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22304_selling t1_j7gtnzu wrote

2 a day is the best you can hope for without burning yourself out, but if a particular topic interests you, you'll probably spend all day at one.


Medievalismist t1_j7guhby wrote

Hi. I work for the Smithsonian (though, to be clear, I'm not writing in an official capacity!)

A lot of it depends on what you want to get out of the experience, and what you enjoy from museums. Is it possible to see every single thing? Of course not. But it's absolutely possible to have a magnificent time.

Generally speaking, when most people think about the Smithsonian museums, they're thinking of the "Big Three" -- Natural History, Air and Space, and American History. But there are a lot of other museums that offer really great experiences which might be even better for you. I personally love both the African American History and Culture museum and the American Indian museum, as well as the Portrait Gallery and the Asian Art museum. The National Gallery of Art isn't part of the Smithsonian (though most people don't know that), but it's on a lot of folks' lists (though I personally am less fond of it).

Obviously my first question to you is what sorts of things you're interested in, what you enjoy doing or seeing. The Smithsonians cover most topics under the sun, so if you name a hobby or an interest, I can point you towards specific exhibits and galleries.

I would also encourage you to vary up your experiences. Plan for half a day in a big noisy museum, the other half in a calmer gallery. Take breaks. Museum-fatigue and museum-burnout is very real, and we see it all the time in people trying to gorge the whole thing in one sitting. Don't feel pressured to see everything and do everything, because that's the easiest way for you to get in your head and not actually enjoy the things in front of you.

So yeah, let me know what you think and I'm happy to offer more curated recommendations.


[deleted] t1_j7gy80d wrote



smallteam t1_j7h1x1c wrote

> Another shout out to the Portrait Gallery!

And don't forget the The Hirshhorn


asdfasdfasdfas11111 t1_j7hcgmi wrote

> The National Gallery of Art isn't part of the Smithsonian

You're right, I did not know that and I've been there many times! It's so massive you kind of assume it's got to be a federally funded thing at least.

You are definitely right about Museum fatigue. Walking 2 miles in a museum feels like 2-3x that just because of how long you are on your feet, and then the hunger and fatigue kind of hits you all at once.


museumed t1_j7hfm5j wrote

To be clear though not part of Smithsonian NGA is still federally funded.


oxtailplanning t1_j7itav4 wrote

Similarly, the botanical gardens are part of Congress not the executive branch like the rest of the Smithsonian.


MollyGodiva t1_j7gqrxe wrote

Two are in NYC.


9throwaway2 t1_j7hk5rs wrote

new challenge. do all including NYC ones in 24 hours. hit all the DC ones in the day, get to dulles see the one there, fly to NYC hit the next two in the morning?

edit: better call is to hit NYC first, take the train down, hit all the ones in DC (including a speed dash to anacosta) then get out to dulles to end it.


Macrophage87 t1_j7gwxkn wrote

People have done a metro speedrun, I'm sure you can try a Smithsonian speedup. Not all are on the mall though. You're going to want to buy a train ticket to NYC though and I'd recommend the Acela as it's faster so you can hit the 2 in NYC.


pizzajona t1_j7iw9ns wrote

What Smithsonian is in NY?


brodies t1_j7iz33p wrote

Cooper Hewitt and the other American Indian museum.


greetedworm t1_j7gud3l wrote

You could hit all the ones on the national Mall in a week, but unless you're gonna blow through them it would probably take up all of your time every day. They're free so it's not like you're losing anything by leaving after an hour if you don't like it. If you want to see all of them you could prioritize what exhibits are unique/semi unique to the Smithsonian. Like the Natural History museum is very cool with a bunch of great fossils, but a lot of it is also not that different from any other natural history museum you've been too.


roadnotaken t1_j7gpjom wrote

This doesn't mean anything. What is "visit" to you? If you want to read every exhibit and every sign, you'd need months. So... what does that even mean?


