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JimuelShinemakerIII t1_jdua9cq wrote

Face down toward Mecca. Now a little to the left. Now way to the left. Now it's actually going right again.


dementorpoop t1_jduefqg wrote

Since it could be interpreted as travel, and travel is one of the exemptions for fasting, I doubt it was very hard for them to come up with the solution that he could make up his fast later. Also water isn’t necessary for ablutions (tayyammum), and neither is physical movement for prayer. All of these exclusions and exceptions were established when the religion was founded. It’s great that they made specific guidelines for space travel, but ultimately Islam is about intention, not inconvenience, so all of their solutions are based on established doctrine.


JMEEKER86 t1_jdunrr4 wrote

Yeah, from what I understand of their customs it really is the thought that counts. If you thought you had your prayer rug pointed the right direction and discover 30 years later that it should have been 40 degrees in the other direction that's not a big deal. Just fix it and then go about things like normal. No need to say 100 prayers to atone for your poor furniture arrangement skills.


xenocarp t1_jdupiw9 wrote

I wonder, are they supposed to carry stones from earth or procure in space if a certain ritual require use of those ?


Thiccaca t1_jdux5hv wrote

In reality, the requirement to pray towards Mecca is actually fairly reasonable here. It is only required that you pray towards the planet as best you can Prayer and fasting times are based on the departing time zone on earth. Pretty practical.


LimpPeanut5633 t1_jduzcdd wrote

Strange, you'd think Allah been prepared for what he knew would happen. Dare I say or her!


imevul t1_jdv9cgu wrote

We're all traveling at great speeds through space/time, so according to which frame of reference are we talking here?

An outside observer would say you are traveling at great speed on a train for example, while in your own reference frame you would be stationary (until you accelerate).

Or maybe it's more philosophical? I know I don't feel quite settled until I'm at home, taking a dump while sitting on my own toilet. That, to me, is one of the places where I feel most at peace.


Faye_dunwoody t1_jdv9rsl wrote

I had this question pop into my head at like four am one day. Fortunately I work the night shift in the hospital and the er doctor happened to be Muslim so I had the opportunity to ask. At first, I think he thought I was giving him shit but when he realized I was serious, he told me that it was more important to pray than to face the correct direction. He also showed me an app he had on his phone that used gps to show him the correct direction to pray. I was surprised to see the direction was north. They pray over the top of the world, which makes sense when you think about it.


Gtfocuzidfc t1_jdvaain wrote

Wonderful people in these comments, I wonder if they get invited to family gatherings


DeadandGonzo t1_jdvag07 wrote

It is interesting to think of astronauts, specialized in physics, biology, and technical material (naturalistic) explanations of our universe as theists.


alwayslooking t1_jdvcgqr wrote

Don't Muslims believe the Planet is flat as when I worked in Oman was informed that Pilots had to sign a form/document that they acknowledged the Planet wasn't flat !


Mundane-Ad-3142 t1_jdvck25 wrote

That is a completely false equillancy. Shame on you and shame on your warped brain for defending such ridiculous behaviours.


deliciouschickenwing t1_jdvgmoc wrote

When I watched interstellar i remember the movie finishing and in the ensuing moment i asked my friend how you would establish the direction of mecca from one of them planets. It was supposed to be a joke but ots actually a valid question.


Mundane-Ad-3142 t1_jdviek9 wrote

Reasonable: having sound judgement; fair and sensible.

To commit your entire belief system to an unfounded, contradictory, evil cosmos Creater and to also pray multiple times a day to appease its demand of worship is not reasonable.

You are being intentionally ignorant or perhaps lack critical thinking skills necessarily to understand definitions of words.


Mundane-Ad-3142 t1_jdviv6e wrote

Reasonable: having sound judgement; fair and sensible.

To commit your entire belief system to an unjust, malignant, contradictory comsos creator and worship said being multiple times a day to appease its demands is not REASONABLE.

Words have meanings. You are being either intentionally ignorant or perhaps lack the critical thinking skills necessary to understand this concept.


MrMitchWeaver t1_jdvj51r wrote

Official by whom? Aren't there many kinds of Islam?


