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robocord t1_j4qlq4m wrote

“Xenophon! Come out and play-ay!”


doctor-rumack t1_j4qm5rh wrote

All while he's clanging ancient Persian pottery vessels stuck on the ends of his fingers.


dood9123 t1_j4rag3e wrote

I hope to Zeus this someone draws this


themagicbong t1_j4qoccr wrote

I remember playing the fuck out of a game based on this for PS2 back in the day, but also having zero clue who or what the warriors were, lol.


xSympl t1_j4rv4cc wrote

Fun fact, Aesop Rock voices one of the characters of the game in what I believe is one of his only non-music roles.


Permanenceisall t1_j4rzpkq wrote

He’s the voice you hear when you’re finally back in Coney Island and the punks chase you in their car. You mainly hear him saying “I hope you fall!”

Also El-P voices Edge, the leader of the Saracens.


xSympl t1_j4sojgv wrote

Man if only El-P wasn't such a POS who somehow reinvented himself and got lucky the mainstream forgot all the shit he did lmao

RTJ still bumps but like...


Permanenceisall t1_j4soq15 wrote

What did he do?


xSympl t1_j4sqkys wrote

Stole a bunch of money from artists signed to his label and then closed the label without telling them ahead of time bc drugs, among other things.

There's a reason aes, cage, hell most the weathermen, etc,. don't work with him and it's not his choice unlike what he tries to imply


Sweet_Venom t1_j4rpegw wrote

The game is awesome. I still play it today on the PS4.


[deleted] t1_j4rsg5h wrote



SlimShadyM80 t1_j4sdexh wrote


Edit* Googled it, you're full of shit. No wonder they banned you


Sigaromanzia t1_j4sp52w wrote

Pretty sure he means the ps2 version is the remake


SlimShadyM80 t1_j4spf2a wrote

Never heard someone call a video game adaptation of a movie a remake, but fair enough


Sigaromanzia t1_j4spxq9 wrote

Yeah, probably the wrong word, but I think I see what he meant


shane201 t1_j4scsqj wrote

It really needs a remaster. One of my favorite Rockstar games.


bolanrox t1_j4raebw wrote

i remember it being one of those bundled games with the DVD of the movie. the other one being The Thing


bolanrox t1_j4qt41b wrote

My Kids school football team is the warriors.

Took several years for the last game of the 6th grade season for the other team to finally do the bottles clinking / Warriors come out and play.

I think i was the only one in the stands to get it, judging by the looks on the other parents faces.


paul-d9 t1_j4sg433 wrote

This is the very definition of a cult classic. Doesn't sound great on paper but everything about it was well done and better than it had any right to be considering the budget.

We would have an overall higher quality of cinema if the answer now wasn't to just throw money at everything. We'd have less self indulgent and overlong films like Avatar and more films that have to make use with what they've got and usually have less company interference.


kevlarbuns OP t1_j4si1dt wrote

I love the setting. Love the premise. Love the gang styles. There are some deep, deep flaws, but I found way more to love than hate.


paul-d9 t1_j4sjmnt wrote

I like my movies like I like my music, without all the rough edges sanded off.


kevlarbuns OP t1_j4sjsvo wrote

Lol, Foo Fighters came right to mind


paul-d9 t1_j4skfnd wrote

I'm not the hugest fan of their music but I love them because Dave Grohl is a solid human being and he deserves to prosper.


kevlarbuns OP t1_j4smrb3 wrote

Grohl is rad. The albums are just very very clean.


Plarzay t1_j4u6hmf wrote

I watched this film last year for the first time! Completely agree with the sentiment here, honestly it had a quality about it that was just not present in so much I'd seen recently. Unlike anything I'd seen released in the last 10+ years.


Doodle_Brush t1_j4t1pwv wrote

It also had one of the best video game adaptions of all time.


paul-d9 t1_j4t2k9y wrote

Agreed. You could tell the team had a love for the film.


onairmastering t1_j4t805b wrote

What? never see European/Asian cinema? those guys are still killing it. Just look at Nicolas Winding Refn, he's been doing his own thing and looks amazing every time, go get some education in foreign cinema.


