pkmcgraw77 t1_j6lbz15 wrote
I wouldn’t sweat it. I used to compare things that other people’s babies did to things my dog did (I did these things when I was previously childless). Looking back I used to cringe a bit. But now as the proud owner of a 2.5 year old son and another on the way, I can honestly say it offends me zero percent when people do things like that. I would have found your comment hilarious and in no way offensive. You just keep being you.
SadArm4678 t1_j6lhnld wrote
As someone who's never met someone that hasn't either told me about their dog, or a friend or family members dog, with my name that shit gets old. I mean, I get it. I don't get rude with anyone. But it is the exact reason I don't name my animals with people names.
KRed75 t1_j6ljxc8 wrote
I was talking about my wiener dog Annabelle with my son's teacher. She says "Awwwww. Your wiener dog's name is Annabelle? My daughter's name is Annabelle!" I wasn't really sure what to say to that. Luckily, her son came running up and interrupted us and I was able to sneak away.
Daveezie t1_j6lmeg8 wrote
You can't compare dogs to babies. Dogs are superior in every way to children. My dogs are super excited whenever I come home, they trip over themselves to be the first to rub against me.
My two year old daughter screams when she's tired and headbutts my girlfriend in the face.
RidingJapan t1_j6lo11h wrote
Smith? Is that a first name? I mean, seriously, poor dog.
[deleted] OP t1_j6ls8w9 wrote
letmebeunique t1_j6lsebg wrote
Yeah it was definitely a bit cringey !
And I think this colleague just doesn’t quite get me or I her so it might be a tad that also
letmebeunique t1_j6lsgbq wrote
😂😂, thanks for the laugh
Dogs are great !
letmebeunique t1_j6lsmen wrote
I love your attitude towards this!
It is amazing relative that a lot of concept that we use on dogs are also used on kids
I guess learning is the same for all living beings !
Silly_Bad1643 t1_j6lurwl wrote
as long as the baby looked like an actual baby it's ok. However if it looked like your dog that would be more concerning☻
NoctuaFanGuy t1_j6lvlax wrote
Dogs are just kids on easy mode.
Dogs can be trained, kids are just shit.
VictimRAID t1_j6lvov7 wrote
yeah this is nothing, they are just too sensitive, you did nothing wrong and this isnt a fuck up
letmebeunique t1_j6lxu5h wrote
Yes I agree that would indeed be very concerning
But looked 100% like a newborn
letmebeunique t1_j6ly9ho wrote
Look maybe
But either way , I should do better it wasn’t the most beneficial addition to conversation
Titariia t1_j6m3786 wrote
May aunts neighbour has a dog called Ben and one called Mia, so apparently they can't remember names that are longer than 3 letters. Best thing is, they had a baby. They called the baby Ben. Dog Ben was still around. So apparently with age memory isn't the best anymore, remembering 3 letters is getting harder and harder, so they just stick to the names they already know.
jeam2000 t1_j6m5pq3 wrote
Your colleague sounds like a way too oversensitive person if that comment in any shape or form seemed inappropriate. Why don't people nowadays have thicker skin lmao
i_need_a_username201 t1_j6m7cal wrote
The people telling you not to sweat it are misguided. I’d be LIVID and classify you as “One of those people.” Everyone doesn’t have the same view on dogs as you. But then some wipes or something to make amends.
Its_Ok_Im_An_Aussie t1_j6m7w2i wrote
What a horrible thing to say, dogs are so much better
Tthelaundryman t1_j6mf0e6 wrote
If you compared having a dog to being a parent I’d be upset and tell you about it. But I don’t think you did anything wrong here
rubbishacct843 t1_j6mfard wrote
My son is named Max. Guess how many times I’ve heard that. 😅
TerraKorruption t1_j6mfbcb wrote
This is why I find it easier to just not talk to people. It's far too easy to say something that somebody, somewhere, will choose to take offense to. Even if they aren't part of the conversation and just overheard it.
Freedom of speech doesn't seem to be a thing these days, because if you say something and some other person gets the wrong end of the stick, well tough shit. YOU'RE still the person at fault, YOU'RE still the person held responsible and YOU'RE the one in the wrong.
