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vtdrums OP t1_ir1fxvm wrote

WCAX's typical level of "reporting detail" has really fucked things up.


deadowl t1_ir3bt62 wrote

I legit wrote this in the subreddit news guide particularly because of how WCAX has been reporting news.


zonitronic t1_ir55lwx wrote

No sure why you got down-voted. That was all pretty useful information, thank-you for posting it.


Davey503 t1_ir35pmx wrote

That poor girl, surviving high school is bad enough without the local news exploiting you to get clicks and a moment in the spotlight.


Distinguished_Parrot t1_ir28jzr wrote

I'll just note the beginning of the response from the WCAX "news director" already starts on a wrong foot.

> explore whether the laws and policies meant to protect transgendered students


DMTOO t1_ir2jz6x wrote

Completely inept. Casts doubt on the entire operation over there.


cpujockey t1_ir526vn wrote

Man bullies suck.

give em hell. show them no quarter!


BeerdedBiker t1_ir5ilye wrote

Woman bullies also suck. To be fair.


cpujockey t1_ir5o7u6 wrote

zero tolerance policy in this family for that bullshit. Saw enough of it growing up to know you take a stand immediately. Answer in kind, show no mercy.


random_vermonter t1_ir35noh wrote

It's bad enough when fucking Caitlyn Jenner has to make a nasty tweet about it. Umm, is this the same Caitlyn Jenner that came out as transgender and transitioned into a woman? I'm so sick and tired of these assholes.


Beardly_Smith t1_ir4lmy1 wrote

Was the mother there in the changing room as well or just going by what her daughter says.


RetiscentSun t1_ir4vzmy wrote

Tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me.

> Two days later, an administrator called the mother to tell her that three people reported that her daughter had been bullied and harassed. As a result, the school was launching an investigation.


[deleted] t1_ir5528k wrote

Yeah well the trans girl didn’t comment on news because they ran their little mouth in the locker room to others. Wtf do you thinks gonna happen? Harassment is harassment, Fucken level the playing field or get the fuck off it. Plain and simple. Equality for all, run your mouth in a changing room, get clocked is how it usually goes. Especially at Randolph


RetiscentSun t1_ir567ui wrote

I hope you’re doing ok


[deleted] t1_ir56hjx wrote

You clearly never been in a fight, or talked shit. Swing motherfuckaaaa swinggggg


RetiscentSun t1_ir56luy wrote

I guess you’re not doing ok. I hope things get better for you in the future


[deleted] t1_ir56ru8 wrote

Lol your that kid that talked shit in school and got clocked hookin your cheek to your braces


RetiscentSun t1_ir57e8z wrote

3/3 concerning comments. Feel free to send me a PM for access to some resources if you’re too embarrassed to ask here


Corey307 t1_ir6d7me wrote

The coward nukes their Reddit profile.


[deleted] t1_ir57oxo wrote

I mean it’s not my fault you fucked up in school and got your ass beat for talking shit, that’s your degenerate life lesson. I can’t go back in time and stop you from running your mouth, sounds like your at war with yourself


VermontRox t1_ir3d4na wrote

Well, at least it wasn’t the Principal this time.


[deleted] t1_ir555ad wrote

Because he’s out in back with the farmers sheep


somedudevt t1_ir3eulo wrote

I’m sorry but there is valid concern here by parents of kids who are not trans. Kids have no fucking clue what or who they are 99% of the time. In 7th grade I thought I was gonna be a pro football player, in 8th grade I was a jnco wearer, by 9th grade I was Eminem. Girls deserve to use a bathroom without a boy walking in saying they identify as XYZ today. This may be harsh to the actual trans people, but from what i hear from friends who work in schools and work with troubled youths, a lot of these kids are switching pronouns regularly and often in a manner that clearly shows they are just fucking with school staff. If they can’t allow girls and boys in separate rooms and kids who are undecided to use a different facility then the schools need to do away with gendered facilities all together and make single occupancy facilities.

Also bullying is bad, but fuck sake we have to recognize that it’s not below a 14 year old boy to say he is a girl to see some boobs.


TheBeardliestBeard t1_ir3vcdu wrote

It seems the parents are more concerned about voyeurs. In women's locker rooms, I'm 100% sure there is more voyeurism from girls who turn out to be lesbians (5.6% of US adults identify as LGBT whereas only 0.3% trans). Is that an issue to parents? It should be then, that's one girl in a room of 20, conservatively, and I know more guys were changing in the locker room with me when I was in HS. One I know turned out to be gay. That doesn't personally bother me, but should we have this communal experience? I'm not a parent. I shouldn't have a deciding say and I know I don't. I think you have a point and providing personal stalls may be a good solution, but the issue I see here is more one of community harassment, hate speech against a minor, and a rotten bigotry permeating the greater Randolph area.

We can find this bigotry anywhere, and it is more prominent in rural areas, but WCAX handled this appallingly and provided far to much credence to that outlook. What we need there, IMHO, is news coverage that is unbiased and covered the facts of what happened. Let the individuals draw up their conclusions. VT doesn't have a purposefully unalligned news channel to gleam the facts of news stories from. We have, instead, extremely biased providers from both ends of the spectrum that want to paint a fancy of any given situation, and will color their words to make the reader agreeable with their biases.


somedudevt t1_ir7vd1l wrote

Talk to someone who works with middle schoolers in a Behavior intervention/counselor role or similar. The issue isn’t the trans kids they deserve to be treated fair. The issue is that there are more kids changing pronouns for the sake of attention, rebelling, etc than there are legit trans kids. They have kids who are switching pronouns on a weekly basis at school, and then reporting teachers for not using the right pronoun. Kids are confused and incredibly manipulative these days. And in that lense it’s better safe than sorry. One of these days someone’s gonna be raped in one of these bathrooms. When that happens people will realize that we need to take a step back on all this stuff.


KatJen76 t1_irbea3y wrote

No one should have to deal with someone making comments or leering at them in the locker room, regardless of that person's gender identity, sexuality or whatever. It's hard to know the full truth of what happened in this case. Both sides naturally deny doing anything wrong and blame each other. The staff witnessed several girls yelling at the trans girl but even they don't know if something had preceded it.


KatJen76 t1_ir7tk06 wrote

You got downvoted but I agree with you here. It's not fair to say everyone has to swallow their discomfort to make someone else comfortable. These are teens, it's quite possible there's no villain here, just kids who maybe aren't dealing with their feelings well, whichever side of the story is closer to the truth.