LeoTheBirb OP t1_j7gq5yd wrote

I don’t plan on reading every single exhibit. Normally I spend about 4 to 5 hours at regular museums. Given how much larger these are I’d imagine it would take longer.


museumed t1_j7hgdfo wrote

If you want to spend 4-5 hours you can’t see the 18 museums that are in DC. Check the website and see which exhibits interest you and concentrate on trying to get to those. Plus if you only do the Smithsonian’s you will miss out on other greats that have been mentioned. I’ve lived here 21 years and worked in museums for 15 years and still haven’t seen every to thing I want to see.


jolygoestoschool t1_j7gsx9m wrote

it's not a smithsonian museum, but definitely visit the national gallery of art, they have a fantastic collection


kirkl3s t1_j7gq7jf wrote

Yes, definitely. You might not be able to hit every nook and cranny, but you will absolutely be able to hit the main attractions at the large museums in a week.


LeoTheBirb OP t1_j7gqx8a wrote

Which ones would you personally recommend the most?


kirkl3s t1_j7guzib wrote

These aren't all Smithsonians, but my faves are the Botanic Gardens, Natural History, American History, African American, the National Gallery and the Renwick. If you like planes, hitting the Udvar Hazy museum is worth the drive.

I'd say skip the American Indian Museum (which makes me sound terrible, I know, but the museum is 2/3rds gift shop and cafeteria), the Air and Space (it's under construction and only a few exhibits are open atm), and the Smithsonian Castle (cool building but the contents are generally lame).


Macrophage87 t1_j7gxcoj wrote

The Raven and the Box of Daylight, an art installation that ended a week or so ago was definitely worth seeing at the American Indian Museum, but now, it's not nearly as cool; at least until the next exhibit opens.


keyjan t1_j7h6jol wrote

Castle is also closed for several years for renovation.


jmac78 t1_j7gz0k8 wrote

>every nook and cranny

I mean, it's still amazing, before they couldn't stand me, These walls want to cry tears, These walls happier when I'm here


teragram333 t1_j7gr7jg wrote

There are 17 Smithsonian museums and one Smithsonian zoo. You could do it all! If that's your priority, I would make a schedule based on location and try to get a few done each day.

However, there's a lot of other amazing things to do and see in DC, so I would suggest seeing the highlights of everything. For Smithsonian museums, I think you can't miss the Natural History Museum and African American History Museum. For other DC places, you should see the Lincoln and Washington Monuments, the original constitution, and the National Gallery of Art if you like museums. There's so much more to do and see, so I would consider your top priorities.


meditation_account t1_j7gu6su wrote

Some museums require tickets (free) like the African American Museum and the Holocaust museum so be sure to visit their websites to get tickets so you can see those. Both museums are worth seeing. Also, some museums are closed on Tuesday and Wednesday during the week so be sure to check schedules and plan accordingly.

In a week you can definitely see quite a bit. You might get museum fatigue though so try to mix it up with some other activities.


holamiis t1_j7guy4k wrote

The Holocaust Museum, while absolutely worth visiting, is not a Smithsonian museum.


MammothBobcat251 t1_j7gwpxn wrote

I did 7 in four days but it was essentially a speed run and very surface level. Depends on what you want out of the experience. The pace felt right to me at the time and gave me an idea of what I wanted to go back and see.


Suppose2Bubble t1_j7gyryr wrote

Don't forget the Smithsonian castle! I didn't know people actually lived in it. Sadly, it's closed now for renovation 😥


Suppose2Bubble t1_j7kgc9e wrote

u/PalpitationNo3106 let's try and see if you recieve this. I cannot respond directly to your response as goofy seems to have blocked me after downvoting all my comments lmao

You are absolutely correct. Sadly, With the addition of a 5th individual.

William Page ,construction worker yr 1850d

Will Henry, Joseph Henry's son, yr 1862d

William McPeake, first paid employee, yr 1862d

Fielding Bradford Mark, scientist, yr 1876d

Joseph Henry, first Secretary of Smithsonian and who's statue now stands in front today, yr 1878d


PalpitationNo3106 t1_j7khf0l wrote

Thank you for Page’s name. And I did forget McPeake.

It’s actually amazing that it’s so few people. You’d figure someone would have had a heart attack, or something.


keyjan t1_j7h6a58 wrote

Uh, no one lived in it. It was display and office space.


Suppose2Bubble t1_j7h87nc wrote

Hmm you speak with such confidence. Do your research.

Oh, another random fact, a few have also died while living in the castle.


keyjan t1_j7h8fdg wrote

Ok, cite your sources.


