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veloharris t1_j5ms95h wrote

Go to the taxi stand it's cheaper and safer.


corndogblaster t1_j5mvar5 wrote

I’ve arrived at union station around this time and later. Some homeless people accost travelers immediately as they leave the building, one woman got in my face and called me a bitch. But it’s overall fine. Just don’t make eye contact and keep walking.

Best bet is to take a taxi as there are usually a bunch waiting and the Uber area is backed up/expensive. I wish they would station a police officer in this area to act as a buffer. But still, I don’t really consider this area dangerous. There are usually plenty of people outside waiting.


ellivretaw1 t1_j5mfrkp wrote

I’d walk like a block or two to your right when you get outside and get an Uber there. I’ve done it at that time of night with no issues but it’s easier to get away from the long line of cars and generally sketchy crowd of people.


ViperHU OP t1_j5mfthz wrote

Thanks so much!


foreverurgirl t1_j5mrlqv wrote

Yes get one from the postal museum and walk over


godaniel11 t1_j5n7wae wrote

You wanna be careful around the postal museum though. There’s a sketchy crowd of about 10 that frequent there


romanceordelusion t1_j5mzzz5 wrote

My Ubers have specifically requested I walk over to this street as the line to get an Uber from the union station entrance is loooooong and hard to get out of


any_old_usernam t1_j5muh8t wrote

Depending on where you're going, the metro might be of use, you don't even have to leave the building to get to it.


Reasons2BCheerfulPt1 t1_j5mhpx4 wrote

There is no way I would be walking any distance from Union Station after 11 PM. Wait for a taxi immediately in front of the station.


joymarie21 t1_j5mju3j wrote

I agree with this. Take the taxis that are right there. Don't venture off.


Reasons2BCheerfulPt1 t1_j5mk6kx wrote

I will say this, sometimes the cab drivers have been completely sketchy. I swear one guy was drunk as he tried to navigate the freeway to Virginia. I thought I was going to die.


RandomLogicThough t1_j5ml655 wrote

Probably better to order an Uber while coming out of train


zaydia t1_j5neivw wrote

Ubers skyrocket as soon as the train pulls in. I’ve seen one go from $20 to get home when we are 10 min out to over $70 as the train pulled in. Better to wait 20 minutes or walk to the Irish pub and get one there.


swampoodler t1_j5mzhr1 wrote

Best bet is to walk over to the Irish pub, have a pint, and get a ride from there a couple hours later.


dcmcg t1_j5na9mg wrote

How long does it take you to drink a pint


swampoodler t1_j5of44d wrote

A pint or two if I’m being honest.

Just wait for the whole mess to blow over.


CriticalStrawberry t1_j5mzlge wrote

Walk to the taxi stand, get a cab. Much cheaper and quicker than uber.


theftnssgrmpcrtst t1_j5myt13 wrote

I always call my Ubers/Lyfts to the back of the station near the bus terminal. Way cheaper and gets you out of there faster.


Right_Issue_4677 t1_j5mld9f wrote

Got dropped off a bus there at 2am one time good bit of homeless and sketchiness. Be smart don’t make eye contact keep your chest up you’ll be fine.


ViperHU OP t1_j5mofzj wrote

Thanks everyone for the input! I feel well-prepared :)


quooooon t1_j5mo0xj wrote

You can call an Uber right to the station, or walk a block or so east and get one for cheaper. If you walk a block or so down F and it's safe and gonna be a cheaper Uber. If you feel more safe in front of the station, that's all good too.

Never taken the taxi from there tho.


35chambers t1_j5mpizq wrote

Why would there be safety concerns?
