Submitted by emilyl147 t3_z1xsvj in washingtondc

Hi! For thanksgiving we want to roast a duck. Are there any butcher shops or grocers in NW that sell whole ducks? We’ve gotten one from Harvey’s in Union Market before, but wondering if there are any in NW or closer to Columbia heights area. Thanks!

Edit: we’re roasting it ourselves, looking for a raw whole duck



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cowcubrub t1_ixddyoi wrote

The ducks in the parks are free and you can take them home the government doesn’t want you to know this


IAmBadAtInternet t1_ixdhir7 wrote

Ok Alex can you just focus on paying your court mandated penalties please thanks


GinGimlet t1_ixdep5a wrote

Whole Foods on H St has whole ducks, that's where I've gotten mine before.


emilyl147 OP t1_ixdfe41 wrote

Thanks! I’ll call the one on Florida and see if they have any as well


AgentOrangina t1_ixdj0b6 wrote

This is in NoMa, but the Harris Teeter at First and M NE had defrosted ducks yesterday. They were about $30.


HanaBothWays t1_ixdcnsp wrote

Best place to look for a whole duck is an Asian grocery.

Buddhist style ducks will still have the heads and feet attached. You might want to avoid those (or not, I don’t know what your preference is).


TeamRamrod t1_ixdeh2j wrote

I saw whole ducks at the Adams Morgan Harris Teeter on Saturday, in the big freezer bin near the deli.


9throwawayDERP t1_ixdfm06 wrote

this may be a bit far, but washgal's is pretty good. but that is probably too far NW for you.

closer in, stachowski has good meat too. not sure if they'll have it in stock or will need to order it though.


LostLongIslander t1_ixdjwd5 wrote

I would normally tell you Harvey’s in union market, but I bought their last two this morning. They have a huge variety of birds right now and I heard them say they have a lot of geese still available. Typically Harvey’s has duck year round though.


boredinthehouse28 t1_ixdnz7a wrote

Costco sells them for a good price! They come frozen though.


CrankyBloomingdale t1_ixdfouy wrote

I bet Stackowskis or the butcher in mt p would order one for you


NPRjunkieDC t1_ixf2x62 wrote

Butcher in Mt Pleasant ? Inside one of the Latino markets?


lgrace_ t1_ixdu6fl wrote

I’ve seen them at Whole Foods on P St and Georgetown butcher might have them


bigatrop t1_ixh5969 wrote

Costco sells whole frozen ducks. I also recently saw them at the Safeway on Georgia Ave in Petworth.


economizt t1_ixddpml wrote

Everybody and their moms are looking for a cooked roast duck for Thanksgiving these days so be prepared to have to put in extra work and time to get one.

I recall one year where people waited hours for Peking gourmet inn to open so they can get their reserved roast duck and they never opened.


emilyl147 OP t1_ixddtyo wrote

Thanks! We’re going to roast it ourselves, so just looking for a raw whole duck


economizt t1_ixdefvm wrote

Costco has ducks in the freezer for a very fair price(same as Asian grocery stores), but you definitely want to avoid Costco today and tomorrow at all cost.


Macrophage87 t1_ixdg1b5 wrote

Constitution Gardens, the duck pond near the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial has a bunch of whole ducks. They might be more fresh than you'd like to cook with, however.


celj1234 t1_ixdgras wrote

There are always some by the mall


NPRjunkieDC t1_ixf2r6i wrote

Last year I got one at Wagshall's.

They also sell them at Asian markets


EastoftheCap t1_ixdijbr wrote

I saw a few on the mall the other day. You can also probably find a couple near the Anacostia River.