notrevealingrealname t1_jegigmt wrote
Reply to comment by MadNhater in Japan and China Connect Military Hotline to Reduce Tensions by bloomberg
>Germany embraced full on apology mode
The AfD showed that this attitude wasn’t exactly universal.
notrevealingrealname t1_jece7eb wrote
Reply to comment by IwishIcouldBeWitty in Four bankers who helped Putin’s friend set up Swiss bank account convicted by BezugssystemCH1903
> I’m not trying to solve any problem or even insinuate that I’m solving a problem.
If you’re not trying to do these things then what’s the purpose of your comments?
>I am simply pointing out concepts.
Which, without the eventual lead-in to a proposed solution, is as relevant to the debate as pointing out the concept of gravity or time- not at all.
notrevealingrealname t1_j1q3i2f wrote
Reply to comment by yzrguy in South Korea lifts ban on imported sex dolls by icantbenormal
Border runs from South Korea? I don’t think the Kims have anything they want in that category…
notrevealingrealname t1_iyeiijt wrote
Reply to comment by rockmasterflex in China to punish internet users for 'liking' posts in crackdown after zero-Covid protests by graveaffairsod
Well, kind of. The elites rely on business continuing to be done in China. If there aren’t enough people left to keep businesses going, then trade dries up and they’re not making money anymore.
notrevealingrealname t1_iydfryy wrote
Reply to comment by BE_MORE_DOG in China to punish internet users for 'liking' posts in crackdown after zero-Covid protests by graveaffairsod
China’s economy depends on its workforce, and unlike in other countries, immigration isn’t nearly as much a thing there. If enough people get out there and protest, the government can’t stomp them all out unless they want to kneecap themselves for the next few decades.
notrevealingrealname t1_iydfij1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in China to punish internet users for 'liking' posts in crackdown after zero-Covid protests by graveaffairsod
Are they arresting people simply for liking posts as in this article? Didn’t think so.
notrevealingrealname t1_isroo9m wrote
Reply to comment by Reddoraptor in TIFU by listening to a sports podcast at work by Puzzleheaded_Meal652
>operate your controller
I see what you did there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
notrevealingrealname t1_iqoyj8b wrote
Reply to comment by EvenAH27 in Could offshore wind sites host edible seaweed farms? The Swedes think so by thorium43
They already get enough of that from the Danes and Finns, do the Norwegians really have to add to it?
notrevealingrealname t1_jegmvny wrote
Reply to comment by ChristopherGard0cki in Japan and China Connect Military Hotline to Reduce Tensions by bloomberg
That being said, I feel like as Russia is currently demonstrating, lacking personnel and even equipment doesn’t mean you can’t make it a difficult fight for the opponent.