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RoyalAntelope9948 t1_j855l0n wrote

I was being too general I guess. I meant republicans everywhere. They are doing their utmost to take rights away from minorities and women.


RoyalAntelope9948 t1_j855pvy wrote

I think that if you call yourself a republican now you have aligned yourself with these monsters.


cpujockey t1_j8ru18n wrote

yeah lincoln was totally a monster.


RoyalAntelope9948 t1_j8rxa7t wrote

Lol. Honey republicans AND democrats have changed their allegiances quite a bit since Lincoln's time. They are not the same parties.


bobsizzle t1_j856s73 wrote

What rights are being taken away from minorities? Is there something that minorities can no longer do that white people still can?


RoyalIndependence500 t1_j86fa1o wrote

In over 20 states in the US GLBTQ people can still be fired, lose their housing and health care for being gay. Every single one of those states is run by Republicans. Over 300 laws are being proposed in Republican states to deny trans citizens health care and access to gender affirming g treatment. Education is under attack that addresses systemic racism and minority representation. Educate yourself.


bobsizzle t1_j89wrgd wrote

Sexual orientation is a protected class. You can't legally be fired because of it. That's federal. Which overrides state law.

And law's regarding healthcare, particularly children, are the same. The law doesn't allow any children to undergo those surgeries, in those states. Or am I wrong about that? Whether they identify as trans or not. You're still not being specific and if there are specific laws in those states that say a gay person can be fired, in law or if it's just in practice, the federal courts would side with them. It is illegal to deny someone a job or housing , as the fair housing act protects them as well.

And education should focus on necessary skills. No rights are being taken away. Education is supposed to be equal. Everyone should have the opportunity to learn the same thing. Taking away someones right to education would be not allowing Black kids in school. Or not allowing them to attend a school with white's. Or not giving them the same curriculum as white people. Deciding not to teach everyone something added, is not denying anyone their rights. That's a different argument about what you think students should be taught. That's an argument worth having. But it is not the same as denying anyone's federally protected rights.


RoyalIndependence500 t1_j8arldf wrote

You are correct about the 2020 Supreme Court decision protecting GLBTQ citizens from being fired. I had forgotten about that. I do know hundred of laws have been and are targeting trans people and the GLBTQ community regarding education. And I strongly disagree that education should not be about history, cultural groups and civil discourse. Education is not only about training workers. It’s teaching about teaching people how we as a society got to where we are and how we can address the serious social, environmental and economic issues that we face today.


cpujockey t1_j8rua1x wrote

WTF IS GLBTQ? I thought it was LGBTQ, or LGBTQIA+?

look, I am just a bisexual PoC VT republican and I am just trying to figure out what the hell is going on in here.


BudsKind802 t1_j86jbq8 wrote

Minorities have been purged off voter roles in multiple states, even for skipping voting in only one election, and aren't notified about it. Poling places in poor and minority communities have been closed, forcing them to find a way to get to a far away voting place, and then Georgia passed a bill that made it illegal to give these people who have been standing in line for hours even a bottle of water even in 100 degree weather. I'm guessing you've never had to wait more than 10 minutes to check in to vote, but I have relatives who have waited for hours in the South, while white areas have no such waits. I won't even get into the voter intimidation of voters in cities, in the name of looking out for voter fraud. I ask you, since 2016, how many provable instances of voter fraud were there? I'll give you a hint, the convictions were almost all Trump voters voting twice or more.

LGBT teachers aren't even allowed to mention their significant other in class without falling afoul of "Don't say Gay" laws in Florida, while straight teachers are freely able to talk about their wives or husbands.

All of these are easily verifiable with a very quick Google search.


bobsizzle t1_j8a0tb6 wrote

I agree that voting should be made easier. For everyone. But I do agree IDs should be required. Politicians have long Jerry rigged elections, that's not new or even just a republican thing. Whether it's counting Dead people in votes or redrawing districts to suit your party. There should be an even amount of polling stations, based on population density. That would solve a lot of those problems. There are problems in the way elections are handled.

I'm actually someone who's lived down south and many other places and am well aware of politicians finding legal ways to abuse the system. Term limits would be nice, but I don't see anyone calling for that. Neither party. Everyone in Congress is a corrupt piece of crap. Nancy pelosi Acts pious, but her husband seems to be one of the greatest stock traders out there. Or it's because his wife has a high position in Congress so he has knowledge of things days or week's before the public. Same with the rest of Congress. Anyone who doesn't want term limits In Congress is corrupt. But that's beside the point.

I have actually had to wait to vote. Much longer then 10 minutes, but not too often because I usually live in rural communities or small towns. And yes, in white areas, I've had long waits, especially in elections with larger then expected turnouts.

I am certain there is fraud in every election. But I've never seen wide spread fraud. Not in recent memory anyway. But if there was, you might not hear about it in an environment of censorship. Hunter Bidens laptop was evidence of censorship. But I'd still agree there probably wasn't a widespread fraud to get a demented joe Biden elected. I think that was more people voting for the lesser of 2 evils. Which is still ridiculous. Why can't there actually be good candidates? There rarely are. It's just power hungry and corrupt people.

And I don't think any teacher should be talking about their personal life in class. I don't think I ever once heard anything about my teachers relationships, family, nothing. I don't mind them banning that, but if they do for LGBTQ teachers, it should be for everyone. Teachers should just be teaching kids about math and science and reading and the typical, necessary things. But again, it's not a right to be able to teach kids anything outside of a curriculum. I don't want kids learning religion in school either.