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mountainroses t1_is4hbyz wrote

I mean, what’re you going to do? Arrest him more?


[deleted] t1_is4rizk wrote

There was a story about South Carolina inmates who snuck a phone into their cell and recorded a bomb-ass hip hop track. They got a total of 20 years in solitary confinement for it. There was like 7 of them, so that’s 20 divided by 7 for each, but damn that fucking sucks. It’s so wrong when people get punished for making art.

Note: it didn’t actually affect the length of their sentence but part of their sentence was spent in solitary indeed because of this. They were just rapping together all the time so the prison considered them a “gang”.

Here is an interview with one of these guys who got released after his sentence:


Appeltaart232 t1_is4ue8k wrote

Solitary should not be a thing, it’s torture.


[deleted] t1_is4vevj wrote

It definitely fits for the definition of “cruel and unusual punishment”.


Balmung60 t1_is5prv4 wrote

It should, but the SCOTUS doesn't even try to test for "cruel" and tests "unusual" entirely by "what proportion of states permit the punishment". Which of course has the entirely intended effect of letting a wide variety of needlessly cruel punishments stand.


mmarollo t1_is7cf9y wrote

Unless it's your grandmother during a pandemic.


PeteRose4HOF t1_is8pp1a wrote

> It’s so wrong when people get punished for making art.

The issue isn't the art, it is the possession of a cell phone and gang activities. Cell phones have been used by inmates in the past to orchestrate escapes, harass their victims from behind bars, order hits, intimidate guards, bribe witnesses, and even possess child pornography.

Unauthorized cell phones have no place in a prison.


[deleted] t1_is8qmkm wrote

You clearly haven’t read the article which I linked. The issue wasn’t even the phone but the fact that the prison thought they were a “gang” because they rapped together all the time.

Ok, explain to me how does illegal possession of a phone deserve a year in solitary confinement? You really consider that an appropriate punishment fit for the crime? You’re either a troll or a sociopath.


PeteRose4HOF t1_is8ryn1 wrote

> Ok, explain to me how does illegal possession of a phone deserve a year in solitary confinement? You really consider that an appropriate punishment fit for the crime?

I think it deserves far more. Cell phones are a way to get around security and as I stated before, cell phones are dangerous for a variety of reasons. If you think cell phones DON'T deserve a serious punishment, then you are just ignorant on security.


[deleted] t1_is8u5w8 wrote


Imagine thinking that literal torture is appropriate response for a fucking phone.

And you still haven’t even opened the article. A shit ton of people have cell phones in prison, the cell phone itself is not the reason why they decided to go after this particular group.


IamR0n1n t1_is4eo0u wrote

I would starve as a criminal. I could never think of this shit. Dammit


yParticle t1_is4damw wrote

Prisoner definitely deserved that win, amazing. Nice try on the privacy tactic, hah!


[deleted] t1_is4jcyb wrote

Prison hacking is a skill. There was some cons did credit card scam racket from using a computer literally built from junk electronics where they work hidden in the damn cell's ceiling.


gummiiiiiiiii t1_is4smfa wrote

You gotta smuggle that stuff up your ass though.


meiandus t1_is4tfu3 wrote

Good news guys, Terry just got that 3080 in from the remand block.


chunksofstuff t1_is58ia0 wrote

takes a real man to get some 'things inside'.

i know a guy named Bill who became known as The Abyss when he got a whole football helmet inside the prison for someone's birthday.

his payment was huge. he got an entire tower oscillating fan for it.

he had to smuggle it in too.


NiteFyre t1_is7i5ko wrote

Nah most contraband is bought by guards that are paid to do it


gummiiiiiiiii t1_is7qgku wrote

That is he most logical way. I wonder what the largest item (by volume) was kiestered


friedricenbeans t1_is4dhak wrote

His commissary is hooked up for a good while


Birdinhandandbush t1_is4ps46 wrote

So whats holding you back from earning a million dollars, this guy made 11 million and he was in jail!


chunksofstuff t1_is57vr5 wrote

truly, an optimist making plans for his future.


Suztv_CG t1_is4s84c wrote

That incredibly industrious.

Was it a multi-level marketing program?


trading-abe t1_is4tckd wrote

11m clicks became 11m dollars.


homoclite t1_is534sy wrote

Might just be a clever scheme to be released without bail.


OsamaBinFuckin t1_is4jumt wrote

Something like this was in the movie blackhat and I just thought "pffft from a cellphone? BS"



Pixeleyes t1_is4kfh7 wrote

Seems like his co-conspirator did most of the heavy lifting and likely was the one with the knowledge required.


yParticle t1_is4l9jb wrote

Most likely both pretty savvy, and the prisoner had nothing to do all day but plan their strategy.


xXSpaceturdXx t1_is4ob6l wrote

And the plethora of people around to help them mastermind it. That’s all those guys are probably thinking about day and night. I guess they have to do something to pass the time.


Efficient-Ad-3302 t1_is511gu wrote

This is literally adult Butters from South Park.

Have you ever heard of NFT’s


Jhondoesmokes t1_is59wpt wrote

Mans gonna feed the whole cell block.


batawrang t1_is5aink wrote

A cell cellphone you say?


NickelFish t1_is699c9 wrote

It's better than the yard cellphone. That one has germs.


pirate-angler t1_is5fe20 wrote

The politically correct term is “crowbar hotel cellphone”.


MotoRandom t1_is5rs69 wrote

How does one get a cellphone into prison in Butts County, Georgia?


80rexij t1_is76nqx wrote

no way! How?


Mistersinister1 t1_is786gx wrote

Only in America can you learn how to be a better criminal while in prison.


mmarollo t1_is7c9u6 wrote

Guys has serious skills. He should join the good guys and make a fortune the legit way.


PeteRose4HOF t1_is8pfer wrote

If you ever want to see something funny, look at the wikipedia page for cell phones in prison. You can tell inmates edit it