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flexwhine t1_jdzuovf wrote

Things seem really bad, so bad that I'm sure somebody is doing something about it. That's comforting.


gaukonigshofen t1_jdzygu7 wrote

Won't be long before underground/cave homes are a thing. Of course only the wealthy will be able to afford it


gaukonigshofen t1_je02sug wrote

yeah just like now really with beach front and or cliff side dwellings. I was recently reading about homes being washed away in NC and some homeowners are paying hundreds of thousands to move 50ft further back. Crazy how reality doesn't effect people


dipdotdash t1_je05ve1 wrote

"Hey clem! Why don't we change the climate of your terrarium so it's different than it was this morning?"

"Damnit, Cletus! That'd be like puttin' all that life on a whole new planet! There's a reason I have all these sensors and meters and shit! The climate is what makes the terrarium a place where the stuff inside can survive!"

The earth's climate IS what makes this planet habitable for all the species that live on it. If you change that climate over the geologic equivalent of a finger snap in time, nothing survives. Might as well be peeling the rind of life off the earth.


Wwize t1_je092oj wrote

The executives leading the fossil fuel industry need to be prosecuted for engaging in bribery in pretty much every country to sabotage any action on climate change. This is unlikely to happen though, because those same governments that need to do the prosecuting have been bribed into submission.

What we can do is boycott fossil fuels. Get an electric car, use public transportation more often or walk if you can. Call your electric company and see if they have a green program. Many of them do. This means that your money will be going towards clean energy power plants instead of fossil fuel plants. I know not everyone can afford it, but those who can, should absolutely do it if they care about their own descendants. Electric vehicles are pretty cheap now, you can find ones that are about the same price as gasoline cars. There are used ones too that are really cheap.

Ignore the fossil fuel trolls that swarm this sub every time there is an article about climate change. Those bastards insult people who criticize the fossil fuel industry. I get insulted all the time by those motherfucking assholes when I criticize fossil fuels. Those childish trolls can go eat shit. Fuck you trolls! You evil bastards are part of the the reason the planet is dying. Those piece of shit trolls have blood on their hands.

Trolls, please go ahead and insult me. It's a great opportunity to get you banned and reduce the amount of lies and disinformation on this sub. Please, I dare you. I'm ready to report you any time if you want to get banned.


Arcades057 t1_je0eqt5 wrote

Weird how none of these predictions turn out to be true, but people keep believing in them.

If only you could all appreciate the similarities between climate-related doomsday prophecies and biblical doomsday prophecies fed to the masses in earlier times.


AllThingsEndBadly t1_je1ppbg wrote

The nice thing about not having kids is that I don't have any dog in this fight.

I need the planet to hold out for 30 more years, give or take. After that, it is no longer my concern.


MobileAirport t1_je20aj1 wrote

Lol, lmao even. Climate is the most liveable its ever been.
