
BlueCoatYellowBoots t1_j59z8q7 wrote

Reply to comment by But_Ox in Pay by But_Ox

Those eggs crack easy because your friend's birds aren't getting enough calcium in their diet. Oyster shells will do the trick.


BlueCoatYellowBoots t1_j56mlha wrote

So you're hourly, ok. Salaried folks got their paychecks cut by 7-25% during 2020. 401K contributions getting cut off was absolutely not the standard for companies that don't treat employees like garbage. Profit and revenue numbers are shared with leadership teams across the company, 2021 was such a bitch because the expectation from top leadership is always never-ending growth at any expense. But it's all cool right, because every once in a while the employees are treated to some company scrip, yay!


BlueCoatYellowBoots t1_j15luzt wrote

> Also doesn't help that the area usually has dogs dumped too.

And this is precisely the reason I don't let my dogs roam free and I walk my dogs on leash on my own property. I live in the county and 2021 was a terrible year for dumbshits dumping pibbles outside city limits. Maybe they think we're going to take them in? We shoot them when they inevitably harass livestock, so many dead dogs in 2021.


BlueCoatYellowBoots t1_j13uojw wrote

Pedestrians are supposed to walk against traffic, but H highway is one of the worst roadways to walk. Vehicles are going 55+mph, there's barely any or no shoulder at all, lots of bridges and low spots with water that produce insane amounts of fog at times. Those crazies that walk to their cult church on the weekends have become a real problem, they walk with traffic and sometimes two abreast. Rarely, I'll see someone jogging or cycling on H as well, fuck those people too.


BlueCoatYellowBoots t1_ixdyh7e wrote

Reply to Never by Stonkatron69

Love watching the city-limits folks argue north side vs south side like the county residents aren't laughing at you all living like peasants.