Submitted by BudsKind802 t3_11x1che in vermont
Gubru t1_jd19n84 wrote
Unless she was providing the alcohol I'm not sure why this is news.
thunderbundle t1_jd1ii6l wrote
Plus the 21 year age requirement seems archaic and pointless.
TheTowerBard t1_jd1kwqc wrote
Oh man, it’s a bummer they didn’t write an article about any of the times me or my friends threw a party at our parent’s houses growing up. It’d be a fun to have the newspaper clippings to show the grandkids, you know?
lantonas t1_jd1p5yu wrote
Things alcoholics say.
OkNotice8600 t1_jd2aep2 wrote
Its “D”ifferent.
Grundle_Thumper t1_jd2b7v5 wrote
Just the good ol news implying things through dramatic titles to gain attention. That’s a shitty thing to do.
whaletacochamp t1_jd2irkj wrote
Because a lot of the details are being hidden. This woman full well knew what was going on at her house and there were over a hundred kids there.
Source: friends kid was there and asked for a ride, when friend picked kid up there were so many cars and drunk kids in the road he couldn’t even get near the house. Two drunk kids had their cars in the ditch and were trying to get pulled out without calling tow trucks. And rumor has it mama Chea knew exactly what was going down at her home. This is news because this woman’s child and their friends should be held equally accountable as every other underage drinker. I’ve seen far too many privileged kids get huge things like this ignored.
whaletacochamp t1_jd2itwr wrote
It does, but allowing a hundred kids under 18 binge drink at your home is not the best solution now is it?
utilitarian_wanderer t1_jd2jgdb wrote
These entitled people think the rules only apply to the little people!
amoebashephard t1_jd2jjtu wrote
This is most definitely not an issue confined to democrats
AdPopular6234 t1_jd2mfi8 wrote
My husband and I went for one overnight in the 1990s and the kids had a party while we were gone. We would never have known if it wasn't for the broken screen door.
Green_Message_6376 t1_jd2mrql wrote
Didn't one of Scott's people get busted foe DUI in the past few weeks also?
Apprehensive_Pop_305 t1_jd2mw6o wrote
Love your use of "rumour" when citing your source.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jd2okgp wrote
It’s actually backed by studies which show the male brain is still not developed at 18 (thus the criminal charging status for 18 to 21 year olds) as well as studies which show the longer someone waits to drink the less likely they are to become dependent. If the topic is of interest I encourage you to google it. Just preventing that first sip until after like 17 statistically reduces the chance of alcoholism by double digits.
Vtfla t1_jd2oqs9 wrote
Where does it say they were UNDER 18? Where does it say she allowed it?
Vtfla t1_jd2pa12 wrote
We went away for the weekend to Montreal when our kids were 18 and 20. Came home and the house was clean, nothing broken. We congratulated ourselves that they hadn’t held a party. Later that day, I walked by a back seldom used bathroom. There was a post it note on it that said ‘Girl’s Room’.
They absolutely had a party…..
Vtfla t1_jd2pf0i wrote
We found a post it note on one of the bathroom doors that said ‘girl’s room’.
tossawayintheend t1_jd2s9p5 wrote
Leaving the house TOO clean got us busted once. There's no way we would have voluntarily taken the trash out if it wasn't full of beer cans and solo cups...
whaletacochamp t1_jd2thmq wrote
I said both of those things because of insider info I’m privy to
whaletacochamp t1_jd2tqn1 wrote
I mean it’s a rumor but I know the people involved and the kids were high schoolers. You can fill in the details with common sense.
VegetableBeneficial t1_jd2uxc9 wrote
Oh come on. That’s so not news - my friends parents and my parents all could have been in the same situation thanks to us. Teenagers have parties and drink alcohol. It happens
JavyLopez t1_jd2wq12 wrote
Super interesting. Do you know off hand if this is US specific? I’ve heard of families in Europe giving their kinds wine earlier but also the binge drinking culture is very different
VTMike1029 t1_jd2xhr0 wrote
I doubt she gets in any trouble over this. If it was a regular ass working parent they would have been arrested for having an underage drinking party on their property. The rules don't apply to people with money and clout
Apprehensive_Pop_305 t1_jd2zym2 wrote
That still doesn't bridge tje gap between "rumor" and "source."
whaletacochamp t1_jd3061y wrote
That’s literally the source of my information. Like it or not.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jd30yrb wrote
I have never looked at non us research. my partner is in the recovery field and we have looked and talked our kids about it. I imagine it is very related to culture as well.
