
IOC is always way too harsh on Russia.
Primary-Bath803 t1_j5w9kbw wrote
If russian atlethes should be prohibited to represent their country in the olimpics, so should the american atlethes for the crimes that US government has commited over the years in Africa, Middle East, etc
[deleted] t1_j5wa7jc wrote
wolfsmanning08 t1_j5wc2ee wrote
I definitely disagree with this. Putin uses the athletes for propaganda, not to mention how many times they've been caught doping. This isn't even a punishment anymore. They've been competing as ROC for years now and it does jack shit.
Are they actually going to enforce this part? Because nearly every single active Russian athlete has shown support for the war.
"This means in particular: first, only those who have not acted against the peace mission of the IOC by actively supporting the war in Ukraine could compete"
DrunkenKarnieMidget t1_j5wcsuz wrote
So... Exactly what they'd been doing for the last 3 games, since they have issues with doping.
IOC is a fucking joke.
Moonhunter7 t1_j5wcyvm wrote
You’re banned!! but not really….
[deleted] t1_j5wdh38 wrote
poutinegalvaude t1_j5whlqn wrote
They also had all the power unlike the majority of South Africa’s population
iREDDITnaked t1_j5wn4eb wrote
Yes, Beijing. And Russia invaded Ukraine days after its conclusion.
[deleted] t1_j5wn4g3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j5wna2p wrote
[deleted] t1_j5wnsfo wrote
[deleted] t1_j5wnupt wrote
gagrushenka t1_j5wo31o wrote
Sure did, complete with a Russian doping scandal in figure skating.
Rusty_Shackleford75 t1_j5woqhz wrote
IOC doing it's usual nothing, I see
[deleted] t1_j5wpdxb wrote
AnImpatientPenguin t1_j5wpi8q wrote
It’s a way to do something and nothing at the same time.
Midoritora t1_j5wr2hs wrote
Pussies. Russian athletes should be fully banned. All of them. They are not being one in a peaceful world. Ban them all. IOC has a lack of courage to deny all of them the ability to compete.
[deleted] t1_j5wszub wrote
[deleted] t1_j5wtcem wrote
LordMalort t1_j5wvvys wrote
Looks like they took a page out of the Air Guitar World Championships playbook... air guitarists from Russia last year competed under the Peace Flag
joebro2022 t1_j5wwo0c wrote
What power?
SgtKrowyn t1_j5wy2ti wrote
Well put!
ThePrem t1_j5wyivp wrote
Surprised there are people against this. Why punish the athletes? If anything it just brings more negative attention to Russia than if they weren’t allowed to compete at all.
out2seeagain t1_j5wz66j wrote
This is just ridiculous! Please tell me that you people see what is actually going on here, we are all being duped.
out2seeagain t1_j5wza0a wrote
But do you have a flaaaaag?
Dirty_Quesadilla t1_j5x079m wrote
Don’t you just love that wet noodle stab of defiance they thrusted at their Russian overlords?
Waterwoogem t1_j5x133i wrote
Isn't it still up to the individual sports committees to have final say?
goldmanstocks t1_j5x2t14 wrote
Thats not going to stop Putin from parading them around Russia once they’ve won some medals. It would be more helpful if the IOC just said “No”.
Old_Week t1_j5x2wf7 wrote
Uh, no. The “Olympic Athletes from Russia” team is totally different from the Russian Olympic Team. There’s pretty much no relation to the sanctioned country.
hamhead t1_j5x3cfn wrote
So, a bunch of bullshit, again.
hamhead t1_j5x3dvm wrote
>IOC can't just go banning athletes of countries because of the crimes their government commited. Very few countries would be left
They absolutely can, and have.
hamhead t1_j5x3u4o wrote
This is the bullshit logic that results in answers like 'compete under a neutral flag'.
If that's actually how it worked, you'd be right. But the Olympics are actually a system of a country showing how impressive they are - especially when you're talking about the top few countries - and nobody fucking believes that the athletes aren't Russian just because they don't have a Russian flag on.
You punish the athletes because the athletes are competing under the auspices of a government. The same reason you punish the people of Russia (or wherever) through economic sanctions even though those don't directly impact those in power.
dbg19 t1_j5x4o6s wrote
Ukraine cannot practice because Russias invasion has destroyed its facilities to do so. Russia should be banned from the olympics…
spicymemesdotcom t1_j5x6qp1 wrote
What happened to keeping politics out of sports? Iran used to get roasted here for refusing to compete against Israel.
cujukenmari t1_j5x8hez wrote
On the one hand I don't think it's fair to punish people based on where they're born. On the other hand it seems the majority of Russian athletes are in support of Putin's genocide of Ukraine, or are being used for Russian propaganda. I honestly don't know what to think about the issue. Curious to hear from those with strong opinions on the issue?
poutinegalvaude t1_j5x8k56 wrote
Are you not aware of who was in control during apartheid?
