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notrevealingrealname t1_jece7eb wrote

> I’m not trying to solve any problem or even insinuate that I’m solving a problem.

If you’re not trying to do these things then what’s the purpose of your comments?

>I am simply pointing out concepts.

Which, without the eventual lead-in to a proposed solution, is as relevant to the debate as pointing out the concept of gravity or time- not at all.


cah11 t1_jecftau wrote

Don't bother engaging, my read on them is they aren't interested in a good faith discussion, they're here to collect upvotes while arguing:

> I don't know why you think I'm trying to come up with a solution. I'm not trying to solve any problem or even insinuate that I'm solving a problem.

in response to me saying the below quote from their original comment won't work:

> If we can learn to work together on a bartering system again, the whole idea of money would go away and these people would have zero power. We give them the power. Why we do that? I do not know because we are dumb.

They're trying to pretend they're just offering observations after literally saying bartering is the solution to wealth inequality. I'm assuming they're some unhinged /r/iamverysmart teenager who has fully bought into the idea of anarcho-libertarianism as a realistic and legitimate political position held back by the brainwashed masses too stupid to realize they're being lead on by the evil capitalists.