Deluxe78 t1_j99e3vp wrote
Well, that's no ordinary rabbit! …. That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
Lirdon t1_j99e9lx wrote
They had to resort to using the holy hand grenade against it.
[deleted] t1_j99em34 wrote
clarkrd t1_j99etof wrote
He also helped with a nuclear meltdown.
ebeth_the_mighty t1_j99eu5o wrote
There’s a Tom Paxton song about this.
“I Don’t Want a Bunny-Wunny in My Wittle Woah Boat”, iirc.
Forever_Overthinking OP t1_j99ezoh wrote
>President Carter got into his boat
>Wasn't in a hurry, wanted to float
>Think about the country
>Think about sin
>Along swum a rabbit
>And he tried to climb in
Huh. I learned two things today!
WeeWooBooBooBusEMT t1_j99guk9 wrote
Oh boy, did the press and opposition have a field day when this story emerged.
Forever_Overthinking OP t1_j99h2ds wrote
If I were him, I'm not sure I'd have told anyone.
Alternative_Effort t1_j99i6l5 wrote
Never forget
OmarGuard t1_j99ijb6 wrote
You know what a Dire Rabbit is right?
-B0B- t1_j99jkj0 wrote
He didn't, it got leaked
-B0B- t1_j99jn9f wrote
Citation Needed fans, anyone?
Forever_Overthinking OP t1_j99kb89 wrote
"The younger folk in the audience think this is a joke."
Forever_Overthinking OP t1_j99kd0h wrote
Should have just linked to as evidence.
mykeuk t1_j99kjle wrote
What does he do, nibble your bum?
ResAcc88 t1_j99qk96 wrote
A swamp hare...
Mkwdr t1_j99qmbe wrote
Monty Python clip seems necessary…
Landlubber77 t1_j99vfuj wrote
He got jumped in the rose garden. Well, hopped anyway.
neoengel t1_j99vk3k wrote
EunuchNinja t1_j99w3ub wrote
Look at the bones!
StealyEyedSecMan t1_j99y6kf wrote
Slow news day much?
Empty_Insight t1_j99yzba wrote
rabbit leaps at the assailant, decapitating them within seconds
Electr0Girl t1_j9a35bx wrote
Run away!!
Paracelsus19 t1_j9a49ag wrote
I love how there was a photographer pulling a groundskeeper Willie to prove the event actually happened lmao.
Thin-Rip-3686 t1_j9a80vc wrote
I’m warning you!
Thin-Rip-3686 t1_j9a83n5 wrote
1, 2, 5!
3, sir!
Dakens2021 t1_j9a91cu wrote
It's the one thing he and Napoleon have in common.
Carter tried to play it off by calling it a "swamp rabbit" to try to make it sound more ominous and threatening. Some say it was probably a nutria and not a rabbit at all now.
thefrogyeti t1_j9aadjx wrote
"Nunu's about to be very naughty..."
patmartone t1_j9aal81 wrote
Yip! Yip!
technicalityNDBO t1_j9acxui wrote
How much are we paying the Secret Service again?
dml997 t1_j9ayojm wrote
I imagine it was something like this:
mrbbrj t1_j9b12rc wrote
Physically? As opposed to what, spiritually?
a_pas_tao_feore t1_j9b3jgi wrote
Holy heck. My dad was friends with Tom Paxton and used to play this song all the time when we were kids. I thought it was one of his. Thanks for this.
snellickers t1_j9b66vy wrote
So yeah the rabbit thing has been some big supposed metaphor for Carter’s weakness or whatever for decades.
Meanwhile trump for example had endless humiliating episodes (toilet paper on shoe on AF1 ramp, umbrella on AF1 ramp, Jesus just AF1 ramp humiliations is its own trump subgenre) that somehow never added up to one fucking Jimmy Carter rabbit.
Groundbreaking_War52 t1_j9bci0g wrote
One of the more unhinged GOP responses to this incident was the claim that the Soviet Union felt emboldened to invade Afghanistan after seeing Carter struggle to fend off a berserk rabbit.
TyrKiyote t1_j9bicyf wrote
The beast was in panic,
The poor thing was manic,
So Carter took up his paddle,
And threw down in battle.
HPmoni t1_j9bmh4l wrote
It was a large breed of rabbit. But of course Ronald Reagan won.
I swear Carter was born on a native American burial ground.
eremite00 t1_j9bspu8 wrote
It was probably vorpal.
carnoworky t1_j9cc7el wrote
[deleted] t1_j9ckrtg wrote
ButterBallTheFatCat t1_j9cr2pb wrote
Ah they obvious decided to invade Afghanistan because of a rabbit. What other conclusions can you draw from this? This is obviously the most sensible thing.
BigBossWesker4 t1_j9ctswv wrote
I think my pet bunny might be one
gwaydms t1_j9cy5x6 wrote
The "Killer Rabbit". The whole thing was pretty silly.
Gorf_the_Magnificent t1_j9d45p0 wrote
The claim that the Republicans blamed the killer rabbit for the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was made by Carter’s own Press Secretary, Jody Powell. There is no other substantiation for that claim in the Wikipedia article.
I saw Jody Powell speak at a business conference in 1981, and he was so unimpressive that almost the entire audience was shocked that he had been a senior White House official.
Groundbreaking_War52 t1_j9db6oo wrote
Carter didn’t hire the best people but that claim about Afghanistan may hold water.
Ysaure t1_j9dfxrw wrote
Min 1:06
i_worship_amps t1_j9diddv wrote
he also supported the killing of east timorese civilians 😍
LegoMuppet t1_j9e79vr wrote
Where? Behind the rabbit?
Forever_Overthinking OP t1_j99doow wrote
When he told his staff what had happened, they didn't believe him.