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theview126 t1_j9u7rli wrote

Yeah you messed up, especially with describing your exes with monsters.

Your best bet is let him do anything he wants and copious oral.


CreamPyre t1_j9u86xo wrote

You called him small, then told him about your exes giant dicks?

You’re the giant dick lmao


razor10000 t1_j9u8bo8 wrote

I don't think this is 100% recoverable. This comment will stick with him for the rest of his life... good luck.


VyleStyle t1_j9u8ffc wrote

Ouch. Unforgettable. Emotional damage forsure.


TexasMeatCrayon t1_j9u8rmx wrote

Good lord woman, how dense can you be? Grow the fuck up. This is serious emotional damage and it’s only worse because your idea of damage control is to talk about your three exes monster cocks

The fuck is wrong with you? Enjoy your no sex life with him now.


Bloodclaymor t1_j9u91yw wrote

Wait 6" is below average? Way to crush our dreams..


BusyBoredom t1_j9u9811 wrote

This is the male equivalent of being called fat.

Even if a woman bluntly asks you to comment on her weight, is it appropriate to call her fat? No it is not. Same with this, it's just too hurtful. It's "bring a grown man to tears" level of hurtful.

You need to shower this man in love and affection for the foreseeable future. Make him feel fucking beautiful, and don't say another word about your exes.


CronkinOn t1_j9u9avz wrote

If you think 6" is "slightly below average," I'd say you better do what you can to repair this since you've been absurdly lucky so far.


Spanky4884 t1_j9u9fah wrote

6inches is big if it’s 7inches round………how heartless


Spanky4884 t1_j9u9gfz wrote

6inches is big if it’s 7inches round………how heartless


Cichlidsaremyjam t1_j9u9jaa wrote

"Baby, yours isn't that small, I am just used to be fucked by these monster hogs, we good?" Worst damage control of all time.


KingCooyon t1_j9u9r8r wrote

I don’t think you are grasping the gravity of what occurred here. Also if you think 6” is below average, that says a lot about you and you need to leave your boyfriend and find someone with a donkey dick.


Adavis72 t1_j9u9rx3 wrote

You're fat, your boobs aren't as big and perky as my ex, and take a look at your cellulite and stretch marks. And if you ever bring it up, I'll double down.


fancy-kitten t1_j9u9wp0 wrote

You handled this pretty badly. He's going to spend a lot of time thinking about this. Good luck.


samhasnuts t1_j9ua1we wrote

Definitely fucked up here. Remember why you left your exes, their "monster cocks" didn't save those relationships. Time to look inward on yourself and why this was a really bad move on your part!


EmmaMarval t1_j9ua36y wrote

That's actually not below average in America.


blueskies922 t1_j9ua4fj wrote

Does this dress make me look My penis is

I mean come on girl.


DrBDDS t1_j9uaa5s wrote

I'd equate it more with calling a woman flat chested. Even then, though, they can have surgery to enlarge them so... There literally is no comparison to telling a man he has a small dick.


dogenroll t1_j9uae2p wrote

Am I reading this right? 6 inches below average? Wtf lol. I think you’re using the total of 4 people you have been with to determine that.


toby110218 t1_j9uaf0r wrote

Lmao. Holy shit. Hey OP, you better prepare to sever the ties on this relationship. Your man isn't recovering from that one. It's too late.

Imagine him calling you fat and then commenting on how fit his exes were compared to you. Like that, but it's permanent emotional damage.


Divinebum t1_j9uagcl wrote

I would hate to be in a relationship with you. Poor guy he deserves better.


lilyaches t1_j9uagfp wrote

yikes, just yikes. acting like a 15yr old in high school with those comments.


ImNotYourGuru t1_j9uaj78 wrote

What!? You killed that poor man and then piss on his grave.

I have been on his shoes before, at least on one shoe, I above average but I have been with women who their exes had “monsters” under their pants. At first I was kind of stressed for a while, but a lot of sex, good sex, were I could see that we both were enjoying it and having a lot of fun calmed my mind. Because, maybe I don’t have the biggest tool in the world but at least I know how to use it, right? Right?


chamsticks t1_j9uakbf wrote

Convos Like these happen all the time in relationships. Consider it a learning experience. Honesty is always important but some topics require a little more finesse. If he’s mature he’ll get over it. Guys say millions times dumber shit all the time.


tangcameo t1_j9uamdx wrote

Welcome to the male version of “does this make me look fat?”.