CrazedCreator t1_jdvkcwc wrote

To be fair, it's not about the exact times. It's about the religious discipline and community achieved by achieving consistent timing. Putting God above anything else that could be happening at that time. The times have historical/religious/cultural significance but these things will evolve as humans make the way out word. As more Muslim go to space each station will likely have it's own schedule. Near light ships will maybe have their own, as is it okay to go 100 years without payer if it felt like an hour to you.


cmasey1410 t1_jdvksyh wrote

Completely fucking rational. Good fuck.


Neutronova t1_jdvlxee wrote

lets leave religion as an earth bound thing, yah?


Archberdmans t1_jdvps9n wrote

So, it’s equally as unreasonable to be a science believing deist as it is to a Taliban member?

Sounds like a very unreasonable system of analysis if you ask me haha. Maybe belief and being a reasonable person isn’t that black and white and everyone does in some way believe in systems that aren’t exactly real. Economics assumes everyone’s a rational actor, and that’s not true at all. Yet we still find utility in economics.


alwayslooking t1_jdvqhfb wrote

also Christians used to Pray/Buried facing Jerulasem !


Doxbox49 t1_jdw8fu9 wrote

Lot of hate here for people doing something that doesn’t effect them in the least bit. Some people are religious, get the fuck over it

Edit: you guys really need to be a bit more open and accepting. The all religion is bad crowd is just as annoying as a religious person shoving it down your throat. I bet most of you are atheist which is funny. You believe lack of evidence is proof. Truth is, no one knows the answers so let people have their faith


Doxbox49 t1_jdwbws2 wrote

But individuals that practice a religion on the space station while also doing their duties isn’t a fucking issue. The guy was accepted to work on the ISS and we are focusing on the fact he’s a Muslim who prays. Could be any religion though and people would still hate on it. This man probably worked his ass off for the chance but here we are, focusing on trivial shit


Alpha433 t1_jdwc6ro wrote

Oh ya, pitch black really is showing its age, but in a way its simplicity helps to build the atmosphere better. It's a bunch of stranded travelers on a desolate world, going fantastical would have killed the bleak tone of the movie.


MrFiendish t1_jdwgm9d wrote

We had this discussion at the hospital I worked at last week. I’m happy that I can definitively answer the query we had next time I see them.


Charlielx t1_jdwhccp wrote

I don't think I would consider that a religion then, maybe personal spirituality. What would be the point though unless you're just making something new up for yourself? All major religions that currently exist have been endlessly corrupted since they were introduced, and their raw original forms would likely just have revealed how different society was back when they were created.


selkiesidhe t1_jdwl4up wrote

Correct me if I'm wrong but I feel like I read somewhere that Muslims were "forbidden" to space travel and explore Mars because that was akin to risking their life?


MaxillaryOvipositor t1_jdwoxvy wrote

I worked with a family of Bosnian Muslim refugees, and a short time after I started working there the mother of the group had learned she had been praying in the wrong direction for 25 years. It became a hilarious joke for the rest of them and they were always teasing her about it.


Tough_Music4296 t1_jdwxu3w wrote

Its incredible, to me, to find a religion where your intentions count as much as your actions.

If you set out to do a good thing but for some reason couldnt, you get the rewards as if you had done the good thing.


semiomni t1_jdwylol wrote

Ya do believe the moon was split in two though and put back together, and depending on what is convenient it was either fused perfectly, or some valley on the moon is proof it happened.


Doxbox49 t1_jdx2yv0 wrote

That there is nothing. No higher power. The same way religious people believe in what they can not prove. Atheist believe since they can’t find evidence, it does not exist. No one has proven there is or isn’t a higher power to the universe. No one knows the answers.


notaedivad t1_jdx4ub9 wrote

Atheism is the lack of belief in any gods. No more, no less. Atheism is the absence of a belief, not the assertion of another belief. Your inability to understand the definitions of the words you're using is not a valid argument against them.

Here's a simple aid to help you to understand:

Theist: My god is real

Atheist: Can you demonstrate it?

Theist: No

Atheist: Then I don't believe you

That's atheism. Nothing more.


Doxbox49 t1_jdx5zzt wrote

You pretty much just agreed with what I said lol. You believe lack of evidence is proof there is nothing. And you believe you have the answer just like religious people believe they do. There is or there isn’t. Two sides of the same coin.


notaedivad t1_jdx9eyb wrote

You're claiming that the absence of a belief is a belief? Seriously!?

