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DangerousAd1731 t1_j6oj09x wrote

If you’ve tried to contact PayPal support in the past few months, you’ll know how hard it is to have them help you. This is bad news for anyone that still uses them.


MrZimothy t1_j6onl7c wrote

Sucks for employees but also: fuck you, paypal. Die in a fire.


ersatzgiraffe t1_j6oot4i wrote

How about a law that you can’t fire more than 1000 people at a time without getting rid of the CEO too?


asdaaaaaaaa t1_j6opx6j wrote

That's a lot of companies from my experience. Seems it's a lot cheaper for some to just be seen as a shitty customer experience than investing in people/policies that help. Otherwise I'd imagine they wouldn't do it.


TheJawsofIce t1_j6ou4xj wrote

Why in god's name would Paypal need 28,500 employees to begin with? I realize it's a big important company, but that just seems insane to me.


RoddBanger t1_j6oulj5 wrote

Maybe they finally fixed all the terrible software and they're done? Oh wait,it still runs like shit across every platform... my bad.


anavriN-oN t1_j6ous47 wrote

As all of these companies, they became too greedy.

I was a PayPal customer for years and did most of my invoicing through them. They gradually increased their fees up until the point they charged me almost 6% on each invoice.

That’s when I left. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone.


Ok-Welder-4816 t1_j6p23wt wrote

Does anyone actually use paypal anymore? I think the only thing I've used them for in the past 5 years is getting my Rakuten cashback, because it was the only decent option. Which I assume means they paid Rakuten for exclusivity.


hawkeye224 t1_j6p297a wrote

The thing is, if you now look at any company and try to guesstimate the number of employees, it's going to be at least an order of magnitude higher than what you thought.

I'm pretty sure that companies doing similar stuff in e.g. 2000-2005 were like 1/10th the size, yet managed to get work done (and without the supposed productivity/automation improvements tools that appeared since that time..).

Michael Burry thinks there's something called a "white collar bubble" and I agree with him. There's a book about "bullshit jobs" which also explores this topic.


dirtynj t1_j6p8ske wrote

I use it all the time. Ebay, on my phone, sending money. I used it often before venmo became so popular. I still prefer paypal over venmo. I also like not having to put my actual CC number into websites/online systems.


Infinite-Cobbler-157 t1_j6p9ad0 wrote

What was inflation at again? Funny how all these companies are laying off at the rate of inflation :)


TheJawsofIce t1_j6pgipx wrote

It might not though - it might only include direct-hire employees, they could have a bunch of contractors who aren't included here.

Edit - what I mean to say is, those low-level employees might be all or mostly contractors who aren't counted among the 2,000 or the total.

Edit 2 - but of course I'll never know, because I'm not reading the article.