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Nadamir t1_j1y89ht wrote

Honestly, I’m surprised they weren’t more clear in terms of what constitutes vigorous activity.

I had one of mine (yes, just the one) taken out a few years back, but I was older than you. The doc looked at my wedding ring and explicitly told me “Sex is a strenuous activity.” I told him that I was a widower and without skipping a beat, he replied, “So is flying solo.”

Anyhow, take your pills on time, and push through the feeling of swallowing glass to get enough to eat.

(And if anyone is wondering why it was just the one tonsil, well it decided to be a little shithead and pretend to be cancerous. Since good doctors aren’t in the habit of taking out working bodily organs, they left the other in. I’m a walking before and after tonsillectomy example for my doctors and dentist.)