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Ouchyhurthurt t1_iuh1i43 wrote

I feel like this is written by someone in their basement going by their gut feeling… thieves just bust a window and grab what is inside. Doesn’t matter what it is, they will find out once they leave the area.

My old neighborhood had a problem with a whole crew some nights. The first person would quickly walk up a whole block, breaking the windows of cars along the way. A second (or more) person followed and just snagged the shit out of the inside of cars. Speed is the name of the game.


YumericanPryde t1_iuh4guf wrote

this is a perfect example that specialization leads to economies of scale


Legitimate_Ad5848 t1_iuhoyj8 wrote

Finally, economics i learnt in school came to use


Deracination t1_iuit6im wrote

Seriously, we did this exact exercise, except showing us how it was faster to assemble pens by each person doing just one step instead of each doing a whole pen. This is just a disassembly line.


DominicJourdyn t1_iuhd75y wrote

Where I live, if that.

Ive done security for 5 years, I’ve seen people just go up, smash a window, walk away. Didn’t even look, didn’t grab anything.

I even had a coworker who was angry, confused, and almost glad; they smashed her window, and her very full very expensive gym bag and equipment were in the back completely untouched.

They took nothing, just smashed then left. It made her claim more difficult ironically because “how do we know you didn’t break it yourself if nothing was stolen” ( she did get it sorted, but cmon ICBC, we had them on fuckin camera for you…)


Ouchyhurthurt t1_iui95tr wrote

Oh i had my windows broken too, and everything left inside. There are still people that are just assholes too xD


Jahobes t1_iuj1s14 wrote

I've been living in Seattle for years now but I still have physiological reactions when I see ICBC.

I'm a pretty conformist. But the tyranny of ICBC made me want to formant revolution.


sneeps t1_iuime0u wrote

Crime is leaking out of r/vancouver


Jimothy_McGowan t1_iuhho5c wrote

Exactly. One of my friends told me the story of when someone robbed his car. Smashed a window, stole a set of golf clubs. They found the bag of clubs and all it's contents in a bush not too long after. Turns out, the thief realized he didn't want them, once he'd realized what he'd taken


Ouchyhurthurt t1_iui9iyz wrote

Thats basically how i found my schoolbooks one time. I was already intoxicated and walking home when I noticed my car had been broken into and my schoolbag stolen. I decided, “fuck it, lets go ask some of the homeless folks around if they saw anything” after talking to about 10 people or so, this nice dude pointed me to a trashcan where he saw a dude dump a backpack. Muh books!


skellyton3 t1_iuis2hn wrote

One time a friend of mine had their car broken into. They had a fully foiled modern infect deck for the game Magic the Gathering that was taken.

They found the deck in the bushes near his house, his laptop was MIA.

He didn't really care about the laptop, the deck was worth thousands of dollars.


Jahobes t1_iuj10fc wrote

Reminds me of the time some homeless people broke into my car and stole 3 dollars in quarters when my $500 Microsoft textbook was in open view in the back seat. You could sell one of those for basically full price on eBay or Craigslist.


ardranor t1_iujugzx wrote

Yep, name of the game for these kinds of thefts is quick turn around. It needs to either be cash or something that can be traded for cash.


drekwithoutpolitics t1_iuka4am wrote

Reminds me of a kid whose car got broken into in college. Thief left the change but stole his pen. Lol


RunningRunnerRun t1_iuhqa6p wrote

Yeah. I had my window broken and the thief didn’t take anything. I even had a one dollar bill in a compartment that they opened, but I guess that wasn’t enough to bother taking.


Aelok t1_iuhr6fc wrote

I wouldn't touch a $1 bill in a strangers car. Too many stripper cracks and cocaine boogers on singles.


crabmuncher t1_iui8715 wrote

Probably checked the pockets of the bag for change.


