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Deluxe78 t1_j99e3vp wrote

Well, that's no ordinary rabbit! …. That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!


Lirdon t1_j99e9lx wrote

They had to resort to using the holy hand grenade against it.


ebeth_the_mighty t1_j99eu5o wrote

There’s a Tom Paxton song about this.

“I Don’t Want a Bunny-Wunny in My Wittle Woah Boat”, iirc.


WeeWooBooBooBusEMT t1_j99guk9 wrote

Oh boy, did the press and opposition have a field day when this story emerged.


-B0B- t1_j99jn9f wrote

Citation Needed fans, anyone?


Landlubber77 t1_j99vfuj wrote

He got jumped in the rose garden. Well, hopped anyway.


Paracelsus19 t1_j9a49ag wrote

I love how there was a photographer pulling a groundskeeper Willie to prove the event actually happened lmao.


Dakens2021 t1_j9a91cu wrote

It's the one thing he and Napoleon have in common.

Carter tried to play it off by calling it a "swamp rabbit" to try to make it sound more ominous and threatening. Some say it was probably a nutria and not a rabbit at all now.


mrbbrj t1_j9b12rc wrote

Physically? As opposed to what, spiritually?


snellickers t1_j9b66vy wrote

So yeah the rabbit thing has been some big supposed metaphor for Carter’s weakness or whatever for decades.

Meanwhile trump for example had endless humiliating episodes (toilet paper on shoe on AF1 ramp, umbrella on AF1 ramp, Jesus just AF1 ramp humiliations is its own trump subgenre) that somehow never added up to one fucking Jimmy Carter rabbit.


HPmoni t1_j9bmh4l wrote

It was a large breed of rabbit. But of course Ronald Reagan won.

I swear Carter was born on a native American burial ground.


Gorf_the_Magnificent t1_j9d45p0 wrote

The claim that the Republicans blamed the killer rabbit for the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was made by Carter’s own Press Secretary, Jody Powell. There is no other substantiation for that claim in the Wikipedia article.

I saw Jody Powell speak at a business conference in 1981, and he was so unimpressive that almost the entire audience was shocked that he had been a senior White House official.