SonofBeckett t1_j4t8yxc wrote

Movies like Dead for a Dollar? I’ve gotta say Walter Hill is low key one of my favorite filmmakers of all time, from Warriors to Brewster’s Millions to the madness that was Streets of Fire. I think there are still really interesting filmmakers out there, and it’s easy to forget that 1979 also gave us Airport ‘79 and 1941. Bloated, studio cash ins and overindulgence are not a new thing.


Sigaromanzia t1_j4spcqq wrote

To be fair, it's been over a decade between the first and second Avatar.


paul-d9 t1_j4sypq9 wrote

There have been plenty of mediocre big budget movies that rely solely on special effects since then. Otherwise Michael Bay wouldn't have a career.

Using James Cameron as an example, let's look at his movies in the 80s and 90s. You had spectacular films like Aliens and Terminator 1/2. Yes they were heavy in special effects but it never felt like a crutch. You had memorable characters and they were exciting. I don't remember a single character name from Avatar and I think I've seen it twice.


Sigaromanzia t1_j4t9h8y wrote

I'm not saying there aren't cgi fests that only exist as screen candy. I'm saying Avatar is just a couple of movies over a decade apart, whereas movies like Fast and Furious are popped out every 5 seconds along with the spin-offs.

Your point is totally fine, just saying Avatar isn't really the best example.

And more into Avatar, it's really just a James Cameron passion project. He's trying to push the medium, while also having an affinity for open water based projects like The Abyss and Titanic; two other sfx spectacles that pushed envelopes.


WishOnSpaceHardware t1_j4qzt78 wrote

I seem to remember also this being a campaign mission in the original Age of Empires


dood9123 t1_j4rapal wrote

They should adapt that mission into an ancient Mediterranean setting, it'd be so interesting to see the classic Coney Island maps redone in the Persian frontier. Maybe in Aoe5


Uri_nil t1_j4sccex wrote

Also it’s not the real Cyrus the founder of Persia and guy who resettled the Jews/paid for the temple etc it’s one of the descendants like Cyrus 3 or whatever. Long gone glory days.


kevlarbuns OP t1_j4sdbwa wrote

Ohhh, that makes a lot of sense. I’m kind of new to Anabasis and got to where they camp below the walls of Nineveh and marvel at an ancient city being so abandoned. I was getting a headache trying to contextualize the overlap.


HPLolzCraft t1_j4tatim wrote

This Cyrus was a pretender who hired them through the ionian Greek part of the empire and took them to challenge his cousin, I think, and they won the battle but Cyrus died in the process.


kevlarbuns OP t1_j4tc02k wrote

Gotcha. I need to brush up on my Persian history post-Xerxes. I think my brain glazes over when I hit the Ataxerxes. Ataxerxeses.


shivermetimbers68 t1_j4s1brn wrote

There's a director's cut where Walter Hill inserts comic book style transitions to move from one 'chapter' to another. Kind of cool but slightly disruptive to the pacing.


Shadpool t1_j4sishy wrote

Yeah, I wasn’t a fan either. I mean, I understand him wanting the hardcore fans to know where the basis of the story came from, but the constant story paneling at each big scene threw it off in a big way.


bloodyriz t1_j4v0nyw wrote

I disagree though. I have both versions on DVD and prefer the directors cut. I find the comic transitions quite fitting. But then again since we both have expressed opinions, neither of us is actually wrong.


DrRotwang t1_j4siqhf wrote

I was so, so, so let down by that. Those comic panels wrecked the movie for me. Luckily, I found a DVD of the original cut, and that's what lives in my collection.


axarce t1_j4sjxa3 wrote

I agree. They took me out of the movie and ruined the allure.


newbrood t1_j4tf6n8 wrote

I think they literally tell the story it's based on at the start of the directors cut too.


zZTheEdgeZz t1_j4qwuds wrote

The movie is also based on a book that is based on that story.


Murmur322 t1_j4sx615 wrote

Also, in the book the Lizzies weren’t an all girl gang like in the movie. But after the director of the Warriors saw The Hunger Games he realized that women could be casted in action roles too.


