Submitted by banana_and_beans t3_yewvoo in springfieldMO

I’m back in town after moving away for awhile. I’m trying to get back into the social scene and make some local friends. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on places to hang out or organizations to join as a young person? Thank you all for your help!



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[deleted] t1_iu0fmxj wrote



BlueCoatYellowBoots t1_iu0yp05 wrote

Woah, since when does shitting on JRC in this sub get downvotes?


jgj570s t1_iu1310k wrote

Following Donald Trump. Any organization that sees Donald Trump as their penultimate, is questionable.


dead_wit_laugh t1_iu1h20d wrote

It's the "misogyny". I found it mild and in a comedic spirit but there is seldom any chill to be found today in Web 3.0


joecamel816 t1_iu1xjzl wrote

I’m not even religious but this shit is insufferable


YoudamanSteve t1_iu231cb wrote

Dead on mate, church girls are always the quickest ways to end a slow streak. As long as you can put up with the conversations.. This sinner has taken a couple mental battles for my head to get ahead.


jgj570s t1_iu12xpf wrote

Stay away from churches! There is James River basin partnership and all kinds of environmental groups that you can join. They actually believe in science.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_iu1jazu wrote

And also edgy atheists, they'll shoehorn religion into every conversation.


jgj570s t1_iu1jtl6 wrote

Thank goodness! I will shoehorn anywhere that I can. “Religion poisons everything“– – Christopher Hitchens. (I wonder what you would have said, if there would’ve been three posts about a church meet up group)


Cloud_Disconnected t1_iu1l6qh wrote

The same thing I would have said about, "there's an atheist meetup," nothing.

But if someone said to stay away from atheism meetups or Dharma talks or vegan book clubs, I would have found that off-putting and weird.


jgj570s t1_iu1osmm wrote

Would you?


Cloud_Disconnected t1_iu22nou wrote

Believe me or don't believe me. I can't tell you what to think, I'm not Christopher Hitchens.


Fuselol t1_iu2nfnq wrote

I believe you, because I also feel the same. Stay away from churches with an exclamation point seems overly dramatic.


Punnchy t1_iu17wyv wrote

Can always join the discord for this reddit/Springfield and attend one of the meetups hosted by members. Recently its been pizza, coffee, and the last g.a.m.e.


ResultedTag72 t1_iu1npi5 wrote

The pup crawl is this Saturday if that's your scene. If not I live downtown and there is always stuff going on these days. It feels like every weekend something fun in is in the square.


DiabetikCrysis t1_iu2rqj9 wrote

Just wanna drop this off here - the northern portion of downtown is becoming a hotspot for, and I'd never thought I'd say this about SGF MO but, gang activity. I've got a couple of connections in the SPD and have been told on a personal level to stay away from downtown in general, after 10PM.

Yes, it's just young kids, mainly high-school age but they're strapped and they're shooting. Blindly around corners, carrying out drive-by's,etc. It's fucking crazy, sucks we've gotten to this point. I still enjoy downtown but have taken the advice and clear out as it gets later.


ResultedTag72 t1_iu2s2sz wrote

Idk about that I literally live on the square and walk around almost every night. I enjoy night time and have never heard a gunshot like ever.


DiabetikCrysis t1_iu2sl3w wrote

I know, I'm just an internet person lol, but I'm unfortunately not making this up. There are active investigations into gangs and their dealings, including shootings downtown. Family member is a detective in SPD. Shit is real.


ResultedTag72 t1_iu2sokk wrote

I'm not saying you're an internet person so it's a lie. I just live right here I would definitely hear gunshots or sirens. Far more than I do now


DiabetikCrysis t1_iu2u3i5 wrote

Not trying to shove this down your throat, just showing you I'm not pulling this out of my ass lol:

That's from 3 years ago and the big ol' "Yet" disclaimer they have in there is toast. They're out there blastin' now. I ain't sayin' not to go out and have a good time. But keep your head on a swivel. :)

edit: LOL whoops! Typin' too fast! I meant to say 13 years but even that's wrong cuz I ain't too good at math! 16, 16 years ago haha. That's my point though, we had a problem that long ago, it's worse now.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_iu2yhyf wrote

I'm not disputing you because I don't know anything about the current situation. But I will say SPD has a history of chicken-littling about gang activity. There was a panic back in the nineties that was akin to the Satanic Panic about gangs. I remember that hats were banned in schools, as well as a lot of logos on shirts for being "gang-related," and it was 99% BS. It tends to crop up now and again in the paper and on the news.

Not saying you're wrong, just that I take it with a big grain of salt.


DiabetikCrysis t1_iu31ltk wrote

Nothing wrong with questioning things! I would have never thought it was a problem myself if I hadn't been presented with this information by the detective. Not only that, I have a child the same age that went to school with some of the alleged perpetrators. Confirmed they were bad news, one of these "gang leaders" was expelled for bringing a firearm to school. I honestly didn't want to believe it either, but I got first hand accounts of the investigations and crime scenes. It's nuts. Trust me, I asked why in the world we don't hear about this on the news, whey there aren't more articles about it, if they knew their names why the hell they weren't just going and arresting them, etc, etc. Mostly it seems it's because... they just can't catch the little bastards with enough evidence to prosecute.


ShartsvilleDestroyer t1_iu4yd60 wrote

>they're strapped and they're shooting. Blindly around corners, carrying out drive-by's,etc.

I have a hard time believing this. It's weird that I have not seen a single news article about this type of stuff.


DiabetikCrysis t1_iu6bct9 wrote

Ok. Kinda done defending this. Colin Loderhose was shot and killed by 20yr old Zachary Cano on July 5th 2022 at Anchor Tactical Supplies. Zachary had known gang affiliations in Springfield. He went to Parkview High School. You will not find this in any of the articles because overall, the SPD does not want to admit this city has a gang problem. Yet there are multiple detectives assigned to investigations pertaining to that same issue. Spoke with one of those detectives today, they've recently arrested a few of these individuals and removed 7 guns from their possession. Unfortunately, he also told me there's another gang starting up but...Y'all believe whatever the fuck you want. I can understand where you'd be skeptical of me but it's getting tiring lol. Best of luck out there.


mr_try-hard t1_iu16pl6 wrote

Depends largely on your interests! Join a fun, local club/org like Springfield Shanty Choir or Springfield Roller Derby. There’s also the option of getting involved w a local nonprofit like Springfield Community Gardens or another org that has a large young demographic. Check out the Meetup app for local events specifically for what you’re wanting. Bars like Friends or Prime Time could also be a good spot to check out. Welcome back!


banana_and_beans OP t1_iu1hs0w wrote

Thank you so much! What’s the meetup app all about?


Low_Tourist t1_iu1jvrs wrote

Meetup is just an app that people post about events happening in their area. It used to be a website, but seems to have migrated.


DiabetikCrysis t1_iu2tbkp wrote

Shit I live near Sunshine and heard two gunshots a couple nights ago lol. It's really unfortunate to hear things are headed in this direction. I couldn't believe everything they were telling me. And like... They know who these kids are they just can't get enough evidence on the top guys because they are already operating Ina damn boss/minions type of hierarchy. Lord of the flies type shit out here now I guess. Great parenting, Springfield!
