Recent comments in /f/television

t1_jeh3rvd wrote

I don't watch that show but I've had confusion with other streaming services like HBO Max and Peacock. Although I pay over $240/month for cable (going to cancel soon) it includes most but not all shows on some of the streaming services like Station Eleven on HBO Max and Peacock shows but I'm already paying for NBC. Isn't that part of NBC? It's like they're forcing people to watch on the streaming apps.

Then it make it worse I subscribed to a couple streaming services before I got cable and forgot to cancel such as Showtime so now I'm paying for cable which gets Showtime and also Showtime streaming because I subscribed for Yellowjackets and forgot to cancel it. I just wish all the services were consolidated in the same place.


t1_jeh1yal wrote

This is the summary of the finale from last season on wikipedia.

>Due to Percival's recent curse, Bailey's Comet is headed straight for Riverdale and a barrier is placed around the town. While no one can leave, people can still enter. Heather and Cheryl summon Abigail on how to destroy the comet. Cheryl plans to use all of her Phoenix powers to destroy the comet, but it will result in one or more of the those who have been resurrected to die. Archie decides to propose to Betty, but she decides to hold off until the comet is destroyed. After watching Titanic, Jughead and Tabitha go on a date with Tabitha using her chronokinetic abilities to see her and Jughead having a family and growing old together. Heather casts a spell to allow Abigail and Toni's ancestor Thomasina to spend one last time together using the bodies of Cheryl and Toni. Mary comforts Archie about his fears of losing his loved ones. Betty decides to propose to Archie, and he happily agrees. Veronica plans to siphon the powers of the gang and give them to Cheryl so she has more than enough power to destroy the comet and keep everyone alive and is successful. The next day, the residents of Riverdale are sent back in time to the year 1955 where the gang are teenagers again and only Jughead remembering the events that happened before.

The show has gone completely bonkers.


t1_jegz6uz wrote

> love how socially relevant discourse in these shows is manifactured by creating an absolutely idiotic sci fi premise that will never happen, kinda killing the believability of the discourse altogether

Welcome to scifi. That’s the entire purpose of the genre: to re-contextualize social issues into fantastical and far flung societies. It, like the parent genre of speculative fiction, is a giant “what if?” testing chamber.

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