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t1_iukqbwy wrote

As someone who took their 2.5 year old trick or treating this year, I can tell you that everyone was in the Rountree neighborhood. I mean, easily a few hundred people. Grand and Pickwick was popping. Cops still had the streets blocked off at 8.


t1_iukxgi3 wrote

That's cool, but it bums me out because I live in that area and got stuck at work tonight. At least the handful from the long stays are very poor kids who really appreciate being told they can have as much candy as their mom allows.


t1_iuli210 wrote

Rountree usually gets a couple thousand. The Pickwick/Weller folks generally count 2500 or so in the first few hours. The side streets and parallel streets get in the mid hundreds.


t1_iul7z5b wrote

Next year they’ll have to place cops at Bennett and Pickwick too or else someone is going to get killed crossing Bennett*


t1_iuknkue wrote

We had right at 2 dozen before we closed down, which is on the small side in comparison to previous years. And all of them were within an hour.

It's a school night, so you figure the parents were telling the kids to end it early.


t1_iukrby8 wrote

I don't have kids, but it seems that Springfield Public Schools now have a 2-day break for Halloween. It certainly wasn't the case when I was in school here.


t1_iukwimp wrote

This is due to end of quarter/parent teacher conference week. They happened to line up perfectly this year.


t1_iul1i1j wrote

> but it seems that Springfield Public Schools now have a 2-day break for Halloween. It certainly wasn't the case when I was in school here.

News to me too.


t1_iumzlax wrote

Yea SPS was not in session October 31st or November 1st for admin stuff


t1_iuknl93 wrote

We are at 30 and super bummed too, haven’t had one for around 45 mins! Last year we had a a steady stream until about 9:15 and way more kids. I thought we’d have a ton with the nice weather!


t1_iukzo5t wrote

65 in Southern Hills. I wish we’d make a bigger push as a neighborhood to do something like Rountree. We’d love to have that many kids.


t1_iukrv50 wrote

I live in the Mark Twain area and had about 15 kids. It was about the same last year. I was hoping for more with the nice weather and no school tomorrow. I'm now getting the few teens that go trick or treating later in the evening.


t1_iul17e5 wrote


I forgot to turn off porch light (Alexa timer). Not one person knocked. Usually we get 7-9 a year.


t1_iul2ff7 wrote

90-100 here in Brentwood. Decent turnout but not our best. Slowed down earlier than normal. We had full size shit too, suckers.


t1_iunkf6v wrote

>We had full size shit too, suckers.

Hey it's me, a trick or treater.


t1_iul5ryo wrote

Small, nice neighborhood in East Springfield. I didn’t have that many. I ended up telling kids to take a handful of candy to get rid of it.


t1_iumerf8 wrote

I think maybe 1 other house down my street even had their porch light on. People who decorated didn't even hand out candy. Which is very odd to me...

We got maybe 10 groups of kids. Each was like 3/4 kids. I wish I got more kids. I love Halloween.


t1_iuktxs5 wrote

Not a single one here. More candy for me, I guess.


t1_iumuqpt wrote

Made me sad, it was supposed to be my first year handing them out and everyone walked past our house.


t1_iumy6mb wrote

Next year I’ll go to at least one of the trunk or treats and hand out candy. That seems to be the thing now.


t1_iukwysp wrote

I probably had ~10 here, but I'm at work, so at least half of them are staying at my motel. My manager apparently goes ham for Halloween, so we have a ton of candy, and I just let them at it.


t1_iukx104 wrote

We had a lot in our neighborhood out north of Springfield.


t1_iumm6bc wrote

30-40 total in Ozark (half of that came in 2 large groups).

Also, we turned off lights @ 8p as our littles needed sleep
(not sure if we were early for that or neighborhood would've been done anyway).


t1_iumo5l8 wrote

We got about 150, that's down from last year and we are in a busy neighborhood.


t1_iumqler wrote

  1. We got one. And then we went over to Republic at a buddies neighborhood, and you could barely walk down the street, much less the sidewalks. He gave out like 20 pounds of candy.

t1_iun78k6 wrote

We had a few dozen trick-or-treaters, which is UP from our normal 2-3 visitors per year in the past 5+ years! Everyone stopped by between about 6:30-7:15pm. I closed up around 8:45-9:00.

