Submitted by SUPRVLLAN t3_zttzil in technology
Lootcifer- t1_j1fkid7 wrote
Instead of wasting all that money making fun of Apple maybe spend it on making good washing machines? Lol
iamfallen t1_j1fpe6z wrote
Closer than I would have liked, but my model number had an "r" instead of an "a".
riesendulli t1_j1fpwqi wrote
It has no pill shaped display, yet. So funds will go into rnd for the refreshed design
Raul_Duke_1755 t1_j1fv6lx wrote
Nice to know Samsung makes equally crappy products I don't even know about.
wtjones t1_j1fwkan wrote
You’d have to be crazy to own Samsung products.
DiosMIO_Limon t1_j1fx4m0 wrote
The rest of yous, quit washing your clothes like Homer makes cereal!
houstonhilton74 t1_j1fxoq9 wrote
I swear... with Samsung, if it's not one of their good products, it's always one that catches fire.
Beginning_Ad9850 t1_j1fy5ks wrote
Why oh WHY wouldn't they make the tones optional?! They're so loud
Oh4Sh0 t1_j1g08iw wrote
If you bought a Samsung washer more than 18 months ago, it’s probably already dead. Samsung’s appliances are generally shit.
hairo-wynn t1_j1g2a2s wrote
Don't buy their refrigerators if you need a working ice maker.
party_benson t1_j1g3o1k wrote
So for people who had it delivered and installed because it was part of the price or purchase, how would they go about getting it back to the store?
FunctionalGray t1_j1g414i wrote
Don't buy their refrigerators if you need a working refrigerator.
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_j1g4e9q wrote
I have no fucking idea why Samsung is somehow considered the top of the heap for consumer appliances.
It's genuinely bizarre.
ISAMU13 t1_j1g4zpq wrote
Don't have your Bolt EV parked right next to it. Your garage will melt right down into the earth. /s
RollingThunderPants t1_j1gef9x wrote
I honestly feel like they should be barred from selling appliances because their products are so bad.
triage_this t1_j1gh6vg wrote
Mine are still going strong after 5 years, thankfully.
Lathus01 t1_j1gidkz wrote
I have…. So I’ll add a little more
Samsung’s top-load washers with super speed wash are affected: the WA49B, WA50B, WA51A, WA52A, WA54A and WA55A.
leviwhite9 t1_j1gp13u wrote
Just stuff a screwdriver or something through the speaker area and pray there's nothing critical close.
Acrobatic-Morning383 t1_j1gvxdx wrote
They aren’t but they’re better at marketing apparently.
Acrobatic-Morning383 t1_j1gw1h5 wrote
Some retailers will pick up returns if they delivered it first.
deaffff t1_j1gy3xn wrote
You can do a software update over the Internet to fix. Source: linked article from OP
bashup2016 t1_j1gy7m2 wrote
Yeah, all our Samsung appliances died years ago
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_j1h00c7 wrote
When I sold electronics they were by far, far and away, the most overrated company...
...and the most demanded by consumers.
You're right about the marketing. Sony did fuck all, but Sammy paid millions.
nightmareuki t1_j1h2uw2 wrote
LG is superior to Samsung
nightmareuki t1_j1h2x12 wrote
im willing to bet that you have multiple things made by Samsung
wtjones t1_j1h3dh2 wrote
I’ve gone out of my way to avoid them.
PhoibosApollo2018 t1_j1h93oo wrote
It's just money laundering scheme
nyaaaa t1_j1hbl7s wrote
My takeaway, hackers could burn down your home by attacking the Samsung update server. Or maybe even easier.
GenericTagName t1_j1hc9o2 wrote
You mean that music thing that plays when the cycle is done? You can turn that off, at least on mine, I could. If I remember well, one of the buttons to select the cycle temperature or spin or something has a little symbol of a speaker next to it. You have to press and hold that button for several seconds. Works on both the washer and dryer.
Vertigobee t1_j1hfobs wrote
They took that button away. I actually had Samsung come out to disable the sound - they couldn’t.
[deleted] t1_j1hgbaw wrote
flockofospreys t1_j1hlcnp wrote
This is the second time Samsung washers have had massive recalls. A few years ago they were spinning so off balance that they were destroying people’s laundry rooms. They are just made so poorly made with a bunch of bells and whistles.
necbone t1_j1hsbs4 wrote
It's gonna break!!!
necbone t1_j1hscpy wrote
They look pretty when new
necbone t1_j1hsik4 wrote
To be fair, they do make some good products (phones tvs, ram), just their appliances suck, washers dryers microwaves stoves fridges....
necbone t1_j1hskcu wrote
All of mine want to die....
batwing71 t1_j1hvc90 wrote
Our Samsung washer lasted less than two years back around 2011. Never. Again.
HolyAndOblivious t1_j1hvmpc wrote
I have both. It's a case of works kn my machine!
HolyAndOblivious t1_j1hvsjj wrote
It's about cost efficiency for me. Is a Bosch dishwasher better? Sure. In my area costs x3 . So for medium quality shit, Samsung is the way to go.
I have the dishwasher, refrigerator and inductive hob. 0 issues for years
OutwittedFox t1_j1hz8cp wrote
You can turn it off. Just click chime off.
OutwittedFox t1_j1hzx01 wrote
Do you ever maintain your washer? Like deep cleaning or having someone come look at it? Would you drive your car 20k miles and not wash it or change the oil?
alexp8771 t1_j1i0lk1 wrote
Every appliance maker is superior to Samsung.
Ok_Fox_1770 t1_j1i23pt wrote
Whew relief, I got 7 year old stackables, figured it’d be back to the ol metal scrub board and wash bucket. No money left for new luxury devices.
MemoryAccessRegister t1_j1iobzc wrote
>I have no fucking idea why Samsung is somehow considered the top of the heap for consumer appliances.
Competitors like Frigidaire, LG, GE, Whirlpool/Maytag/KitchenAid, aren't any better. Modern appliances are junk because it has become a race to the bottom with consumers buying appliances based on price/features not quality.
The only appliance brands I still trust to build a decent quality product are Miele, Speed Queen, and Bosch.
IkLms t1_j1kszhx wrote
They took it away? I've got a slightly older front load (because they're better) and that tone would absolutely drive me insane if I couldn't turn it off.
Vertigobee t1_j1ley9v wrote
Here I am, rocking back and forth in my padded, freshly laundered cell.
Honestly I could give quite the rant about noise pollution. I don’t understand homes where people let the smoke detectors beep endlessly. I take the batteries out of most electronic toys. The song the washer and dryer plays is so long - like 20 seconds long - and it gets stuck in your head. I’d have loved to disable it but the repairman said it would void the warranty to try. Absurdly un-user friendly to take away the mute button.
Beermedear t1_j1fg72r wrote
Saving you a click:
If you didn’t buy your Samsung washer in the last 18 months, it’s not yours. That annoying cycle tone will only burn your ears and sanity, not your house. Feature, not a bug.