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eviltwintomboy t1_itt9jqy wrote

Hopefully Comcast reads this and realizes they’re a little slow /s


2Panik t1_itt9rji wrote

Wander how they have so much data to play with.


RogerMexico t1_ittcs0e wrote

TLDR: it didn’t transfer the entire internet, it actually transferred 1.84 petabits in a synthetic test, which is just 230 TBs.


Melodic_Ad_8747 t1_ittec8y wrote

Literally useless because nothing it interfaces with is capable of sending or reading from it.


Vexelius t1_ittek0r wrote

This made me think of Freakazoid!


ElCapitanAbrasivo t1_ittfm42 wrote

Cool trick. Now make something to store it even half that fast.


ocinn t1_itth1l4 wrote

Clearly single source to single recipient is not the intended goal here. Obviously no current storage system can operate at that bandwidth

This is clearly a technical demonstration and the theoretical application would be divided amongst hundreds or thousands of clients…..

Technical demonstration ≠ suggestion of a current application


RogerMexico t1_itth7os wrote

Right, I should probably reword it but I'll leave my original comment up.

Point is that the that's there's no practical way to get all of the internet into that chip. This is a synthetic test and there is no way to collect all of the world's internet traffic with a chip like this, which is what I believe the title is provoking.

It's kind of like saying a 12" pipe transferred all of Niagara Fall's water, when it really just shot out a gallon of water at supersonic speeds for a split second.

The title really should say something like: "A single chip has managed to transfer data at a rate equivalent to the entire internet's traffic in a single second"


EarthLoveAR t1_ittj31k wrote

then why do i have a coworker that can't share their screen and have their camera on at the same time?!


kylmith t1_ittkby3 wrote

Anddddd now it's being used for porn.


onehundredcups t1_ittm80k wrote

That’s a lot of porn… We’re living in the future now!


turbotum t1_itttgh3 wrote

popsci can do anything in the world except leave the lab. I'm not getting my hopes up yet.


Geminii27 t1_ittvbuu wrote

I'm gonna need five of those.

For... reasons.


words_of_j t1_itu9kl6 wrote

False headline in an ebullient attempt to gain clicks.

No…. The chip can TRANSMIT those data speeds. It says nothing about data TRANSFER. Nothing about latency, transmission media delays, receiver hardware and how the data can be captured and stored.

All of these can be developed but haven’t been yet, I think.


font9a t1_itum46i wrote

"I can write a single number on a napkin that represents the entire internet and hand it to you. There, I just transferred every bit of information on a napkin."


DneSokas t1_itutfrt wrote

Could easily be something like a few days of LHC data or a year of night sky survey, it takes decades to go through all the information those things produce.


Renovateandremodel t1_ituva6r wrote

Too bad there is lag time in switches and nodes. On the bright side some hedge fund is going to make a brick load of cash being that much quicker.


Rotterddoom t1_itv325d wrote

I'm sure my nodes must be flapping still


Myfartsonthefloor t1_itvpke7 wrote

Had Comcast business —- absolute fuxking joke. Had to sign a 2 yr contract on the promise that I’d have “special dedicated service as a business customer”.

Checked out ATT fiber. I went from 15 mbps down/10 mbps up for 220$/mth to 900 mbps up and down for $90/mth


Scooji t1_itvuy0c wrote

Cia foaming at the mouth for that id say


Legofan970 t1_itw07tx wrote

That would actually be a meaningful statement, it means that your car can accelerate by 200 MPH every hour.

That would be a pretty crappy car, taking 15 minutes to reach 50 MPH.


Loki-Don t1_itwb7hu wrote

Great, where do I pick one up? - Pornhub


75thAltToday t1_itwt1wp wrote

The ISP cartel will choke it down to the throughput of a floppy drive by the time it gets to the modem in the corner of your room.


rimshot99 t1_itwx12i wrote

Hey OP, your mom can now finally get her Papa John’s order through.


ArchyModge t1_itx2fe8 wrote

The title is stupid. They should’ve said something like “A single chip and fiber optic cable transferred the equivalent of the internet’s traffic”.

Traffic is a rate (data/second) so saying it was done “in a second” is misleading, confusing and redundant.


jbman42 t1_itxank3 wrote

1.84 petabits/second - speed

230 terabytes - total size of the experiment

Basically they transferred it all in a fraction of a second, so the title shouldn't say (in a single second) because it's inaccurate, but it's otherwise correct.