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WhatTheCluck802 t1_jcp9iq8 wrote

This makes me so angry, the selfishness of that action is beyond the pale. How can someone be so self absorbed to not care about the horrible impacts to that train engineer. It is inexcusable to have someone else kill you like this woman did - she’s dead but that poor engineer will live with this horrible memory for the rest of his life. Infuriating. There are a million other methods that, while devastating to family and traumatic to first responders to deal with a body dead by suicide, will not actively engage another person in taking your life. This is truly an evil action on her part.


[deleted] t1_jcpggd4 wrote

Suicidal people aren’t thinking rationally, by definition.


WhatTheCluck802 t1_jcprkj5 wrote

Doesn’t excuse the responsibility to have basic decency to other humans.


phat5pliff t1_jcpxd3q wrote

I mean… basic decency doesn’t mean shit when you are mentally ill to the point of a violent suicide. Yeah, obviously it’s awful for the conductor but you’re pretty much victim blaming someone who may or may not have had the mental capacity to rationalize how it would affect others. You can have empathy for both victims.


assholelarry t1_jcpfjjm wrote

I had a cousin who was a locomotive engineer. He was on duty when a woman chose to use his train to commit suicide. He struggled for a couple of years before committing suicide (pills) himself. He said he couldn’t ever not see those last moments.


pocketlily t1_jcq6aai wrote

Rode a commuter train in a different state for many years and became friendly with the conductors and engineers. Discussing it with them after being a passenger on one of those trains, it was alarming to find out how common it was for trains to hit people. Tragic because the engineers are usually powerless to do anything about it because they typically cannot stop the train in time.


LukeMayeshothand t1_jcpkq4q wrote

I’m not so angry at them. Think of all those ways to go some painless yet this person chose to get hit by a train? This is someone who was in deep pain. I empathize with the trauma to the engineer but damn no on goes out like that that is in their right mind.


WhatTheCluck802 t1_jcprzk8 wrote

Doesn’t excuse the lack of basic decency to others.


LukeMayeshothand t1_jcpt2zo wrote

I didn’t say it did but could you have some empathy and realize this person was in a mental state that probably wouldn’t allow those thoughts. I mean the operator is alive but this person got hit by a fucking train. On purpose. Who the fuck does that!


JodaUSA t1_jcppj4i wrote

Eh, yeah its not a good way to kill yourself, but should we really be making this a moral Olympic sport? Like what are we gonna say? Judges rate it 4.4 do better next time??


WhatTheCluck802 t1_jcpqjq0 wrote

It’s immoral to use someone else to kill you.


foomp t1_jcrbhto wrote

All of the moral compunction is gone when you're dead.


DaddyBobMN t1_jcpdzzg wrote

I was watching a documentary about a town with a strong rail history and one of the engineers said that any of them that had made life careers of the job (he was talking postwar to the 80s) had hit and killed someone at some point, whether on foot or in their vehicles. I can't imagine me and all so many of my coworkers having to live with that.


Sisyphean_ambition t1_jcq8aqe wrote

This tragedy isn’t making you angry, your narrow perspective is making you angry. Maybe you should unpack whatever past trauma you’ve experienced and learn to have some compassion.


kidcommon t1_jctcejb wrote

I absolutely feel for this engineer and anyone else who witnessed or was impacted by her death


While this seems like it was intentional, we can’t just assume she was a person who was depressed and has decided to die.

She may have been struggling with a different reality that contributed to her actions. For instance, if a person was under the delusion that killing themselves this way would save the rest of humanity from getting hit by an asteroid, would you have a different opinion of her? If she was hallucinating that children were on the tracks and she opted to get hit first, so they didn’t, would you have a different opinion of her?


WhatTheCluck802 t1_jctgvx2 wrote

If she genuinely had no control over her brain, then yes. But I struggle to accept that this is the case when this sort of thing happens - sort of like the Bourgoin case who killed the kids from Harwood by intentionally smashing into their car. The lack of caring about anyone else’s well being in the pursuit of your own death is just unfathomable.


kidcommon t1_jcth6u8 wrote

As a person working in Vermont with people who attempted suicide, or want to, the scenarios I described are incredibly common. More so than you think. Very very very many people do not share your reality.


Melodic_District_413 t1_jd9sjoo wrote

Don't compare her to someone who killed children. You have no idea what it was like to be in her mind and I hope you never go through whatever pain she was in. I am praying for her and her family. The higher power and light is more powerful than any pain on this earth. I pray Young woman that you are safe and in the divine light where you belong. I lost a family member in a similar way and the thing to do right now is pray for them. Not speaking I'll and causing more pain for their family. She is forgiven. She is no longer suffering. God is love.