Effective_Move_4499 t1_jd32170 wrote
You seem bummed you weren't invited
Apprehensive_Pop_305 t1_jd336ps wrote
Source: I have no source.
whaletacochamp t1_jd33zjg wrote
When I’ve spoken to multiple parents of children who were in attendance, I’d say I probably have better information than what is being put forth in this article
whaletacochamp t1_jd3416k wrote
Yeah definitely.
whaletacochamp t1_jd34p9c wrote
I was at a party in high school that was busted. Way fewer people than this one and the parents of the house were nobodies. It made the news.
Virtual_Yard_1919 t1_jd36mah wrote
Great to hear state police are focused on all those underaged drinking parties that are killing hundreds…. Oh wait that’s the heroin dealers I forgot it’s so hard to keep up with their priorities. Laughable.
Effective_Move_4499 t1_jd37mxy wrote
I think it's important for kids to experience wild raging parties maybe just to see the stupidity of drunk adolescents. A lot of mistakes I've made will not be repeated and those learning moments are invaluable. The lessons might never have been learned without some stupidity in the first place. Yes the risk that can come from alcohol and young adults is high but a seminar at school won't change you like a first hand experience. This has all been pretty vague but maybe you get the point.
Good judgement comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgement.
CardinalPuff-Skipper t1_jd3eoxn wrote
It actually doesn’t happen as much as it used to. Parents are held liable if something goes sideways.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_jd3mxyj wrote
You get to have a party. They get their house cleaned for them. Sounds like a win for both sides.
funky_ass_flea_bass t1_jd3oa7f wrote
Honestly who cares
CardinalPuff-Skipper t1_jd44lq9 wrote
Are they mutually exclusive? I lost several friends due to underage drinking and driving- decades ago. It can be incredibly impactful to a community to lose kids. The VSP probably saved a teen life or lives that night and they don’t deserve shade on this.
xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx t1_jd4d0bx wrote
Daily reminder that alcohol is the most socially destructive drug in the country and over 80% of domestic abuse cases have alcohol involved.
WinstonAtlas t1_jd4i5wo wrote
At my high school, over 1/3 of the kids’ parents were in jail for allowing house parties. It was tough for them to raise themselves during their teenage years, but at least they stopped throwing parties after their parents went to jail.
lantonas t1_jd4j75e wrote
90% of the people in this sub are full blown alcoholics.
VTMike1029 t1_jd4lzlu wrote
Sounds like those kids learned a valuable lesson from their mistakes. Chea will not be arrested or see in the inside of a courtroom because she is a state representative must be nice to be above the law.
boyyhowdy t1_jd4p4nc wrote
I thought that was Cris at first.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jd4vjl0 wrote
We had a friend whose father was a Senator, and the biggest parties were always when his parents were away. The one downside was even though they were loaded his dad preferred cheap whiskey and gin. Thank god we lived before cell cameras were widespread and any good.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jd4vqe0 wrote
Karen is as Karen does.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jd4vzct wrote
I think we've found the people who were not invited to the parties when they were young...
Rain on those parades.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jd4wd1r wrote
If this was a regular parent this wouldn't be news, and is only news to a certain type of person who enjoys taking the streets, torch in hand, at any and every oppoutunity.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jd4wlb6 wrote
Busy bodies and Karens.
VTMike1029 t1_jd4x40o wrote
I disagree if it were a regular parent it would be news saying how horrible of parents they are allowing an underage drinking party. My problem with this situation is the fact there were minors drinking at her house and she is in no way facing any legal charges.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jd4y9qa wrote
It would only be news to that particular community. Busy bodies on reddit wouldn't be carrying torches because this wouldn't be news.
Vermont has a long tradition of minor's party with adult knowledge. My theory is most of the people mad were the ones not invited when they were kids and projecting their past angst that they never came to terms with.
VTMike1029 t1_jd4znuq wrote
I'm not sure where the torch carrying business is coming from nor did I deny adults knowing/hosting underage drinking parties. All I want is for everyone to be treated the exact same no matter your social status or what your occupation is. I'm mad that she isn't getting into trouble for hosting an underage drinking party whilst if it had been a regular working person not in state government they would have been arrested on the spot. She should be held accountable like everyone else. Please explain to me how this is a torch weilding mentality.
huskers2468 t1_jd50jpr wrote
Yeah... It's always hard to trust unverified sources on Reddit. I'll believe it when it's verified.
whaletacochamp t1_jd5l0h4 wrote
Yeah you and the other guy commenting this same thing are the ones who didn’t get invited. I don’t see why else you’d make that connection and be so eager to share it.
