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feral_philosopher t1_jee740k wrote

Seems our ancestors would eat a fat lunch, go to bed at 8, then wake up at 3am to fuck. Kind of like elderly people, but with teenage libidos.


wanking_to_got t1_jee8haf wrote

Switching from farming to factory work.

The heaviest load is usually done by midday in farming or keeping animals. So you are starving by midday.


AudibleNod t1_jee9625 wrote

Also, agrarian work was often very close to home. So larger midday meals with the family would be easier. If you worked at the factory, you were farther away from home and modern labor laws likely would have prevented a midday respite from a grueling 12 hour shift.


Purple_Platypus789 t1_jee9vin wrote

This makes so much sense. But I still think it's funny that grandpa eats dinner at 4pm to be in bed by sundown- to beat the

>abominable habit of dining as late as seven in the evening"


VattghernCZ t1_jeebjog wrote

Me, currently eating lunch - the biggest meal of the day, as is common everywhere around me - while reading it: huh?


Lopsided-Ad-6696 t1_jeegx2u wrote

If you're in the American Midwest you learn that some rural areas have breakfast, dinner, and supper as their 3 meals rather than breakfast, lunch, and dinner, because like it says in the article, "dinner" was the name of the largest meal of the day regardless of time. Rural, heavily German areas tend to be breakfast, dinner, supper.


Tandian t1_jeej8mf wrote

That's actually interesting.

Growing up we always had a decent breakfast, big lunch and a small dinner at 5pm. Then a small snack at 8ish

As a adult I still keep to the same schedule. My kids didn't realize other people eat late like 7 or 8.



sumforbull t1_jeer0z5 wrote

When I studied in Germany, many people still eat the largest meal as lunch. The last meal of the day they called the evening bread.

The cafeteria lunches were gigantic and awesome, but I mostly lived off doner kebab.


Wodan1 t1_jeerie0 wrote

Not necessarily. People would take food with them into the fields and snack.

The main reason why people ate their main meal at midday was simply because they wanted to be able to see what they were eating. Artificial methods of light before the invention of lightbulbs were luxuries that most people couldn't afford so it made more practical sense to eat a proper meal at midday when there was the maximum amount of natural light.

During the industrial revolution, things changed as artificial lighting became more readily available, as things such as coal and candle wax became cheaper for the working classes to use on a regular basis.


teddy_vedder t1_jeerqjs wrote

Honestly this would be so much better for my digestion and chronic heartburn issues but a strict 30-minute unpaid lunch break during the workweek is not conducive to this.


mavrick_the_old t1_jef3oju wrote

all my meals are the same size

so this just sounds odd to me

one plate of food per meal. do yall just ... keep eating even if you're full / not hungry?


s_be_na_v_be t1_jef6ixj wrote

As someone from central Europe this post was pretty confusing to me


bigfatfurrytexan t1_jef7gwj wrote

The industrial revolution fucked up a lot about long standing human practices, and our health suffers for it.

My wife will work maybe half the year, then take off for a few months. During that time she settles into a natural sleep/wake cycle of about 8 hours awake, 4 hours asleep, 6 hours awake, 6 hours asleep. That seems to mirror what has been explained from the time prior to industrialiation.


I used to work with a venture capitalist that put in crazy hours. He was selling his soul to reach a goal, and had insane energy. Up to run/train for marathons at 4am, work from 6am-9am from his room, then he'd hit my office and we'd be up until midnight when he finally wanted to break for supper. I'd get home at 2am, knowing that he may get 2 hours of sleep before he is up and bothering everyone again.


Eventually i had to point out that i did not have a goal of being wealthy, so my stake wasn't as high as his and I'd be working more reasonable hours.


Brandonmac10x t1_jef7t2e wrote

I eat an ok breakfast and then a huge ass dinner when I get home from work. Like stacked plate of food dinner.

Idk why lunch just isn’t my thing. Plus not eating during the day makes me look forward to the big tasty dinner I’m gonna make.

I just love the evening ritual of relaxing and pigging out… then sitting on Reddit for an hour after while I digest.


inkseep1 t1_jefczin wrote

Dinner is probably the 2nd most important of the 7 meals of the day.


hydrospanner t1_jeflimj wrote

Seems like a little of both makes the most sense.