PrinceDietrich t1_j9uan6h wrote

6 inches is on the higher end of the average range ffs


softbananapants t1_j9uans8 wrote

What? He’s normal or slightly above average. We like to say 6 is average but in reality about 5-5.5 is on a global scale. Hope this is a shit post, otherwise you’re a pretty highly unaware girlfriend… you’re idea of ‘damage control’ is more like adding extra burn


avast2006 t1_j9uanu1 wrote

Average is 5.6 inches. You fucked up.


masta5k1 t1_j9uaqyx wrote

Well at least you made a few major (that really should not be) mistakes in this relationship, you know better for the next one.


amarano26 t1_j9uayvr wrote

he won’t fully recover until he finds a girl who doesn’t tell him he has a small penis. sorry it’s over


savage-dragon t1_j9ub4j8 wrote

Tbh... if he brought up their sizes I think he should be ready to accept the consequences as he can't be the guy with the biggest cock in the world. For all the guys out there, if you pack a small cock, just own it and roll with it. It's the cards life has decided to deal you with. Play your damn game at that damn difficulty. Being mopey about it won't improve it anyhow and it won't suddenly make you the next Brad Pitt in the eyes of the womankind. It's a cock, it's small, medium, below average, so what?


4_Legged_Duck t1_j9ub67m wrote

Well, 6 inches isn't really below average and it seems to service pretty well. My wife and i have a friend couple. The guy has a 10 incher with quite large girth and they barely have a sex life because she can't take it. She's in severe pain after and after a few months of dating, that fun wore off more and more.

There's uh aids/extenders he can wear. Sleeves of sort if you actually miss something larger. Focus on cunnilingus or take it anally - often that can make it feel much larger. Exploring some things like that, or kinks, could repair some bonds here.

You've hit on an insecurity that isn't going to to go away any time soon but it is repairable. Good luck!


EnderDremurr t1_j9ubdf7 wrote

most women actually like ~6" (or ~15cm) and that's also the average, too big might hurt i guess, anyways its not about size cuz woman like to be stimulated other ways, which doesn't require a giant bing chilling or doesn't require it at all


mojitoess t1_j9ubg35 wrote

break up with him, he deserves better 💗


jaytee158 t1_j9ubjbt wrote

Yeah, you definitely fucked up. I'd be advising him to cut ties because there's some heartless shit going on here


savage-dragon t1_j9ublz2 wrote

What you're saying is uncalled for comment on the body out of the blue. Not the same here in this situation. The OP's boyfriend was begging for an answer. The same would be if a woman wanted a comment on her weight level by asking her best friend or boyfriend or a doctor, speaking in a manner that implies her needs for an honest answer.


Brentums t1_j9ublx7 wrote

Yeeeaahhh he’s never recovering from that and your relationship is likely toast. Good job OP!


Gorio1961 t1_j9ubniy wrote

Don't worry about it, honey! Here's your solution. Tell him you read it here that with oral inflation, it is possible to increase both the length and girth of the said appendage. I guarantee he will forget any reference to size almost immediatly.


unsung_hero88 t1_j9uboci wrote

He’s insecure about his above average size and you proceed to talk about the gigantic dicks that you’ve had in past. This is beyond stupid. I hope this relation blows up.

Also 6” is above average. The average for men in most countries are around 5.5”.


korbendaIIass t1_j9ubodf wrote

Lol. You’re single. It just hasn’t processed yet.

Every time he has sex with you he’s going to feel inadequate because of the “giant cocks” you for some insane reason told him about.

6 is a little above average too. At least for the US. That’s the funniest part. What the hell will you do if your next partner is legit small??

“don’t worry 4 inches is only small compared to all the gigantic horse cocks I’ve taken”. Jesus Christ 😂😂


dogenroll t1_j9ubpme wrote

Her: *makes joke about her small boobs.

Him: well, they’re only slightly below average, haha.

Her: wdym? Omg!!!! That’s true, your exes had bigger boobs!!! Do you still like me?

Him: of course I like you. I can’t fit my head in between your boobs but that just means i’m closer to your heart. Being below average is good. I enjoy you :) plus, in the past i could get a boob job, but i dont want that, i just want to be close to your heart :)


Theman4ever t1_j9ubxkh wrote

Bro deserves better than being body shamed. She's a below average gf at best


TheAres1999 t1_j9ucbk4 wrote

Yeah, you messed up here. Best you can do is apologize, and remind him that size isn't all of that important. Sometimes we say things without thinking them through. What matters most is that you like each other. It sucks, but hopefully you can move forward from this


bobbym613 t1_j9uccjq wrote

You fucked up, you killed this man’s self esteem. It’s non recoverable he’s gonna think about this every time you guys have sex and it’ll probably affect your relationship. Don’t be surprised if he can’t take it anymore and ends it cause he thinks he’s insignificant to other guys you’ve had


REMU_SWAN t1_j9ucj64 wrote

Bruh i wanted to read the fuck up but missGapingVagana has deleted the post


Ergora t1_j9ucnhn wrote

New post "TIFU by telling Reddit I think their dicks are below average." lol. Hope it works out with your new BF, it's difficult to say if he can move on from that one. You can try to reassure him as much as you want but you know the damage is already done.


Cluu_Scroll t1_j9ud1yh wrote

You’re really that insensitive and dense. Might of done him a favor giving him an out.


DrBDDS t1_j9uwepu wrote

Damn, she deleted her account. Off to get run through by Chad and Tyrone again I guess