Submitted by kosmonautinVT t3_ykj3hr in vermont
Easy_Alternative4435 t1_iuth8eg wrote
Tossed that bad boy in the wood stove after pulling the pages off the spine. Served a purpose.
Twombls t1_iuti16c wrote
Fire starter. I threw it in my "newspaper to burn" pile.
Bad_At_CAS_lol t1_iutiqx4 wrote
Yeah, I saw it on our counter for a day then it mysteriously ended up in the recycling.
DaddyBobMN t1_iutkl7s wrote
They've been rolling out for a couple weeks now all over VT.
I feel bad for the mail carriers and recycling coectors who have had to export these books and their pointless journey to the next life via all of our homes.
ethandavid42 t1_iutv0s8 wrote
Yes. Didn’t even recycle it. Straight to trash. Didn’t want it coming back in some other form.
SilverKelpie t1_iutwg77 wrote
I finally got mine today! After weeks of seeing seemingly everyone else get their free kindling on this subreddit, I was beginning to feel neglected.
Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_iuu24b9 wrote
Now we won’t need newspaper to start fires in the wood stove!
shortieXV t1_iuu3fxu wrote
Yup. Mines sitting in the recycle bin too
Ciderinsider86 t1_iuu4tyb wrote
Wonder what the ROI is on sending out tens of thousands of books to the least religious state in the natio Oof what a waste of money. Sucks they were allowed to use non-profit postal rates
timberwolf0122 t1_iuu4wrr wrote
Still nothing! Are they only sending it to married men? I’m married but we didn’t bother with name changing. I’d hate to miss out on burning hate
West_Garden t1_iuu64sk wrote
I dug return to sender with a pen and put it back in my mailbox. It was gone the next day.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iuu9n7y wrote
West side of Michigan is the "Bible Belt of the North".
TillPsychological351 t1_iuuab1m wrote
I got one the other day, and worringly, it had my name on it.
Icy_Ad6087 t1_iuufufs wrote
Right in the trash
AJArcadian t1_iuulku6 wrote
Married with different last names, and we got ours last week.
I must say if they didn't want them to be burned I don't know why they made them with such excellent tinder qualitt paper. Catches quicker than newspaper.
AJArcadian t1_iuulpee wrote
That's unsettling, mine just said "current resident" or something
AJArcadian t1_iuum4uz wrote
The cost is sunk in terms of earth dollars, but I think it translates to Heaven Points (TM). They're only redeemable after death or rapture, though, that's where they get ya.
tacotruck7 t1_iuuywm5 wrote
WantDastardlyBack t1_iuvtql1 wrote
Yes. Also got the medal cross that was sent out about a week earlier. And yesterday, we got that hatred-spewing "Joe Biden and Left-Wing Officials..." flyer that I've found the most outrageous of them all. I want to know what makes any of them think they're finding supporters in my household.
sorrycharlie88 t1_iuw074w wrote
As a mail carrier, please dont do that. Not my job to throw away your trash.
bleahdeebleah t1_iuw3tww wrote
So you're saying it won't actually get returned?
sorrycharlie88 t1_iuw4zm4 wrote
Nope, it's third class mail which just gets recycled.
bleahdeebleah t1_iuw5ykf wrote
Bummer. I want to somehow punish them for sending me this crap
sorrycharlie88 t1_iuw6i7o wrote
Considering there's been newspaper articles and TV news segments on the books I'm sure they've caught wind of some people's irritations, and I'm pretty sure they really don't care what you guys think in all honesty.
VermontZerg t1_iuwdxuu wrote
Imagine if these people actually used their money to help people, nah, they just want to continue religious conversion to make more money, under the guise of "Helping" lol.
YPG-Got-Raqqa t1_iuxtmom wrote
Are Seventh Day Adventists fash?
YPG-Got-Raqqa t1_iuxtquy wrote
Somehow I doubt the seventh day adventists are rolling in the dough.
Vtguy802812 t1_iuxwnwd wrote
Put return to sender and mail it back. They’ll be charged twice for the postage.
MortaLPortaL t1_iuy3ud3 wrote
mine made good kindling for a burn pile.
Harmacc t1_iuyd5ed wrote
If they had actual power. Same with the Mormons. Ditto for any other Abraham of religion.
herewegoinvt t1_iv18b5o wrote
This is what I did - for the same reason
RedRipeTomato t1_ivbdrjy wrote
Got my copy. Wife asked what I did to get on their list.
reclaimandrevolve t1_ivutmgj wrote
Just got mine today, 11/10. Yay, I needed some fire starters!
reclaimandrevolve t1_ivuttto wrote
well, the publisher makes out like a bandit, because these books are paid for by donations. I'm guessing their ROI in terms of converts isn't that high, but it's keeping people in jobs, by fleecing people.
kosmonautinVT OP t1_iutgoif wrote
Just got mine after some intense anticipation. Paper is pretty damn thin, but not bible thin. Joints would be pretty harsh.
Any other suggestions?