Long factory shifts and employers discouraging long breaks from productive work coinciding with a greater ability to cook and eat at home in the evening.


hydrospanner t1_jefm389 wrote

My dad uses that terminology and it drives the rest of my family nuts.

Not so much just using the term "supper" even though I do think that's an odd term, but using "dinner" to mean the meal the rest of us call lunch.

It's made worse because sometimes dinner means dinner with Dad but sometimes it means lunch.

When I still lived at home we had a few incidents where this confusion ruined plans, so every time we're making meal plans, I will ask him now "midday meal or evening meal, dad?".


NotBrooklyn2421 t1_jefn36i wrote

My mom’s side of the family all does the same. They use dinner to describe a large meal, typically eaten as a family or group. Dinner can be served anytime between 11am and 7pm depending on the setting and details.


Nanoo_1972 t1_jefrgkm wrote

My parents were both raised in Czech households, and we called them breakfast, lunch, and supper. My wife's family called them breakfast, lunch and dinner. She finally broke my spirit and I know call supper, dinner.


DormeDwayne t1_jefs56z wrote

Dinner is usually my biggest meal of the day, too, but unlike you I don’t skip lunch, I skip breakfast.

If I may ask, how is your weight and your sleep quality? Does a heavy dinner not make you sleep less well?


Adventurous-Zombie-1 t1_jefshpk wrote

The dictionary definition of "dinner" is simply the largest meal of the day. We now just think of it meaning the evening meal. My dad, an ex farmer, still refers to his midday meal as 'dinner'. It's caused a lot of confusion over the years!


Brandonmac10x t1_jeftbv1 wrote

I weight 130 lbs. I eat like a 4/5 a pound of chicken and 1lb of fries some days.

Other days is like 2 and a half cups of rice.

Back when I was making burgers I’d have 3 3/4 lb burgers and a big side of pasta (half a stacked plate).

I eat a lot. And a lot of times I’ll pass out after eating so much because I’m full and don’t want to move.

I’m probably unhealthy af though.


Th0m45D4v15 t1_jefu6sq wrote

It was common to wake up, and get a little snack in before work. Then you would have a large meal in the middle of the day, then a small meal before bed. I’ve heard from older generations, and it may not be as common on average, but with people I know, they also had a tendency to wake back up, and hang out and talk with neighbors or family well after dark. Has anyone else heard of this?


DormeDwayne t1_jefuqxj wrote

Yeah, that doesn’t sound very healthy, I admit, but whatever workd for you! You’re probably a man, bigger than me, and likely younger, as well, so you probably have much higher caloric needs than I do.


th3h4ck3r t1_jefy7f2 wrote

Here in Spain, the largest meal by far is still lunch. Breakfast is a coffee and a couple of biscuits, and dinner/supper is very light (sandwich, omelet, etc.)


Th0m45D4v15 t1_jeg4b5t wrote

My family told me how they used to hang out with friends and family late, because of working all day and no air conditioning. Late at night was the only cool time, when nothing had to be done.


Th0m45D4v15 t1_jegal1b wrote

If I remember correctly, I think Leonardo Di Vinci would sleep 4 hours, then be awake 4 hours , then sleep for 4. So on and so forth. But it’s been years since I read that article. So it may be BS.


andre5913 t1_jegeyb6 wrote

Same in several countries in latin america (...which makes sense considering our past with Spain).
Breakfast can be sightly bigger, with smth like scrambled eggs, cereal bowl/a sandwitch and coffee, and dinner is even lighter, just a biscuit or so. Sometimes its skipped altogether besides a hot drink.

Lunch is the big one. Taking a siesta is less common though


themagicbong t1_jegkm7x wrote

Grew up in coastal NC and it was usually breakfast>lunch>dinner. Especially since at school theres a big emphasis on "lunch" though people might say supper instead of dinner, was still usually the biggest meal at the end of the day. The area was settled by a lot of english settlers, and some of them on this isolated island basically kept their accents to this day. Bit of a trip to hear.


themagicbong t1_jegn5ul wrote

Not gonna lie, it took me a while to be able to understand some of the older crowd around here, lol. Especially when they speak at a fast pace. The older folk from Down East/Harker's Island have the heaviest accents that I've heard. Had a few teachers growing up from there and it was a bit interesting at times haha.