PalpitationNo3106 t1_j7j0ph7 wrote

I know of four people who died in the Castle. James Henry (the first curator who lived there as well) his young son) who died before his father, Fielding Meek, paleontologist, who lived in the castle with his cat and a construction worker who fell to his death (I’m ashamed I don’t know his name off the top of my head, he’s just as important as Henry or Meek)


Suppose2Bubble t1_j7h9ct2 wrote

Dude you really downvoted me on another sub because you're too lazy to look it up yourself smh lmao


keyjan t1_j7h9hjy wrote

Wtf are you on about? Bye now.


Suppose2Bubble t1_j7h9zpy wrote

Look it up and come back and publicly, refute, and shame me since you're so confident. I'll openly accept my L.

All the best to you


keyjan t1_j7ha9w4 wrote

Uh, you and your opinions are not that important to me, and I have better things to do.


Suppose2Bubble t1_j7h8v1u wrote

Do your research, and then you can attempt to refute. Until then, you're only shooting from the hip.

You'll appreciate the findings much more with your efforts than if I simply fed them to you.



Dcdcdcdcdc51 t1_j7hy2ps wrote

“The first Secretary of the Smithsonian, Joseph Henry (1846-1878) and family lived in the East Wing of the Smithsonian Institution Building. The Music Room of the Henry apartments is furnished with Rococo Revival and wicker furniture.”

From the Smithsonian website itself.


Pipes_of_Pan t1_j7h1yld wrote

If you're just here to go to museums, you could definitely visit them all during one week, but there are some that I could spend all day in and some that I could poke in for an hour. It's pretty variable - the National Gallery is absolutely massive whereas the African Art museum is small. Both are great.


kclynn3355 t1_j7it7mn wrote

And the larger air and space collection at Dulles. Silver line from Smithsonian takes an hour or so.


IndependentYoung3027 t1_j7hdpuw wrote

I mean it depends on what you want to do and what you enjoy. You could spend half a day (or more) in one that really interests you or you could see one exhibit and leave quickly. Most of them are close together so that will help


old_bay_usa t1_j7hsgfi wrote

I think you -could- but I don’t know how satisfying it would be. Check out the free highlights tours offered by the museums. I live here and that’s a great way to get a taste of the museum’s offerings in like an hour without getting overwhelmed.

DC has lots of great museums, but also fun neighborhoods and other things to see. (Ballpark, hockey, waterfront, Capitol building, embassies, bars, restaurants!) You might miss something awesome by just limiting yourself to museums for a week.


darthjoey91 t1_j7htnpv wrote

All? No. There's Smithsonians outside of DC, like in New York City.

To do all the Mall ones? Yeah, totally doable if you prepare, and you can probably even get some non-Smithsonian time in the National Gallery of Art.

But with a week, you have all the time in the world. Just probably won't get the Castle done because it's scheduled for maintenance.


ApatheticAbsurdist t1_j7j6sis wrote

There are a few that you can easily double up on Freer/Sackler (Asian Art) as well as the African Art are right there and smaller than some of the others.

The American Art and Portrait Gallery are in the same building and an easy two-fer. Get lunch/dinner over in China Town or on 7th Ave when you’re there.

Whenever you hit American Indian, get lunch at their cafeteria as they have the best cafe of all the Smithsonians.

The Air and Space on the mall is only 1/3 open right now but they have some stuff there. The bigger air and space museum is the Udvar Hazy center out by Dullas airport, it’s a ways out there but there’s so much it will take a good half day or more.

The zoo is a Smithsonian but on the edge of town. The Renwick Gallery is over by the White House.

Of course all that is less than half the Smithsonian’s, Still have the Postal Museum, Hirshorn, Natural History, , American History, Arts and Industry, African American History and Culture, The Castle, and the Anacostia.

The National Gallery of Art is not technically part of the smithsonian, but most assume it is as it’s an art museum right on the mall next to the others (and if you are interested in art they have a good large collection).

Keep an eye out as Air and Space, National Zoo, and I think African American History and Culture might still be doing timed tickets that you need to reserve in advance.

Pick the ones you want to focus on. If your’e a completionist, you can speed run a lot of the ones on the mall by just poking in and seeing one thing at the spots you’re less interested in so long as they’re not doing timed tickets.


messmaker523 t1_j7gz9l0 wrote

Sure. Depending on what that time frame is


WontStopAtSigns t1_j7hj9r4 wrote

I haven't been to them all in 6 years.
