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ruiner8850 t1_j8o9urm wrote

Domino's was good in the '80s and got progressively worse over time. They then had those ads saying that they knew their pizza wasn't good so they were changing their recipe. That was awhile ago, but I still hadn't had their pizza in a long time, so last year a friend and I ordered some. It was literally the worst pizza I've had in my entire life. We each ate a piece and then threw the rest in the trash. There's the saying "pizza is like sex because even when it's bad, it's still pretty good." Domino's is like the "two girls, one cup" of pizza in that the pizza tastes similar to the video and I want no part of it. I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that I wouldn't eat it even if I was hungry and it was free.

Edit: I've obviously upset some people who like disgusting pizza. For people who are willing to spend actual money on Domino's, why? Do you not have other options and if so, why not make your own pizza that is actually edible? Have you tasted other pizza so you know what pizza should taste like? I just can't imagine wanting to spend even someone else's money on it.


bolanrox t1_j8ob40a wrote

they fixed it for a bit, or added more garlic salt to the crust.. then went back to the old ways


ruiner8850 t1_j8ocg7b wrote

That might be the case because like I said, I didn't try it until last year which was well after the "we sucked so we changed our recipe" ads first aired. It might have been better for awhile, but it was awful and I have much better options between local places or other chains. Maybe it's just my local Domino's, but the dough, sauce, and cheese were all absolutely terrible. Maybe it's just nostalgia and my changing tastes, but I really liked a pepperoni pizza from Domino's growing up in the '80s.


thelandsman55 t1_j8ol1aw wrote

I imagine they're more or less in an endless cycle of:

  1. The economy is good, stockholders want growth, work on making the pizza better to grow the customer base.
  2. The economy is bad, stockholders want profit/cost cutting, find cheaper suppliers for ingredients even if it hurts pizza quality.

Pizza is a simple enough dish to make that the quality of a normal pizza is basically just the quality of the ingredients summed together.


ruiner8850 t1_j8otkk4 wrote

I just don't get it because to me there are so many better pizzas out there at different price points. For instance I wouldn't say Little Caesars is good pizza exactly, but it's cheap and decent enough if you aren't spending a lot of money. All the other cheaper chains are better than Domino's. Then there are the slightly more expensive chains which are what you pay for and therefore are slightly better.

My city isn't very big, but we actually have multiple different local pizza shops which are really good and taste better than any chain. They are all more expensive than Domino's or Little Caesars though. Some are about the same price as the higher end chains while others are significantly more expensive, but also absolutely delicious.

There are simply so many better options that I can't understand when anyone chooses Domino's. Maybe the one around me is just ran terribly and they are using substandard products and techniques, but if what I had last time is their normal pizza it's absolutely disgusting. I could probably be convinced to try it again if it was free, but if it tasted the same I wouldn't even finish the slice.


bolanrox t1_j8odwvy wrote

its basically across the street from me, and i wont eat there.

my wife likes it from time to time, but i would rther not eat...

Opened up in the same strip as an old time pizza place, which was the last straw for the guy to decide to retire after his lease came up.. I had been eating their since i was a kid.


382Whistles t1_j8tamlv wrote

They suck. Farm ore than the pizza.. but i digress..

It was once an acceptable pizza and a good deal, good delivery service ... last century. It has been that long since I ordered one.

I've have had a few bland slices since. My mass produced precooked rewarmed elementary school slop was better.

The corner shop is better and cheaper if you pick it up, a dollar more delivery and pretty fast, some crazy weekend delay every few years but hey. Similar pie to old Dominoes crust really, sweeter sauce no-H.burn.

Dominoes did create the time standard for food delivery that all similar service is now based on really. I think they shaved about 20 minutes off the average food times.

They cheaped out 1900s and have been surviving on a logo. Once market recognition is strong enough, it's really hard to fail anymore; "We're dumb". (i did ad work..disgusting uses of cool tricks, just look away)


PuckSR t1_j8pz12o wrote

I’ve eaten some absolutely disgusting stuff in my life. My mother literally lacks a normal sense of taste. She cannot tell if something is spicy or sweet. She makes meatloaf by mixing oats and ground beef and then baking it for 5 hours at 400 degrees(that isn’t an exaggeration). There is no seasoning and it is the driest and nastiest thing you’ve ever tried to eat(she believes if you cook something longer it tastes better).

Dominos pizza isn’t the best pizza, but after some of the disgusting things I’ve eaten in my life, it is an absolute joy. It’s bread with cheese and tomato sauce on it. It isn’t stale bread. It isn’t moldy bread. It’s just cheap bread. Calm down


Deltahotel_ t1_j8pqqno wrote

Maybe it’s your local spot? I’ve had Dominos across America and I love it. I add extra toppings though. I’ve had like maybe two bad pizzas from them, tops. I love their cheese, especially with double, and their white sauces are both pretty tasty. Their toppings are more flavorful than a lot of other places I’ve been. Sometimes some toppings like mushrooms or spinach or tomatoes taste damn near nonexistent on some pizzas, but I actually usually find that they’re pretty good at dominos. If I could complain about anything, I think sometimes their crust can be a little extra and leave little room for toppings. So I like their pan pizzas. Sometimes their red sauce seems a little too sweet, also. So sometimes I choose less sauce or a white sauce. I think other places are definitely also capable of better, no doubt. But I wouldn’t call their pizza bad. I’ve had worse pizzas in Italy and New York.

I can relate to that feeling though, there is a place called Domino Pizza, unrelated to the American chain. It’s in Kyrgyzstan and it’s fucking horrible. The dough is like textured plastic, the cheese and sauce are shit. And that’s all there is to a pizza. So it’s just trash. Worthless garbage. No idea how they’re still in business. I’ve had it like two or three times and I get sick every time.