Oil_slick941611 t1_j5x9a6q wrote
Randomly assign them other flags to compete under. That way there is no “roc” tally on the medal tables.
[deleted] t1_j5xaoif wrote
allbright1111 t1_j5xb9dv wrote
Athletes work toward these goals for so much of their entire lives. I appreciate that there is a way for them to compete in a way that deprives their countries of the positive recognition or even just air time.
daxxarg t1_j5xc0ph wrote
As long as you pay me you can still compete under a weird different flag
Lambily t1_j5xfk4u wrote
There is a very simple solution to this. Create a massive social media campaign aimed at the Olympic sponsors. Convince them to drop their support for the IOC. Watch how quickly they reverse their decision.
TheImperios t1_j5xgkuu wrote
The point here is that white South Africans had more agency over their government's actions than Russians.
TheImperios t1_j5xgpyz wrote
Yep, go ahead, do it, it will definitely make the end of Putinism so much closer
It will certainly not backfire and cause a rally around the flag effect among the populace strengthening his regime and prolonging the war, noooo
intheken t1_j5xhmp6 wrote
I think you were supposed to say “the power of voodoo”
goliathfasa t1_j5xjmzm wrote
And I’m backing that up with this rifle that’s lent form the National Rifle Association.
Swarby10 t1_j5xk8ff wrote
They shouldn’t be allowed to attend. Not even as spectators.
rileyoneill t1_j5xl7ts wrote
Anyone in Russia who would be going to the Olympics would be a Putin Stooge. No way would they even consider someone who was not 100% on board with the regime to be selected as an athlete.
poutinegalvaude t1_j5xnb23 wrote
Why would white South Africans want to upset the system that gave them so much money and power?
DaniDiglett22 t1_j5xodmt wrote
I’m sorry but after repeated doping scandals they should be banned.
MeatballDom t1_j5xs1ag wrote
On the one hand, absolutely, there's really no point in doing this if it's just this.
On the other, athletes don't deserve punishment or exclusion from an event like the Olympics, many of which this will be their only shot at ever competing in, just because their leader is a dick.
It would be nice to make some sort of demand that tv broadcasting affiliates never show the combined medal tally for the unaffiliated athletes though. Even though it means absolutely nothing in reality, these sorts of things do matter for propaganda purposes and "unaffiliated Russian athletes" or "Russia" not showing up at all on these leaderboards will sting a bit for Russian politicians, even if they pretend it doesn't.
[deleted] t1_j5xs6g9 wrote
damola93 t1_j5xsgwm wrote
There’s no selection if they are banned no?
TheImperios t1_j5xw4ec wrote
The idea I think is exactly that. That while white South Africans could just vote the apartheid government out if they wanted, Russians cannot and their only option is armed insurgency (which is near-impossible while the regime is strong), meaning they are less to blame.
alvarsnow t1_j5xxlr9 wrote
And the sanctions to Azerbaijan?
poutinegalvaude t1_j5xym3e wrote
I don't think they could have just voted them out, either. In 1946 it was a response to the foundation of the ANC but by 1948 the Herenigde Nasionale were in control and very authoritarian. White dissenters were treated very harshly, thus discouraging any future support for the dismantling of Apartheid.
TheImperios t1_j5xyng2 wrote
Yeah, it's complicated, IIRC South Africa was effectively ruled by a secret society
[deleted] t1_j5y0iqm wrote
obi_wan_the_phony t1_j5y1fto wrote
Tell that to Ukrainian athletes who instead of competing are just trying to survive. There is no fairness argument here
[deleted] t1_j5y2n6c wrote
kingofargyle t1_j5y2s15 wrote
IOC FIFA both corrupt and out of touch with reality.
HeftyRecommendation5 t1_j5y5yhg wrote
What happened to keeping politics out of sport? Does that mean politics and sport have ever been separated?
PinkLegs t1_j5y9b6d wrote
What other countries?
SinkOrAlsoSink t1_j5y9wqd wrote
If they're going to let them compete then have them do it as individuals under a neutral flag, with no Russian colours or insignia. But don't let them enter any team event.
OldManHipsAt30 t1_j5ychsz wrote
It wouldn’t be a true Olympic Games without a Russian doping scandal
WickedSlice_ t1_j5ycl1d wrote
Why let the Russians compete?
Make them feel pain by not letting them compete.
Also, it allows Russia to continue winning medals and make sure they stay up to date with their doping programs.