Is abstinence a sex position?

Is amoral the same as moral?

Is bald a hair colour?

Is NOT collecting stamps a hobby?

> proof there is nothing

You're conflating nihilism with atheism.

Your inability to understand the definitions of the words you're using is not a valid argument against them.


Bewaretheicespiders t1_jdxa9st wrote

I really hate the idea that we'll export all of this religious nonsense out of the planet.


Doxbox49 t1_jdxc3av wrote

Well since we’re trying to insult each other now. I think your comparisons are pretty dumb. Absence of a belief is a tad different from absence of a tangible object. Also recommend calming down and not getting so upset over an internet conversation.

Let’s make it super simple.

You believe there is nothing. Some people believe there is something. Neither group can either prove or disprove their theory with current human knowledge and technology.

We haven’t even mastered fusion yet, one of the most common things in the universe. We haven’t left our solar system (voyager sort of). We haven’t even sent a man to the next planet over. We have no way to prove atoms exist in the form we currently believe is correct. Hell, gravity is still a theory because we technically can’t prove it. So many unknowns and yet you are 100% certain you know there is no higher power. Yes, I’d call that a bit of faith considering all the unknowns still to be discovered

Edit: downvoted every comment, replied, then blocked me before I could even read the reply. Oh well


notaedivad t1_jdxcoqk wrote

Insult? I've been clear, concise and factual - and you see this as an insult!? Why drag your ego into this?

I've given you clear, dictionary definitions, which you are choosing to disregard.

Atheism is the lack of belief, not the assertion of another - your inability to separate this from nihilism is your deficiency, no one else's.

You're obviously just trolling...

Best just to block your particular brand of wilfully delusional toxicity.


Berdinderindas t1_jdxi8x5 wrote

I find it really funny how you didn't capitalize "muslims" because now being a muslim sounds like a profession.


KyivComrade t1_jdxik6w wrote

Yeah, it's all pretty useless and deep down he knows it. He could be praying towards nothing or not at all and it'd not make a difference in the world (this one or the next). Just goes to show how deep the brainwashing of a strict religion goes...

Sincerely a person who found his own faith, one that doesn't give dead people the right to control my life forever and make it worse in every way.


seeasea t1_jdxqqfd wrote

There also were guidelines when the first practicing Jewish person went (Columbia)


Doxbox49 t1_jdxubvh wrote

I feel like you haven’t read a single word I wrote or thought about it. You seem pretty dead set that you are right which is fine. Just remember to keep an open mind. We are still a young species trying to grasp at very large subjects which we have no or very limited understanding of


myusernamehere1 t1_jdxx6bk wrote

>If a person claims that X exists and is real then the burden is on that person to supply some support for that claim, some evidence or proof that others can and should examine before accepting it. It is incorrect to think that X exists and is real until someone can prove that there is no X.



knghaz t1_jdy88ck wrote

It's a strange ruling to require even facing earth because of this verse I think it would annul any requirement to follow a direction if it's difficult or impractical.

2:177 Piety is not to turn your faces towards the east and the west, but pious is one who believes in God and the Last Day, and the angels, and the Book, and the prophets, and who gives money out of love to the relatives, and the orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and those who ask, and to free the slaves; and who upholds the prayer, and who seeks purification; and those who keep their pledges when they make a pledge, and those who are patient in the face of adversity and hardship and when in despair. These are the ones who have been truthful, and these are the righteous.


John_Fx t1_jdyaavf wrote

Putting quotes around an inaccurate statement doesn't give it any more credibility.

Also i see you took that from a Wikipedia article "Parallel universes in fiction" Perhaps you should look up the word "fiction" too.


janksnake t1_jdyo5s4 wrote

It's amazing to me that a human brain can encompass such phenomenal cognitive dissonance.


MattyKatty t1_jdzkczt wrote

Actually the funny thing is all I’m thinking is that Mission Control must hate having to schedule blocks 5 times a day for prayer. It makes me unsurprised it took so long for a Muslim to get ISS time


Doxbox49 t1_je2mwqq wrote

So it has nothing to do with the fact that it’s mostly US and Russian personal manning it because we have/had the space programs? And Muslims don’t make up a large percentage of either population. Seems pretty straight forward why it took so long. But ya, religion, that’s why.