Submitted by PenguinWithWings t3_z2zayf in wallstreetbets

I just ordered a paperwhite kindle in the Black Friday sale as I hate having to read paper books as they take up too much space and are awkward as fuck to carry around. Gimme your best investment book recommendations topic of the book doesn’t matter too much as long as it’s an all round good book.



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VisualMod t1_ixj0a8l wrote

>Some of my favorite investment books are:

  1. "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham
  2. "Value Investing" by Joel Greenblatt
  3. "The Essays of Warren Buffett" by Lawrence Cunningham
  4. "Security Analysis" by Ben Graham and David Dodd
  5. "One Up On Wall Street" Peter Lynch

Fidug t1_ixj0kak wrote

Richest Man in Babylon


downboat t1_ixj1zvk wrote

I've found "One Up on Walk Street" much more informative than the Inteligent Investor. I like "Warren Buffet Accounting Book" too. Teaches you how to read statements like Cashflow.


BYE_HI_SELL_LOW t1_ixj2s4j wrote

“How dare you?! I help all the members of the CNBC Investing Club for the long run! Which means I tell everyone to buy at all time highs and sell at all time lows to keep them in debt and in our investing club! That’s what it means to run a business!”



Jake_IaMotta t1_ixj4tdb wrote

Trader-vic l. For professional Trader - Vic ll. All you need to know. Graham, Buffett, marks, lynch, greenblatt etc is all basic stuff. I wrote a review about the book


Theta_Ome t1_ixj6ual wrote

Direct investing by Kirby Rosplock
family office by Kirby Rosplock

And that’s a hill I’ll die on


woodstock99forlyfe t1_ixj8afg wrote

Brave of you to assume that WSBers are literate. Isn't everyone else using speech to text and a screenreader?


pmslady t1_ixjejo0 wrote

I highly recommend The Intelligent Investor. If you only have 30 mins to spare to check it out, go to page 537 right away.


Legitimate-Source-61 t1_ixjhb6t wrote

Horrible market to be a bull right now. Now is a good time to read up, learn, and look for good candidates for the next bull market.

Others I will add.... I have 100+ books...

Way of the turtle. By Curtis faith.

How to profit in bull and bear markets. Stan Weinstein

How to trade in stocks. Jesse Livermore.

They are my best 4. Good luck. I have to be thankful for what the stock market has given me over the years. OK I don't drive a Lambo but I have won more than I lost. Breakouts with a 2+ new high from Major round numbers maybe useful but not always. Let your winners run and cut your losses quickly.


PenguinWithWings OP t1_ixjs426 wrote

Thank you for that. And yeh that’s why I plan on investing next year. Thought I’d take the first step and buy a kindle and read books. Articles are okay to some degree but they don’t go in depth and are also written by people who aren’t the best source of information. Cancelled my pension temporarily as the pension company was losing me money so I see no point in pouring in money when I can just save it myself. Also owning a lambo is overrated, never will that ever be my goal in life. Stability more than luxury cars. A nice car would suffice.


Keoni989 t1_ixkqwvk wrote

Trading in the zone by Douglas.


Legitimate-Source-61 t1_ixkyus6 wrote

I still put in my monthly pension, the max amount that my employer matches, this is a safety net and free money. It is hard to time the market, but see it as part owning a business and there should never be a time that you shouldn't own businesses, unless it is really the end of the world (it never is). Not investment advice but my pension is diverted mostly to a US fund that has stocks in the SP500, this has outperformed the UK market over the last decade (they used to move in tandem). Sure the market is down, but usually when businesses are announcing layoffs, the business is becoming stronger as it is cutting out the dead wood. In the past when companies announce layoffs the share price jumps up meaning the market likes the news, we're not quite there yet. In my personal account I am not putting anymore in right now.


utamog t1_ixl0r67 wrote

Literally just watch 8 hours of simulated Japanese r8pe porn then put money in an index fund.


MinnieMoney21 t1_ixpauld wrote

From Boredom to Cardboard: How People Found WSB and Where They Are Now.