CassandraVindicated t1_j4t7fn8 wrote

The Hunger Games wasn't even written until 30 years later. I don't know what the fuck you're on about, but it isn't the truth.


derb t1_j4tatac wrote



CassandraVindicated t1_j4tbjqa wrote

If that was a joke, it wasn't funny. Certainly didn't feel like a joke.


Miserable-Recipe-662 t1_j4tft28 wrote

Jennifer Lawrence made a remark that hunger games was the first movie with a female lead


CassandraVindicated t1_j4thu9o wrote

Ah, that makes so much more sense. Apparently she's never seen Alien or La Femme Nikita. Thanks for the explanation; so much better than just mocking me.


derb t1_j4tc14j wrote

And yet you live and the world turns. Don't take it to heart.


CassandraVindicated t1_j4tflje wrote

I never do. I was into computers before there was public internet. One should never take anything on public forums with too much seriousness.


onairmastering t1_j4t7hiw wrote

I saw this movie in Ice-T's apartment in NJ with his son.

We showed up for an interview and his wife was late, so he said "come on guys, get something in the fridge and sit yo asses down" so I did.

He stopped every scene to explain it, it was hilarious drinking Arizona at Ice-T's place and chillin', none of my co workers dared, I asked him questions and we just chilled, I will never forget that afternoon.


kevlarbuns OP t1_j4t9jlw wrote

Bruh. That is nothing short of magical.


onairmastering t1_j4t9xpy wrote

It was such a special couple years for me, I worked with Grandmaster Flash, Mos Def, Afrika, Pete Rock... I got kidnapped by a bunch of Bulgarians one night after I told them, got home at 8 am next day hungover but with a story I will never forget! \m/


MTN3MTN t1_j4s8nqv wrote

I dig it


Desert-Storm-Born t1_j4qn3ow wrote

Ahh shit, next you'll be telling me the locals were called "Boppers" by the local DJ Town-Crier!?


Cjlaw72 t1_j4s44pn wrote

🎶 Somewhere out on the horizon.... 🎶


NewldGuy77 t1_j4sh87a wrote

Joe Walsh’s best song ever!


mcjackass t1_j4sr0lw wrote

I'd say give The Bomber/Closet queen a listen before lobbing that statement.


Aliensummer t1_j4r4e9i wrote

Wow this is one of the first movies I fell in love with, to discover a new fact such as this one is amazing to me


dovetc t1_j4r4mb9 wrote

The History of Ancient Greece podcast just released their most recent episode about Xenophon and the Anabasis. Gives you the whole thing in about 2 hours if anyone's interested.


WR810 t1_j4sdaba wrote

This is one of my dad's absolute favorite movies. I've probably watched this fifty times in my life.


snow_michael t1_j4situg wrote

My Latin teacher told us this, and arranged for the school film club to show it, despite it being an 18 certificate

This was the same teacher who taught us how to make petrol bombs and ersatz gas masks, and encouraged us to obtain copies of The Anarchist's Cookbook and Steal This Book


Lucius_Magus t1_j4sj1fu wrote

The same author is also responsible for the modern word "economics" which derives from his treatise "The Oikonomika" which roughly translates to "Household Management". It was a guide to rich aristocrats as to how to run their holdings and personal household.


DEEP_HURTING t1_j4s7gtb wrote

You used to be able to watch the old Monstervision episode of this with Joe Bob Briggs, but some dickweeds at YouTube had it taken down. But what do you know, the transcription from Angelfire is still around. He brings the mythological aspect into the discussion, along with in depth examination of which subway routes they're using.


royaltrux t1_j4scfbx wrote

Their dependence on public transportation thinned their ranks considerably. Give'em a van or a few taxis and we wouldn't be here talking about it.


DrRotwang t1_j4sisoy wrote

Joe Bob Briggs is a goddamn national treasure.


tiffadoodle t1_j4sltuy wrote

When my nephew was a kid, he loved The Warriors video game, then got into the movie


Miketheoctopus t1_j4t7tc9 wrote

I wore a headband and denim jacket on Halloween with three beer bottles on my fingers. I had 3 people out of the few hundred I interacted with who got it lol


Busy-Okra-7732 t1_j4trhkv wrote

It looks like the Furies have STRUCK OUT!


scsnse t1_j4rs1u9 wrote

Interesting contemporary factoid about this movie: Ronald Reagan loved it and had it screened in the White House for him.

