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HeadMacho t1_it80tlo wrote

I refuse to believe this is serious.


tetoffens t1_it81bgk wrote

The book was written by a Black man, my friend. A French Black man during the 1800s. Very much a real thing and like the author, they were able to rise in society.


evilsir t1_it81pfo wrote

The three Musketeers is the bommmmmmbbbb. Give me more


jl_theprofessor t1_it85qs5 wrote

And throughout the universe, a second word echoed: "Why?"


formenonly t1_it87dk4 wrote

Make a show about Alexandre Dumas’ life, cowards!


sizzlinpapaya t1_it87o3z wrote

Black musketeer sounds like a parody you would see on South Park or something.


DrSeuss19 t1_it88btu wrote

Geezus Christ… if they’re really trying to support minorities why don’t they put this much effort into Hispanic, Native American, Asian, and middle eastern shows?


Lt_Hatch t1_it890vl wrote

I hope Martin Lawrence is the black musketeer


rucknovru2 t1_it8al13 wrote

All for one, mother fu-cker! Samuel L. Jackson


ilazul t1_it8baej wrote

all 3 musketeers played by steve martin


ursus_major t1_it8bnfm wrote

Maybe one will answer the question, "What do you keep under your muskethat?"


stumpcity t1_it8bnuz wrote


Unless this is the story of a sentient fedora sent forth from an axe-scented netherworld to spread pudgy chauvinism and patchy beards across the land, that title has no business existing anywhere, or being attached to anything.


hatramroany t1_it8cfvi wrote

You mean with shows like Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight, National Treasure, High School Musical, Diary of a Future President, Doogie Kameāloha, M.D., Hawkeye, and all their Spanish and Portuguese original shows?


jaderust t1_it8cn0x wrote

The name is indeed terrible, but I am intrigued. I read The Black Count this summer about Dumas's father and found it absolutely fascinating. Thomas Dumas's life was supposed to have been a big inspiration for his son's writings and so I wonder if they're going to follow the musketeer regiment that had that name or if they're going to play on Dumas's mixed race heritage and have a character of Haitian descent as Thomas Dumas was.

Either way, if anyone is a fan of history books then The Black Count was a good one.


deadpoolfool400 t1_it8d5px wrote

BBC already did Milady's origins. This is Disney digging too greedily and too deep into the Vault to find the next defunct IP to reawaken like some unholy monster.


AgaricX t1_it8dgvf wrote

They are not just ignorant shit stains denying history such as the "one drop rule". By every modern legal test in every developed country, being 25% black means one is legally defined as black should one choose to be so on the census or for other legal reasons.

I don't really expect sad incels to be astute enough to know these things.


jaderust t1_it8ds7f wrote

Or his dad! His father had a wild career that helped inspire Alexandre's writing for The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers. The man was sold into slavery by his own father (Thomas was the child of a French aristocrat and his Haitian slave) before being bought back and sent to France where he was then treated as an aristocrat. He later went into the military where he was promoted to a General with over 50k troops under him. Later, he was held prisoner for two years after a shipwreck trapped him in Italy and he unfortunately died young after Napoleon took over and passed a bunch of laws that restored slavery and made the integrated schools and mixed race marriages illegal again.


THEpottedplant t1_it8ge0u wrote

Can i just ask, why the 3 musketeers famously use swords vs, idk, muskets


UsableRain t1_it8hc0h wrote

What do incels have to do with this at all? Or are we just at the “fling random insults” stage in this… “conversation”?

I mean, that’s fine and all, but once you decide to do that, you should really let people know so we can just skip to the [ignoring-you-and-letting-you-rant-to-yourself-about-unrelated-things] part.

It’s very annoying trying to talk to someone about something like this, and you just shout “incel!” Do you think trying to convince these people by calling them incels helps your argument? Or were you just regressing back to middle school?

If you can’t not insult people when they disagree with you, stay out of the conversation. Thanks.


GO-KARRT t1_it8jghe wrote

No no no! Chevy Chase!

3 Amigoteers!

Wherever there is injustice, you will find us.

Wherever there is suffering, we'll be there.

Wherever liberty is threatened, you will find...

The Three Amigoteers!


talkinpractice t1_it8jvyy wrote

Swords were more convenient close combat weapons than muskets. The story starts with D'Artagnan being set to duel the 3 musketeers with swords, and then they have to fight their way out of being arrested for illegal duel.

Never read the book or anything, but I wouldn't be surprised if they do actually do their job as musketeers at some point.


Chataboutgames t1_it8kay0 wrote

Musketeers ended up becoming a term for French soldiery units, and during the time of the musket sidearm melee weapons were still very much viable. They didn't really go away until the way underrated military invention of the bayonet.


BMCarbaugh t1_it8pb1y wrote

Milady Origins sounds like the title of a badly localized visual novel.


YggdrasilsLeaf t1_it8pu7d wrote

Milady Origins eh? So they’ll all be wearing Fedoras instead of Cavaliers and carrying Samurai Swords from the local mall then?


VampireHunterAlex t1_it8rsh6 wrote

Great, more Disney+ content that I won’t plan on watching. (Have it solely for the kiddos)


spyson t1_it8tskg wrote

A whole lot of people seem to just comment without knowing anything and just assumes a lot about the name. It's probably just triggering the antiwoke crowd that is too stupid to do a little googling.