So say we all.


funky_ass_flea_bass t1_jctfl55 wrote

I mean, she was suicidal, she probably wasn’t thinking of all the above. That’s sick to call her evil.


Other_Ad_7184 t1_jcv3cze wrote

Thank you, my niece wasn't evil. Even though she was carrying a deep hurt she was always trying to make someone smile and feel better.


thelasagna t1_jcylwwj wrote

I’m so sorry about your niece. Be kind to yourself and give yourself love.


WhatTheCluck802 t1_jcth8em wrote

Being suicidal shouldn’t give someone a pass to do whatever the hell they want when it impacts the lives of innocent strangers. In this case - the engineer. Another case is that Bourgoin guy who killed a car full of Harwood students by smashing into it intentionally. Those sorts of actions should never be acceptable.


Nanotude t1_jctnb99 wrote

Anyone who is at the point of committing to this action is not well, not thinking right and can't be judged as if they had any idea of the consequences of their actions. Agreed it is awful for anyone witnessing it, and my heart goes out to them. But you can't judge an unwell person.


Melodic_District_413 t1_jd563xj wrote

That's right. Incomprehensible pain is not "evil". But harassing bereaved family members is.


Other_Ad_7184 t1_jcv2xv5 wrote

Dude, your parents raised an evil person to make such ignorant and insensitive remarks on public social media and not caring if relatives see it.


WhatTheCluck802 t1_jcv51he wrote

I’d feel the same way if one of my relatives did this, definitely not fair to make an innocent stranger suffer the consequences of one’s decision to end their life.


Worf_In_A_Party_Hat t1_jcp7tek wrote

I was hanging outside with a few buddies and heard the train's horn blaring for a very long time. I wish it wasn't because of something terrible like this. Ugh. I mean, stuff like this just doesn't happen in Waterbury.


JerryKook t1_jcpm9hm wrote

are you new to Waterbury?


Worf_In_A_Party_Hat t1_jcpn2qn wrote

Relatively - just a few years, but it's been really chill while I've been here. Maybe it's not so much in different parts of town, but downtown is quiet most of the time.

Edit: do people think that Waterbury is dangerous or something? I've never had even one problem. Granted, I might look a little scary to some people myself, tall and scruffy.


Laser-Nipples t1_jcqera3 wrote

Are you just asking a question or are you saying that things like people getting hit by a train happen often in Waterbury?


Phishymoe t1_jcr1cin wrote

I remember less the 10 years ago someone jumped off the bridge Infront of the train. Also the old mental institution used to be in Waterbury and now there is a few people left behind. If you are there long enough you get to know them. I love Waterbury though.


VermontAintUgly t1_jcqkf0a wrote

Not very often, but this is the second one in about 10 years on that stretch of rails in Waterbury.


JerryKook t1_jcreccq wrote

Waterbury has some major characters and interesting history.

Edit: Waterbury gives use Kathi Tarrant.


thelasagna t1_jcq7qn8 wrote

Oh god- I was home and heard it and wondered what was going on. I feel so horrible for everyone involved


Worf_In_A_Party_Hat t1_jcqceos wrote

Yeah - I'm used to hearing the train here and there, but it sure seemed weird. I actually commented to my friends something along the lines of, "what the hell? Is there a car on the tracks or something?"

I wish it was just an empty car.


Virtual_Yard_1919 t1_jcr2od1 wrote

Long time resident of Waterbury; I spoke with the Amtrack employee that saw it all happen. Per the worker, it was definitely suicide, the woman had been meandering around station parking lot and adjacent park muttering to herself for several hours before the train arrived. Obviously not in the right mindset and it’s horrible she got to this point, but the thousand yard stare the Amtrack worker had combined with his recounting of the incident (let’s just say the wheels got to her first) gives me less sympathy. Suicidal ideation and actions are awful, but there is no reason to mentally scar strangers (obviously friends and family will be hurt regardless of the method) with your actions in doing so. Simply no avoiding the fact that this will cause years of struggle for the people she brought into it.


Other_Ad_7184 t1_jcv258g wrote

Dude, has it occurred to you that relatives can see your ignorant and insensitive comments? I bet you would be upset if it was a loved family member of yours. She is my niece and she was loving person, she was loved by many, and we're not sure why she did it because she had a lot of good things going for her. She was not a selfish person, she always thought of others before herself. I get that it's hard for the train crew to see it happen before their eyes, but it's hard for our family because we will miss her and will only have memories of her wanting to make everyone laugh.


