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MikeBuckets171 t1_irwirsz wrote

Just got a vasectomy a couple of weeks ago. I won’t sugar coat it like other people, procedure sucked, it was a long 15 mins, but the doctor was cool, and we talked the whole time. Recovery can be a painful couple of weeks but frozen peas are your best friend! I’m still not fully recovered as I still get sore towards the end of the day, but I am making great progress! If you don’t want to have kids, the procedure is worth it!

EDIT: For people not taking advantage of the free event, my procedure was with Alex Henderson with Cox Urology at Ferrell Duncan. He was great! Made the experience as easy as he could 😂


BlueCoatYellowBoots t1_irwr5lc wrote

Please elaborate on how the procedure sucked. I'm staring down an appointment coming up and I want to be fully prepared for what's going to happen to me.


MikeBuckets171 t1_irwvfo0 wrote

The incision wasn’t bad. The part that sucked is when they had to grab the tubes, the “vas deferens”. It felt like somebody grabbed the inner workings of my balls.

Narrator: “They did.”

I actually yelled 😂So those 30 seconds were unbearable but I was a lot better once they were able to get the vas deferens numbed. The rest was painful but I was able to hold a conversation with my doctor.


[deleted] OP t1_irwxk29 wrote

I will agree, that part is the most painful part of it all. To me it felt like the hardest kick to the balls I've had. It only lasted a short time for me. I was uncomfortable at times during the recovery but nothing too terrible. I'm sorry you had such a rough go.


MikeBuckets171 t1_irwysxm wrote

Definitely the worse thing my balls have ever been through. But hey, I’ve heard some real vasectomy horror stories! It certainly could be a lot worse. And now, we’re blank shootin’ brothers. 😂


pssssn t1_irwzwlz wrote

I did not have as much pain as /u/MikeBuckets171 did. I felt moderate pressure instead of pain. Overall it wasn't that bad, I've had worse experiences getting cavities filled. I think the worst part of it is the mental aspect of another person carving on your nuts.

I did however go home and immediately look at my incision, get woozy, and fall through the shower door. I suggest sitting down if you want to take a look at the doctor's handiwork.


[deleted] OP t1_irx4onp wrote

Did your doc show you the portion of the vans deferens that he cut out? Mine did and I did not enjoy it. I trust you doc, you don't need to show me your work.


Punnchy t1_irx908h wrote

For me it was the doc going ya wanna see what I removed? Me:.... Doc shows me anyway


_ism_ t1_irxk0ar wrote

My gyno showed me my old IUD without asking first when I got mine replaced. Wtf docs


Punnchy t1_irxj774 wrote

Can vouch for Henderson as well. Man knows what he is doing. Even if he shows the remove piece.


EnlightenedReplay t1_iryqe9u wrote

Dang, I'm sorry yours was a challenge. I'm just chiming in here with a positive experience to balance out the spectrum of results as I'm sure everyone's mileage varies. I had my procedure in Sept of 2019 on a Friday and did the Greek festival and a Mother's Brewing festival the same weekend. Frozen veggies are your friend. Short walks and minimal lifting were fine.

The procedure was awkward, but they gave me a chill pill (volume maybe, I don't remember?) of some sort ahead of time and I was fine. Only ibuprofen following the procedure.

Recovery was a few weeks of abstinence followed by doctor-prescribed masturbation and condoms to "clear the pipes". DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP! It took a few months for my swimmers to clear out, so make sure you stay on top of your follow up samples gentlemen.

The last three years have been incredibly stress free and no noticeable negative side effects. 10/10 stars, would definitely recommend.