StephenHunterUK t1_it92mtn wrote

Yep - the reload process of any firearm at that point in time (powder, wad, bullet) was time-consuming enough that at close range you'd fire off your weapon and then switch to melee. From my own experience playing stuff like Pirates, Vikings and Knights or Holdfast, you only get one shot, so do not miss your chance to blow. That opportunity might come only once in a lifetime... before you're hacked to death and end up on the respawn screen.

Muskets tended to be used in mass formations, often with one rank firing while the other reloaded.


StephenHunterUK t1_it92uf5 wrote

The 2014-16 BBC series had Howard James (black) and a pre-Picard Santiago Cabrera (Latino) in it.


drs10909 t1_it942si wrote

Black musketeer? Oh shit. Buckle up for some people losing their minds.


PM_ME_CAKE t1_it9kvow wrote

It's also irritating how highly upvoted it is. Admittedly I've only watched the BBC version of The Three Musketeers, but Milady de Winter is absolutely my favourite character.


brettmgreene t1_it9ygnm wrote

Oddly, it's the banality of the French colonies and society that really interests me - the idea of people in the 18th century being our contemporaries is always fascinating. Reading about how integrated Saint Dominigue (and parts of France) were was really interesting because it reshaped my understanding of the period. The visuals alone are great - romping around early Haiti, the spice, sugar and coffee trade ships on the sea, French court and the balls of Saint Dominigue ... I can't wait.


Dapaaads t1_ita4he9 wrote

Definitely not something that needed two spin offs….


Klope62 t1_ita783j wrote

This a series/franchise I never liked as a child and I believe it still stands, lol.


DemonGroover t1_itadcix wrote

What unoriginal morons they have at Disney. You can just imagine the meetings they must have.

When are the shareholders going to say enough is enough? Do they not want to make money?


bintasaurus t1_itaqbup wrote

I so hope in Milady Origins there is an episode called "Way of the blade"


OneGoodRib t1_itayk1i wrote

Oh no, acknowledging that women and black people exist is TOO WOKE FOR MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


[deleted] t1_itb15dm wrote

Actually those 2 series are spin-offs of 2 big-budget french films adapting Dumas's Three Musketeers that will be released in France next year. (see here )

The "black musketeer" is a new character created for the films and played by french actor Ralph Amoussou. The name of the character is Hannibal and the writers said he is inspired by Aniaba, a prince of West Africa who gained the title of musketeer in France (but under the reign of Louis XIV, not Louis XIII like in the novel and film, so it's not a direct adaptation). I guess that Ralph Amoussou will reprise the character for the TV show.

Regarding "Milady : Origins", Eva Green is playing the character in the films but I'm not sure she'll reprise the character for the show, as the character would surely be younger.


[deleted] t1_itb1rry wrote

The TV show is a spin-off on the 2 big-budget french films adapting Dumas' novel and being released in France next year (and yes we're talking about french-speaking tv shows here). The aforementioned "black musketeer" is a new character named "Hannibal", created for the films and played by french actor Ralph Amoussou, who most surely will reprise the role for the show. The character is inspired by an african prince named Aniaba who went to be a musketeer under the reign of Louis XIV (one century after the events of the novel and film so it's just an inspiration not a real adaptation of the real person). Not sure what role he has in the films (my wild guess is that he'll be more like an opponent to the 4 heroes and maybe like Rochefort befriend him in the end).


notaplanedude t1_itb9kk4 wrote

>By every modern legal test in every developed country, being 25% black means one is legally defined as black should one choose to be so on the census or for other legal reasons.



Shartbugger t1_itbhqzk wrote

Yes I’m sure plumbing a famous IP just to service an underwhelming plot focusing on minor characters because of their race or gender will result in the same quality of product we’ve seen in *(waves hand vaguely at 2022).


Shartbugger t1_itbhv7u wrote

You’re presuming Disney actually care about representation of minorities.

They do not. Nor do the makers of Rings of Power, or Sandman, or House of the Dragon, or Enola Holmes, or X, Y, Z.


Dingus10000 t1_itcac3w wrote

It’s a thing racists used to believe; that if you were say 1/8 black and 7/8 white - you were black because being white was about being ‘pure’ there was even a slur for people who 1/8 black (Oct*roon).

Thing is now that there is a very strange culture that is now using minority status as some kind of social currency - people are reverting back to the one drop rule without realizing its history.

People who are 1/8 black claiming to be ‘black’ but not white only really makes sense if you see white as some kind of default that gets changed or corrupted or whatever by other blood.

In reality being white or black or whatever is really just a pile of genes that originated from some region, and even then ‘white’ and ‘black’ are social classifications of a mix of a variety of ethnicities that don’t really make sense fo all group together the way we do.

So someone that is half black and half white should be referred to as both or mixed- because erasing their white half is really cloaked in racism.


sleepyotter92 t1_itf6huj wrote

if it's not the one with dogtanian and the three muskehounds, i don't want it. that theme song has been stuck in my head since childhood


peterkeats t1_itf9jz1 wrote

Disney: ok!

They’ve been making shows representing a lot of other ethnicities besides black people. Unless you aren’t paying attention. Encanto, Coco, Owl House, Echo, Moana, Mulan, Big Hero 6, Moon Knight, Ms Marvel, and I haven’t gotten to all those tween shows yet.