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studio28 t1_j9zn5qp wrote

Its like a bystander effect diffusion of responsibility blind spot. I think that's the worst part of all this. People just say fuck it and fuck you"... the top ten percent. It's not my responsibility? What help am I gonna do?"

Hiding behind a study showing 100 companies were responsible for 70% of greenhouse gas. It's like so what? Avoid those industries and mitigate the results! 🤦‍♂️


swampoodler t1_ja0097d wrote

I’m sorry, but climate change isn’t going to be stopped until we tax the decadence out of the rich.

“Taylor Swift topped the list at more than 170 flights since January, totalling up to 15.9 days in the air, and 8,293.54 metric tons of CO2 emissions—that’s equivalent to all the emissions from the energy used by over 1,000 homes in the U.S. for a year.”

”The average person produces about 7 metric ton of CO2 annually. Meanwhile, celebrities have emitted an average of more than 3,300 metric tons from their private jets alone so far this year.”


studio28 t1_ja011ia wrote

Just sayin that's no reason not to do what we can. Am I mistaken in saying we're sort of in a race against this thing and whatever more time we can give ourselves the better? Turning off your xbox automatically apparently saves two trees worth of CO2. I don't see how we make a different choice but to reduce.


swampoodler t1_ja035tc wrote

>Turning off your xbox…

Flapping your wings while the plane crashes.

I agree that it’s good to use less as an individual, but I’m saying it literally won’t matter so long as the rich keep doing what they’re doing.


NPRjunkieDC t1_j9znodt wrote

Individual responsibility is powerful. You can convince others, etc . That's also politics . The power of the vote .

But if you feel helpless, then everything can go to he'll.

But on here fuck the 10% and everything is the boomers fault .