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monsieurxander t1_j6lax6t wrote

A book where 95% of the story took place in a period setting, added a bunch of modern day material. Wonder why.


goliathfasa t1_j6lpqrx wrote

What do all stories have in common, dear wolf?


Offbeatalchemy t1_j6n2sp1 wrote

They end.

Edit: Re-submission of my idea for the next League of Legends based TV project just to be a Tales from The Crypt style story-time show with Lamb and Wolf as narrators showing random people who live in Runeterra with random champions showing up.


yazzy1233 t1_j6mo08z wrote

Tbh, I remember when watching outlander I was wishing we could see modern stuff with Frank(her husband). The whole time travel aspect is a huge interest to a lot of people.