Submitted by t3_11cv083 in television

I didn’t set out to create this hierarchy, it’s just what I’ve noticed my TV watching has evolved into.

I have three levels:

Gold level = shows I’m really into and only watch on the living room TV/surround sound, with no interruption (most new shows start here). This is usually when the kids are at work. The dog gets walked, lights get dimmed and cell phones get silenced. Some shows are The Last Of Us, White Lotus, The Great British Baking Show & The Afterparty.

Silver Level = shows that i feel are good but not great. I’ll watch these while people are around and don’t mind pausing if someone calls. If I’m home alone I may watch them on an iPad while eating. That’s shows like Shark Tank, Abbott Elementary, Atlanta,

Bronze level = Shows that I couldn’t get into or just stopped enjoying. These may also be shows I’ve seen a million times. I work from home so I usually have these playing on my phone while working just for background noise. Things like Welcome to Flatch, The Carmichael show (seen a million times but love), lots of stand-up comedy.



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t1_ja5744y wrote

When I eat, I’ll watch a show like KotH. When I’m not distracted by something else, I’ll watch TLOU, One Piece, etc. Some shows allow passive viewing, others don’t.


t1_ja5fgl2 wrote

I have levels as well.

Top tier: I give it a “movie theater” experience. No phone. All attention on the show.

Mid tier: like Top but with some phone play if need be.

Low tier: the show is basically background noise with a occasional check in. Usually a show I’ve seen a thousand times.


t1_ja65fiw wrote

I'm the same, just never named the 'levels' or anything like that.


t1_ja5ey33 wrote

Pretty standard approach for hobbies, I think. Some things you make sure to focus on, others are holding space until something more interesting takes over, and the rest are background noise to fill a void.


t1_ja5p5t4 wrote

I’m not on your level but I have a notebook on potential shows.


t1_ja5wfn6 wrote

I have my full attention, home theater experience shows and my lower teir, watch on my phone on the bus shows.


t1_ja6fkjf wrote

I've always thought of it more as a constant balancing act where I strive to achieve 100% attention between 2 screens

Can't have a good show ruined by the second screens content being too engrossing.

Great show, always serial = full attention Good shows, usually seriel = paired with tbs gaming Decent seriel shows, any non serialized = fps gaming Nonfiction (news, sports, documentary) = "background tv" for work, socializing, cooking, etc Edit: 2 more notes "Drunk tv" = shows I don't mind forgetting an episode here and there while watching TV after a night out.

I also refuse to watch reruns so I guess that's the unwatchable tier


t1_ja6pqzv wrote

Ya sure.

There are some shows I’m willing to watch on my phone and others I only want to watch at home. I watched a show on my phone the other day that was way better than I thought it would be and I regret not waiting to watch it at home.


t1_ja6uqd6 wrote

So much!

There are shows I watch while on my phone and shows that I put my phone down for.


t1_ja59hnk wrote

My levels - TV, TV with iPad and distractions, iPad full screen, iPad with minimized viewing screen, iPad while I play a game, iPhone on a plane