It’s fascinating that the race baiting, “tough on crime” conservative would love a work romanticizing urban gang members and their daily struggles. Perhaps, on some level as a young man who came of age during the Great Depression and who came from a working class family back then, he could relate in some way.


Pluto_Rising t1_j4si5i5 wrote

Reagan was a shit Prez, but as an actor first, he liked a good movie.


mcjackass t1_j4srbhd wrote

He just liked watching sweaty mens. In tight leather vests. Running all thru that dirty city. Oogah


Pandelerium11 t1_j4s5cgz wrote

Trump liked one of Issa Rae's tweets, will wonders never cease.


JohnDunstable t1_j4sdqv6 wrote

Walter Hill. Made many very good movies, and a few stinkers.


hk317 t1_j4si0rb wrote

I feel like Centurion with Michael Fassbender has the same premise/similar plot.


StuartGotz t1_j4sumbt wrote

Who are the “pricks with ears” in the Greek version.


Cjlaw72 t1_j4svi0e wrote

That's The Wanderers. You're close though. Came out same year I think.


madicusmeximus2 t1_j4t0xet wrote

This is odd. Watching The Warriors right now as I am skimming Reddit.


Aggressive-Level-683 t1_j4t9bmu wrote

I also learned this fact when I got the directors cut dvd and watched the extras years ago. Fascinating and such an awesome movie.


lev_lafayette t1_j4umiv1 wrote

Oh my goodness. I saw this as a kid in 1979.. Today I learned..


SmittyComic t1_j4vb7xi wrote

always felt it was more like "the odyssey" more than anything.

they only wanted to get home, and ran into sirens, and club wielding "cyclopes" Always one eye painted different color.

the one character is named swan, and that's how Zeus seduced the queen in the story by turning into a swan. swan ran away with the queen of the orphans.


ewatta200 t1_j4x3d3i wrote

Coincidently im reading a translated shorted version of the Anabasis right now


MattyEC t1_j4ssppa wrote

I can't imagine anyone having heard of this movie without having heard of the backstory -- heck, the movie itself bragged about this inspiration in the opening scene IIRC.

I got into the movie as a teen when, pretty much out of nowhere, they decided to release a PS2 game on the IP, and I fell in love with the hammy B action and ridiculous outfits that looked like they belonged at a dragshow moreso than a gang war.


Cjlaw72 t1_j4svmgy wrote

The original film does not have that narration. The Directors cut has that.


[deleted] t1_j4r0u7k wrote



kevlarbuns OP t1_j4r34a7 wrote

It alludes to one battle, but not that the story is the Anabasis, nor does it mention Xenophon.


Lisa_Leubner t1_j4rns0r wrote

I'm going to pay attention to this next time. I did notice some new details on my last viewing, having not watched it for some time.


jaoblia t1_j4s3h88 wrote

That's actually only in the director's cut that everyone hates.


Cjlaw72 t1_j4s3pvt wrote

That's from the newer directors cut with that crappy comic book panel between scenes. So not really everyone who seen the film knows this and the longer directors cut is worse than the theatrical version.


bolanrox t1_j4qlx8z wrote

its the Odyssey set in 1970's Brooklyn +The Bitch Mother from Lean on Me / the Chief from the Carmen Santiago TV show as the Faceless DJ


robinperching t1_j4r3l8s wrote

I mean, it's not the Odyssey, it's Xenophon's Anabasis - OP just told you!


BigNikiStyle t1_j4qqn2w wrote

Lynn Thigpen, I think her name was.


bolanrox t1_j4qs93j wrote

> Lynn Thigpen

Yep that is her. Shame she passed away so young.


BigNikiStyle t1_j4qty3d wrote

Absolutely. Her voice was iconic to me. First as the Chief and then later when I discovered The Warriors.