Fuck that noise
[deleted] OP t1_j6mfcw8 wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j6mfes5 wrote
badassbiotch t1_j6mg705 wrote
When someone gets upset about the comparison, pause, look at them long and hard and say “I know the difference between a dog and a baby. We’re encouraged to crate our dog whereas you get sent to jail for doing that to a baby” and walk away shaking your head
Gr00mpa t1_j6mh4q9 wrote
But ten years in, the dog will still need help with shitting.
letmebeunique t1_j6mjhcj wrote
Oh my oh my
If only you got a dollar every time
letmebeunique t1_j6mjs3a wrote
I don’t think I could do that at work but it’s definitely a power move! 😂
mcnathan80 t1_j6mmkkd wrote
Another 70 years in and so will the kid
kacivic t1_j6mnguv wrote
I wouldn't worry about it. I've referred to my kids as "the puppies" because of the way they constantly wrestle with each other, and as "skin babies" to poke fun at people who refer to their pets as "fur babies".
S2Charlie t1_j6my6wl wrote
I don't think the problem was the comparison I think the problem was you provided no context and basically backhandedly insulted the baby without meaning to. Also Derpy is a somewhat offensive term.
Professional-Bear114 t1_j6n46uz wrote
Babies are kind of derpy little things, too. Adorable, snuggly, derpy little humans.
WeNeedToTalkAboutMe t1_j6n5kub wrote
Who the fuck names their dog Smith.
grimtrigger86 t1_j6ngmmu wrote
Funny enough, dogs can learn to "speak" too. There's a pretty neat piece someone did on this old professor that was teaching his dog a buttload of words (can't remember the exact number), there's also Bunny the talking dog.. which prompted me to get the buttons for my dog. Once it clicked for my dog that he can "verbally" communicate what he wants (for a few things), he abuses the shit out of the buttons. Anyway... that was all to say I have something sorta relevant that's mildly interesting to add
i_am_cool_yes t1_j6nrw7y wrote
It's only the name. Dogs usually have pretty usual names (except for "snuffles, fluffy," etc). At least you didn't say the baby looked like a dog because that would be a problem 💀
myturn4funDan t1_j6o5ila wrote
Who the fuck names their baby Smith?
BracciaRubate t1_j6oeq89 wrote
Elegant-Border-1488 t1_j6oittt wrote
My son is still not as bright as our very dumb dog. He is quite a few years away from leveling up to a Border Collie. Any reasonable parent would not be offended.
tehobsession t1_j6okf4k wrote
Dog > baby
Smirkydarkdude t1_j6onykb wrote
Meh. Personally I find dogs, especially puppies, a million times cuter than kids. Smarter too.
Employee_Mangler t1_j6orl48 wrote
Dogs can't fix you a sandwich when they're 3, bake brownies when they're 8, grill salmon when they're 12, or get together with their siblings to fix you a big pot of chicken noodle soup when you're sick.
Or, ya' know, care for you in a loving way before you die b/c they'll outlive you by being younger.
Kids have their own natures, but nurture makes it so that kids are what you make 'em. Seems you had to deal w/ crappy parents who didn't know how to turn coal into a diamond.
Employee_Mangler t1_j6os0pd wrote
I can definitively say I like your daughter better. Screaming & heabutting FTW~
Your girlfriend needs better reflexes, lolol
Employee_Mangler t1_j6osbo6 wrote
Not really the best idea, but hardly offensive. I wouldn't be offended if someone said that to me, I'd just wonder why they though it was a good idea and think they were a little socially awkward, then move on with the convo.
letmebeunique t1_j6otd85 wrote
Yes I agree it definitely wasn’t tactful and definitely a dumb add to the convo
Daveezie t1_j6p4rnp wrote
She's pretty fantastic to me, but her mom is convinced she's trying to kill her.
OlfertFischer t1_j6p52i5 wrote
As a proud father of a great kid and also a dog owner and lover, your comparrison is relevant on so many levels. Not saying that kids are dogs or should be treatet as such, but the responsibilities, the joys, and the frustrations are similar.
iamabrainstem t1_j6p8te1 wrote
I loved my kids and poured my heart and soul into them and the result is just hurt, so maybe count your blessings that things worked out well for you and that maybe you won’t end up forgotten in a nursing home like the rest of us lol
YourMildestDreams t1_j6lbqie wrote
Mother here. Don't sweat it. I've compared both of my kids to dogs on many occasions. Though some older women in my family weren't too fond of the title "a toddler is like a dog that slowly learns to speak" that I used for the video of my oldest kid attempting her first sentences.
If someone said that their dog had the same name as one of my daughters, I'd compliment them on their good taste in names.
You didn't do anything wrong.