Jorsonner t1_j5ydf8p wrote
Yeah there was a fake ski slope right in front of an extremely picturesque power plant
linuxares t1_j5ye6br wrote
Yes let them cheat under the Olympic flag instead
[deleted] t1_j5yep4b wrote
angryve t1_j5yfdb3 wrote
I’ll go ahead and emphatically disagree. Plenty of other jobs have been impacted in Russia due to sanctions. Being an athlete doesn’t make one special. They can deal with their country’s politics if they don’t like it.
angryve t1_j5yfp3c wrote
No it wouldn’t. Plenty of other jobs have been affected by the sanctions. What makes athletes special? They can run faster on a track than others, or throw a rock farther than others?
[deleted] t1_j5yifir wrote
notquitetoplan t1_j5yjlwt wrote
Unfortunately the reality is that Olympic athletes are representatives of their countries, as much as they are competing for themselves. And especially in Russia. Yes, it would suck for a lot of people if they were completely banned. But that isn’t anyone’s fault but their own government. The IOC isn’t responsible for that.
RoyHarper88 t1_j5ylq9r wrote
The fact that it's been 11 months since then is absolutely crazy to me.
RoyHarper88 t1_j5ylxfy wrote
Agreed. It is a perfectly valid, within the scope of the games, reason to do it. They can make a clear statement that it has nothing to do with their invasion of Ukraine and put it all on the cheating.
CheapestOfSkates t1_j5yocg1 wrote
Allowed to "compete" and cheat under a neutral flag.
The_ApolloAffair t1_j5yoydw wrote
The Olympics have always been about competing in sports despite any governmental conflict. That’s how it was in Ancient Greece, and that’s how it has continued to be.
angryve t1_j5yp7n7 wrote
Civilizations grow with time, otherwise we’d still have slavery in the US/Europe. It’s time for the Olympics to grow with the rest of society and stand up against a genocide and illegal occupation
[deleted] t1_j5ytndl wrote
joebro2022 t1_j5ytx1h wrote
China, Saudi, Israel, US, France etc.
spicymemesdotcom t1_j5yuri0 wrote
I mean post an article about how an Iranian athlete doesn’t compete with an Israeli one out of conscience and a very different set of morals and rules presents itself than when Poland doesn’t want to compete with Russia.
PinkLegs t1_j5yvnxi wrote
What sovereign countries are China, Israel, US, France invading these days?
JordanPoohole3 t1_j5yvo8f wrote
I still think forcing them to compete under a random nation/their most hated rival’s flag is the best punishment!! MORE MEDALS FOR UKRAINE
JordanPoohole3 t1_j5yvrtj wrote
“That’s how it was in Ancient Greece…” do you know what year it is dude??
CommonNotCommons t1_j5yzomn wrote
I can’t believe they didn’t get a longer suspension after a giant state-sponsored doping scandal in their own host city.
joebro2022 t1_j5z18wg wrote
China is doing something just as bad
Israel is literally occupying Palestine which is recongnized as sovereign country by most of the World's population and countries
US is not doing anything right now but they didn't get banned when they did.
PinkLegs t1_j5z3q37 wrote
Palestine is not sovereign, and China is just doing something??
Us is doing nothing, and you just forgot France.
So none of them is doing the same as Russia.
The_ApolloAffair t1_j5z5hzs wrote
The US invaded Iraq and overthrew their government. Where was the Olympic ban for that? Where is the Olympic ban for Israel’s war crimes in Palestine? If the Olympics is going to take a stand against war/war crimes, they need to be consistent, and not just vilify the current bogeyman of the west.
joebro2022 t1_j5z87l9 wrote
Palestine is a country. Israel should be banned for killing civilans in a foreign country
China is doing genocide if you didn't know
US werent banned when they invaded Iraq so neither should Russia
France has military personnel in Various African countries meddling in their affairs.
No point arguing with someone who doesn't recongnize Palestine as a country
JordanPoohole3 t1_j5zie25 wrote
Well true. But the IOC has always been extremely pro-West and politically biased so…
bowser85 t1_j5zz9gz wrote
So… no solidarity
sinesero t1_j5zzntr wrote
They just want to win Russian not only on war field but on sports too. ... Also partly by hand of russian sportsmans who had leave their home country.
sinesero t1_j600rt2 wrote
Maybe because in Russia most of people don't give a fuck about games without their sportsmans. But IOC want money from tv and other transactions. If no russian athletes russian tv wouldn't pay for translation. The same about FIFA.
sandalsf t1_j61ybzq wrote
And so it begins. As the war drags on, complacency settles in and soon people will not care whether or not Russians are banned from sports or not...
2klaedfoorboo t1_j68ybx7 wrote
I don’t think the problem here is the war- it’s the fact that it’s getting out of hand and there needs to be REAL change if they want to be key back
DelugeQc t1_j5ve0ns wrote
Why tho?! Just ban them from competing... What an half-ass punishment tbh...