Jimothy_McGowan t1_iuir4aw wrote

That's what we thought too, but apparently the thief left his watch in there too. This isn't a super nice watch or anything, but it looks nice and it's a free watch. Personally, I've always been curious if he even bothered checking


St3phiroth t1_iujta7v wrote

I had my car window smashed in a parking garage in Vancouver, BC. They didn't take any of the US cash or change, or the sentimental piece of art in the trunk. But they did take some backup diabetes meds and thyroid meds. Jokes on them if they took them hoping for a high.


the-magnificunt t1_iuicai6 wrote

Meanwhile, someone broke into my car back in the day and went through my CDs, only taking ones they liked and leaving the rest. My musical taste was never more insulted.


Ouchyhurthurt t1_iuicn6y wrote

WHAT?! Thats wild.

Maybe they needed weapons to fight zombies and didn’t want to use the good stuff…?


daviep t1_iuigflj wrote

This is right, someone stole a bag of trash from my car once. Just a big trash bag full of fast food bags and energy drink cans. I couldn't help but laugh.


Revolutionary-Copy71 t1_iuhsd21 wrote

I remember years and years ago, my car and around 20 others in my complex were broken into. Office management let me watch the security cam, and they were in and out of the complex parking lot in a couple mins. It was impressive. Infuriating, but I can't lie, also impressive.


Ouchyhurthurt t1_iui9s2d wrote

Oof. That blowwwwws. Now i kinda understand why some of those places have gates…


jupiterkansas t1_iuiaqbd wrote

meanwhile, everyone here responds with gut feelings and anecdotes.


TheGazelle t1_iujpp2g wrote

The funny part is op, who now has the top comment, must not have actually clicked the link.

Because the link is literally to a peer reviewed scientific paper in the journal of quantitative criminology that does statistical analysis of crime data compared to lighting data.

It's about as far from "gut feeling" as you can get. I think op maybe just read the title and responded with their gut feeling.

Though the title is a hilariously bad representation of the study in and of itself.


TJR406 t1_iui4rlr wrote

I had a buddy that did stupid shit when he got drunk. He'd just pull door handles until one opened and bum rushed grabbed what he could. Would check it out after


Ouchyhurthurt t1_iui9zpv wrote

I learned my lesson eventually. I stopped leaving anything in my car and just left it unlocked. It was a manual so nobody was gonna steal it or anything.


Cobra-D t1_iuiqth0 wrote

For a long time I didn’t lock my car door and people would be like “why don’t you lock your car door? Someone could steal your stuff”. I’m like, if they really wanted to steal it they just break the window, least this way i don’t have to worry about replacing it.


tmoney144 t1_iujemzc wrote

Had a friend that went to juvie for that. His biggest mistake was doing it at the same parking lot multiple times. Tried it one time and a cop was in the car waiting for him.


TbonerT t1_iuic4h8 wrote

On the other hand, I read a story here about a place that had a slight vandalism issue but it basically stopped when the area light on the wall burnt out and started up again after they replaced bulb.


TazBaz t1_iuisp4h wrote

Had that happen to my ex and I at a local gym one night. Us and the entire rest of the parking lot.


Combatical t1_iuil8tg wrote

Top comment here once again makes more sense than the massively upvoted post itself. Who are these people just upvoting posts without any critical thinking?


vagueblur901 t1_iujukbn wrote

There's been a ton of break ins a few blocks near my house, my city has cameras that are live and are watched by the police.

The crew that was breaking into 10-20 cars per night did it in both day and night and would use a van then bolt. They stopped with this neighborhood but moved onto others.

Day or night doesn't matter it's all about opportunity.


Ouchyhurthurt t1_iujvalf wrote

Damn, that sounds shitty.

They caught the guy and his crew that was stealing catalytic converters a little while back. Apparently it was a multi-million dollar setup and spanned from coast to coast, Portland to NY. You know somebody else just stepped into his role tho…


ithurtsus t1_iuk98aq wrote

I think it’s a misinterpretation of a finding

What they found was, turning off the street lights at night on a street decreased break-ins on that street.

But break-ins on adjacent streets increased (that left their lights on). And who knows what it did to other crimes / accidents.

Basically they went somewhere else and continued on their merry way