Virtual_Yard_1919 t1_jcv33s6 wrote

How is what I said insensitive? It’s an acknowledgment of the facts. She traumatized multiple people by doing this. We are even saying the same thing. My family has lost members to suicide and yes we know how much it hurts. We also know what happens when you do it in a way that traumatized others they aren’t mutually exclusive. Get off Reddit if you want your feelings regarded by strangers.


quiannazaetz t1_jd09a1r wrote

She had a name. She had a life no one could ever comprehend, and she was an absolutely beautiful soul. I understand the ripple effect of her last choice, but to all of us who actually KNEW her… she was more than just her last moments. She was an incredible friend, had a laugh that was unlike anyone else we had ever met. She was someone who brought joy to our lives, and someone we will never forget.

We love you swanny. Gosh, we love you.


Biggie13123 t1_jd8cgvo wrote

I had the pleasure of knowing her until her last couple hours and in the short time less than a month that I knew her I have very rarely met such a sweet innocent kid because that's what she was my point to this is the people that should have been there for her when she needed them the most her family was not and now that she's gone the judge mental assholes want to post shit like they cared if you cared she would still be here she lost everything and continued to lose so I hope the people that say they cared and should have been there see her face every night and every morning and it truly haunts you because I promise you from the talks I had with her if you cared and didn't dump her at a fucking shelter she would still be here


Biggie13123 t1_jdleqtt wrote

Soni guess her family is not going to step up to the plate and out of well deserved shame I'm sure but I keep her since I think February 27after she got out of Brattleboro she had found out her husband cheated on her and it really fucked her up her religious family would have nothing to do with her because I believe she wanted a divorce so after adult teen challenge and a mental hospital she ended up in a shelter with nothing luckily me and a few others did what we could the day after she got here she was followed by a creep from Brattleboro who I talked to and he left I used to talk to her more than anyone and her scumbag husband cheating on her hurt her bad and because she would not take him back her family shut her out she was in a state she wasn't from around people she did not know and was scared and lonely she needed and wanted her family who never once checked on her I don't know why she chose to do what she did but Ariel was a sweet hurt 26 year old that felt like she lost the family who say they loved her and had a cheating scumbag husband .When she was at her lowest point in life she was betrayed and abounded I talk to her many nights if she had her family she would be here I got her the ride because she said she had a aunt there to live with I have felt like shit for the last week and will always remember how lucky I was just to know her the short time I did the bottom line is her family out her in a shelter and now wants to act like they was there for her they was not and if they would have she would still be here so take that how you want


Biggie13123 t1_jdbcti4 wrote

Everyone can say it's selfish but the reality is I knew her for her last month and litteraly was with her until her last couple hours she was a young women in a place she did not know who s husband and family had betrayed her she was constantly scared and as much as I wish I would have known I do know she felt she lost everything she told me the night after I chased some creep from Brattleboro out of here because she was scared to death of him she only wanted her family that's it just to know she was not alone I talked to her less than 2 hours before she made her choice and told me she was going to I've with a aunt in Waterbury I never thought she was in the dark place she was but I knew for sure she just wanted her family so I will never forget the 26 year old kid who was dumped at a shelter n a state she didn't know but I hope the family that now is all about the love and support she had is full of shit if that was the case we would not be having any of theses decisions.....Ariel I'm sorry the people you count in the most failed you and I hope your in a better place and free of the pain I will always remember you and believe me you was cared about even if it was by the people you new the shortest


Biggie13123 t1_jd8cyy0 wrote

Absolutely it has and that's who I'm referring to DUDE


Biggie13123 t1_jd8dk3m wrote

And if you fucking cared she wouldn't have been at a homeless shelter around people she didn't know I might not know her whole story but like I said I knew enough to know all she wanted was her family and to not be alone


Biggie13123 t1_jdlg5nf wrote

I know her name and don't pretend to know Ariel's while story but I know I talked to her almost every night and unfortunately was one of the last people she knew to see her still with us so I'm great full for the short time I did know her and my opinion is only that but the fact is the ones she needed was her family and well they was not there period


TheMobyDicks t1_jcyv2xy wrote

Lots of debate in this thread about "selfish" suicide. Not going get into it myself, except to say:

"Stuck in the gears of a combine, that's how I want to go."

- Frank Drebin


[deleted] t1_jcpc0ir wrote



woden_spoon t1_jcpffvf wrote

Check the stats of rail compared to literally any other form of ground transportation.