Back in my day we’d get blackout in a neighbors hay barn while he had no idea we were in there. But no one drove and help was a scream away and our parents had no idea what we were doing, but I could also absolutely call for a ride if need be. From what I’ve heard about this situation and about a lot of these high school parties nowadays is that they are quite brazen, often sponsored by parents who don’t give a fuck, and result in a lot of kids drunk driving. I’m all for kids doing their thing and being kids - until they hop in the car or just start to get to take it too far in general. And definitely against parents who think they’re above the law when it comes to something like this.
Like many other parents in this thread - I think a healthy dose of both fear and careful rebellion is good for kids. And I see those two things not being reinforced in this day and age.
OkNotice8600 t1_jd5mlgf wrote
Really? Because if this was a republican the comments would be burying this person. Everyone in here acting like this fine…
amoebashephard t1_jd5obki wrote
I'm not saying it's fine, just that republicans can be bad parents too. It's not a political issue
OkNotice8600 t1_jd5p811 wrote
It is when one group gets vilified and one does not.
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jd5q7t1 wrote
I don't know of the other person you speak of, but it sounds like you took that a little too personally. I made that connection because the people who attended parties like this with more likely to be sympathetic and less Karen like as exhibited in the comments throughout. I figured that was a quite obvious reason, but hey I guess not so there you go.
Vermont statically has some of the lowest teen drunk driving cases and though the cases have gone up over the years that can be attributed to other factors of the child being raised and not the direct access to partying. Youth entitlement has never been more prevalent in this state, and they get it from their parents. Granted that statement is hyperbolic and hearsay, I'm sure many would agree with it.
What we can agree on is that parents aren't doing their duty in this day and age for whatever the reason may be case by case.
amoebashephard t1_jd5qsgz wrote
Who's getting vilified? What tf are you talking about?
[deleted] t1_jd61nbo wrote
BookieLukie t1_jd7ffqr wrote
Wow, brat of politician busted throwing a house party. If we were still in the 80s they'd make an "underdog gets the girl" movie from it. Geesh.
BookieLukie t1_jd7flpv wrote
Because it's mud season and too early for the "runaway cows" stories.
BookieLukie t1_jd7fplv wrote
I'm shocked it wasn't the VTDigger on this one.
Grundle_Thumper t1_jd7fyao wrote
True story
BeckyKleitz t1_jd8v55c wrote
Wow. Here you are on reddit proclaiming how you don't have a problem with underage drinking OR with adults drinking with minors.
What, and I ask this with all *due* respect, the fuck is wrong with you?
BeckyKleitz t1_jd8wiq4 wrote
He's a sad little tRumpster who's lost his way. He doesn't know who to be angry at anymore so he's just going to be angry at everyone (but not as angry as he is at himself for being taken in by a fat, orange conman).
Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jdbb6xo wrote
Doing dangerous and unnecessary things safely is all a part of the human condition. The act in which you condemn has been done since the invention of alcohol itself. I've seen more people turned off by alcohol drinking as teenagers than I have addict lost to it.
Not so kindly and without out any respect, because none is due, get a life.
Well, sir, it appears to me that you are no better at judging human beings than you are a specimen of one and I shall bid you adieu.
OkNotice8600 t1_jdc1ih2 wrote
I’m a black lesbian libertarian. You could not be further from the truth tough guy! I’m sorry the orange man has you upset still, get over it.
BeckyKleitz t1_jdeedt4 wrote
The fat orange traitor is going to jail. He only entertains me with his flailing and YELLING.
OkNotice8600 t1_jdeks0s wrote
Sure he is, last Tuesday. Keep seething. Cope harder. Lmao! Of course you wouldn’t know because you are a liberal. Grand jury has been cancelled the last two days. There is no case.
BeckyKleitz t1_jdeu0nb wrote
Bless your heart, honey.
OkNotice8600 t1_jdf87hl wrote
K. Let me know when he goes to jail loser.
BeckyKleitz t1_jdfqlnz wrote
I'm not the one defending a fat, orange traitor, but you do you, ma'am.
OkNotice8600 t1_jdgoq0t wrote
Seethe harder
jimbobbrainiac t1_jdl9zdt wrote
What I find hilarious is that, in damn near unison, this sub is like “so not news!” “Kids are kids!”…but if this was spun the exact same way except as an underage drinking party at a State Troopers house, you all would be losing your minds.
Drinking kills people daily (including innocent victims).
MudaThumpa t1_jd0uu9i wrote
"I'm a cool, fun mom! Please like me."