We are in a low traffic area, but we are always ready! We decorate our front porch and throw on an easy costume. Each kid gets a handful of mini chocolate candy bars. Each parent gets to pick from a special Halloween bucket with full size candy bars, dark chocolate, and mini adult beverages (50ml). We figure we might as well buy something we will enjoy if no one stops! 😂

I'd like to add to our outdoor 🎃 decorations, but not interested in buying anything that takes up a lot of storage space. We currently have a few pumpkins and fall/pumpkin themed decorations on our front porch, plus red flood lights on front of house (Christmas decor) and creepy music in front yard (portable speakers). I'd love to hear what others do to decorate outdoors for Halloween without buying big bulky items!


t1_iuni4nb wrote

I’ve noticed the trend is moving away from every kid trick or treating in their own neighborhood to everyone traveling to certain neighborhoods that are known for tons of decor and lighted displays. If you’re in one of the “Halloween” neighborhoods, you probably go broke trying to serve all the kids. But if you live in another neighborhood, you don’t really get the traffic anymore.


t1_iul0nuf wrote

Neighborhood in west Springfield here we had a good 30 people. I think it just fluctuates sometimes.


t1_iuli4u2 wrote

We usually get a couple hundred, but we had more than usual this year.


t1_iulpomi wrote

First one came at 6:45 pm and steady flow until 10:30 pm. Went through 3 bags of candy. So we were pretty busy.


t1_iumpu0z wrote

I’m not sure how many we had but I was handing out handfuls to get rid of it. I live in a decent neighborhood across from Hickory Hills school but we didn’t have as many as I expected.


t1_iumvryd wrote

We had tons in Ravenwood South. (Not sure how many but it was more than the past two years for sure.)


t1_iumwxk1 wrote

Last year Halloween was on a Sunday, while this year it was on a Monday. I think that accounts for most of the difference.


t1_iumysql wrote

We had more than we've had in years in our southeast neighborhood. Sadly, we also had the least house participation so I don't expect the same kids next year. There were probably four lights on on our street.


t1_iun2p2m wrote

  1. ive seen people blaming trunk or treat events for the decline in 'regular' ToT. either way, disappointing :/

t1_iun9qn7 wrote

Maybe a dozen to twenty. It’s so sad. I talked to a few other parents who were taking their kids to trunk r treats “for safety”. We live in an exceptionally safe time period when it comes to stranger danger. If you’re really that worried, why not just walk with your kid?

On the bright side, my neighborhood gives out a lot of full size candy cause they can afford to with the level of kids. I kept having to tell kids “take two handfuls if you have small hands, I won’t run out.” I saw a couple of teens too which made me happy, I love seeing older kids trick r treating.

Edit: I live in Meador Park. My last trick r treater was at about 7:30. I only noticed because I put on a horror movie and left it really low for the first hour in case we had more kids come by, didn’t want to scare em since I had my window open so I could hear(I disconnected the bell on my doorbell). But none came.


t1_iundwj2 wrote

Just my 2 cents, we had 2 small children but participated in at least 3 trunk or treats the week prior. My 6 year old, when asked if he wanted to go trick or treating asked instead to stay home, watch movies and drink hot chocolate. My wife’s euphoria at this response cannot be described.


t1_iunkg1p wrote

This was our first Halloween in our new house and while we knew there weren't "a lot" of kids in our neighborhood we only got like 15 with a few teenagers thrown in.


t1_iunn95l wrote

We were in wild horse and they seemed to have a good turn out. People parked at the pool area and were driving their kids around. I know when I was younger we would go to the "rich" neighborhoods is hopes of getting full sized bars, soda chips, ect. Sounds like the kids are still doing this.

It was also great to see so many between the ages of 12-16 still trick or treating. I would rather see them out there in costume then hear about them on the news the next morning


t1_iuoyrkv wrote

I live in Lakes at Wild Horse and I didn’t receive as many as expected or hoped for.


t1_iuob0vf wrote

I had 5. Which is pretty normal for my area. I live around a lot of older people and it’s a pretty quiet street. It was dark and I inviting, that’s for sure.

Halloween isn’t what it used to be, Rounteee and trunk or treats attract all the kiddos.


t1_iuojpk7 wrote

We had 6 kids show up. I had enough candy for 400 kids. I was really sad because this was my first time being able to give out candy and hardly anyone came.


t1_iuqfb2l wrote

I wish I had known where all of you guys wanting to give out candy were! We took our 12 year old out only to drive through whole neighborhoods with no lights on and dead streets without a single soul around in costumes. It kinda blew my mind. It was like the Halloween just didn't exist. We finally found a few pockets of houses with lights on and were told by almost every house that we were the one of the only people they'd seen or, "Take a handful because I haven't seen very many kids tonight and I have too much." It was sad. My husband looked at me at one point and said, "Is Halloween dying?" And honestly, it felt like it is.


t1_iv0jjoe wrote

We had 0. I was super bummed. :( Too much candy to eat alone, started taking it into work.