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TheDeftEft t1_jac91vn wrote

The Museum of Appalachia in Clinton, Tennessee has an annual anvil shoot every 4th of July.


Fart-Chewer_6000 t1_jac94ms wrote

Damn. I thought Monty Python and the cow catapult was an incredible range weapon. Now here’s this.


maciver6969 t1_jacao2d wrote

Cool as fuck to watch a pro do it too, a bit of black powder and something to seal the anvil - looked like peanut butter, then attach cable to battery hit switch then a PING noise then look up fast... iirc they are like 45# and go farther up than you would think with the amount of powder they used.


ILikeLenexa t1_jacdoy9 wrote

What's a worse idea than celebratory gunfire?


Lethargomon t1_jacs1xb wrote

Now combine this with Carbide Shooting (Carbide schieten)


Tulivu t1_jad0bmh wrote

I read that as 21 anvil sluts, and was surprised there are so many just in New Westminster.


TimeisaLie t1_jad1uub wrote

A 21 anvil salute sounds like something from the Animaniacs.


AlexNovember t1_jad8voh wrote

They did this during "Pioneer day" at my school in like 5th grade, and I remember being just absolutely terrified the whole time because I just KNEW that thing was going to come down on top of me but they just made us sit there in the grass watching it.


cptnamr7 t1_jadp1wr wrote

Malcolm (?) Or Seward (?) Nebraska used to launch these every year. Never went but heard about it. Not sure how far away they kept the crowd but always seemed like "yeah that's too close" when people would talk about it.


randomcanyon t1_jadrjl0 wrote

They "fire Anvils" here in the California gold rush country for 4th of July and other celebrations. We have anvils, Cannon are harder to come by.


randomcanyon t1_jads5f3 wrote

The anvils go stright up and right back down not a couple of feet from the grounded anvil. Shooting a bullet goes a mile and will land almost anywhere depending on the angle of the gun being discharged.


994212 t1_jae1an4 wrote

I thought them shits were used as weapons


Ghost652 t1_jae4242 wrote

Boy 'owdy, can't wait ta go down th' anvil foire


cjdcjdcjdcjd t1_jaee1rb wrote

So my hope that anvils will drop on my many enemies is actually a possibility. Now, does anyone launch grand pianos?


stewmander t1_jaf2nl2 wrote

A family friend of ours was into collecting anvils, for whatever reason. I remember one visit we all went to a vineyard where they had a demonstration of anvil firing.

They placed gunpowder between two playing cards between two anvils. It was pretty amazing, the shock wave would sting your shins, the top anvil would go straight up and come straight down hitting the bottom anvil with a satisfying clang, and all the kids would look around and for the burnt halves of playing cards.