Submitted by littleladwasabi t3_115m874 in springfieldMO

Hello my fellow Springfieldians! I am looking for a way to get involved in community service here in Springfield and wanted to hear what suggestions you all may have. Do you know of any good organizations that have opportunities for volunteering or events at which I could volunteer? I would love to hear what sort of experiences ya'll have had. I know the Dream Center does some stuff but was wondering what else is out there. I am down for just about any kind of service work. Thanks in advance!



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Wrinklestiltskin t1_j92iqaa wrote

Ozarks Food Harvest is a great place to volunteer. You help sort and package donated food that is sent to families in need. The nonviable food goes to pig farms. I've had great experiences volunteering there in the past.


Punnchy t1_j92k2sq wrote

If your looking for weekend volunteer opportunities, keep your ear to the ground for the local conventions scene, there's several through the year and have decent perks, as well as part of the proceeds going to local non-profits such as toys for tots.


cashdropp t1_j92xvwe wrote

Habitat for Humanity! The Downtown Springfield Association hosts a number of events and always need volunteers! They’re looking for volunteers for the St. Patrick’s day parade rn


wheelieman1 t1_j92zlr6 wrote

I've been a volunteer at Wonders of Wildlife for a year plus.


oliviashanks t1_j937gxt wrote

The cold weather crisis shelters are always in need of volunteers. Sometimes they don't have the volunteers they need to open. The Connecting Grounds can help put you in touch with a shelter if you're interested.


ciennaj t1_j93e0mq wrote

Big Brothers Big Sisters


Flat-Sun-5134 t1_j93hss2 wrote

Ozark Food Harvest Springfield Community Gardens


Why_T t1_j93okms wrote

Why do you volunteer for a multimillion dollar company? I’m sure it’s because of the wildlife conservation, but I don’t understand why they can’t pay you.


reallysaucy t1_j93oxog wrote

Try using They have a lot of service opportunities listed with different organizations.


petlove499 t1_j948ta8 wrote

Consider becoming a Missouri Master Naturalist. You have to complete a multi-week training and maintain 40 hours a year but the volunteer opportunities are endless, especially if you’re passionate about conservation.


MCLand t1_j9561m2 wrote

I used to volunteer at the CARE animal shelter on Fort, it was really rewarding and bonus got to love on some very cute critters! This was about a decade ago, though


spankpeggysfeet t1_j95nszi wrote

I have volunteered with several organizations on that list. I’ve always sent an email saying “I want to volunteer” in the subject line with my basic information and skills in the body. I always call right away as well. Big Brothers Big Sisters was my most recent experience, I boxed up clean clothes for a few hours. I’ve found all sorts of wild adventures just by calling, everything between changing a lightbulb at their office to putting a roof on a house in Ensenada, Mexico. You’re an asset to the community, thank you for considering this!


Spiritual_Dentist_54 t1_j960bss wrote

I work at the Dream Center and we love having volunteers! Crosslines, Ozarks Food Harvest, and Convoy of Hope are some of are biggest partners and would all also be great places. Another great option is getting involved with your neighborhood association (association not HOA!), because they usually work hard to improve the area you live.

I’m pretty familiar with several of the orgs in town, feel free to DM me if you want more info!


petlove499 t1_j982eic wrote

You’ll want to contact Kelly McGowan at to get information on the next training. There is a one-time fee you pay once you’ve been accepted for training, I believe it’s around $100, which cover all of your course and reference materials that you get to keep for life. If memory serves they have scholarships available.


petlove499 t1_j9bklg0 wrote

Lol I’m not trying to make a moral argument here guys. Someone asked about WOWs nonprofit status and I stated that it was nonprofit and I’m getting downvoted. Do whatever you want I literally couldn’t care less, just answering a question


the_honeyman t1_j9btwol wrote

The Blue House Project involves buying houses around the Fairbanks, gutting and remodeling them, and then getting low income families into them. I know of at least 5 houses so far, the latest one is their biggest project yet.

The Fairbanks has a multitude of community programs, from food distribution to community meals to a cheap bicycle shop to hosting AIM outreach events to running the Springfield Community Garden's market garden. Oh, and a program teaching community members how to handle finances, that also provides cash incentives and material things like new computers for participation and completion of the program.