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KelbyGInsall t1_iu2g1r5 wrote

Calling things what they are? Maybe Canada is better than the US. MAYBE.


shpydar OP t1_iu2ip8i wrote

One of the outcomes of the Residential School Settlement, the Truth and Reconcilliation, and the paying to exhume the bodies of the children who died at the Schools is that the U.S. has begun their own investigation into their Indian Boarding School System which has been accused of similar horrors inflicted on the Indigenous peoples of the U.S.

So the U.S. has a chance to face their past and make amends as well. We will see where that investigation leads.


GunNut345 t1_iu3tl9k wrote

The US did worse then residential schools, they had more overt violent genocide. Like have the US military murder everyone in a village genocide. Concentration camp genocide.


TripleJumpToTheMoon t1_iu2kr4s wrote

As a Canadian, it’s not about being better than the US (I mean that was never a challenge), but it’s about being honest!

Jk tho it’s really not about being better tbh I’m just glad they didn’t waste time arguing over this


shpydar OP t1_iu2ngxy wrote

>I’m just glad they didn’t waste time arguing over this

The TRC's 2015 final report citing Cultural genocide was originally rejected by the Canadian Government and it has taken us 7 years to finally acknowledge the residential school system was genocide.

I wished we hadn't wasted so much time arguing over this.


TripleJumpToTheMoon t1_iu2plm5 wrote

True, I was just considering this time in particular. Although it took so long, I’m glad they’re done arguing about it


Happy13178 t1_iu3o2fp wrote

It is about being better, just not in some weird competition. It's being better for ourselves because it's the right thing to do and helps us move forward collectively with a lesser burden of sins from the past.


SomeDrunkAssh0le t1_iu4glbh wrote

We're always telling ourselves that we're better than the americans.


TripleJumpToTheMoon t1_iu5w7yr wrote

At the same time, I know Americans who think Canada is better, Americans who think america is better, Canadians who think america is better, and then of course Canadians in majority think Canada is better.

Personally I would love to try living in the US for a year or so just to see how it’s different than Canada (other than the obvs like health care making you broke in US, too much religion in the US, different climates, etc.)


internetisnotreality t1_iu4s9pv wrote

Pretty low bar to be fair.

There’s still A LOT of racism against indigenous peoples in Canada, and lots of destitute reservations without access to clean drinking water.

I appreciate the sentiment from the House of Commons, but it’s only being done after those that could be held responsible have aged out and moved on.

And without action it’s the bare minimum.


KelbyGInsall t1_iu5okes wrote

I see what you mean, and I agree with you completely.


StrangeHaole t1_iu2hq5f wrote

You read headlines good.


KelbyGInsall t1_iu2i7xy wrote

Doesn’t help that the US is still utilizing their benefit from genocide to keep their boot on Indigenous peoples neck. And with all the semantics going around, am I wrong to be impressed when a legal body defines something that happens using the word that describes it? I don’t think so.


StrangeHaole t1_iu2ihjl wrote

I think you need to read a bit more into it.


KelbyGInsall t1_iu2ipoy wrote

You’re more obnoxious than you think you are. Easy block.


SuperDuperRotoPooper t1_iu2i7ga wrote

>Maybe Canada is better than the US. MAYBE.

We like to say so. But really, we are not.

Edit: Aww, looks like I hurt some feelies. I got some bad news for you knobs: Canada is not a fucking utopia, and we're undeservedly arrogant. Look at how we treat our indigenous population, and then look down our noses at our neighbours to the south.


lurklurklurkPOST t1_iu2kto0 wrote

First country in the world to own up to what they did to the natives is a big step forward IMO.

In america its taught in schools that our forefathers did horrible things to native americans and took their land and forced them onto reservations, then the subject is sort of dropped. No talk of restitution, reparation, plans to make it better, just on to the mexican american war or the louisiana purchase.


SuperDuperRotoPooper t1_iu2lfpq wrote

>First country in the world to own up to what they did to the natives is a big step forward IMO.

It is. Just wish it had been done sooner. I mean the last residential school closed in 1997.

But I guess better late than never (and to be clear, I'm not being sarcastic - I know how easy this can come across that way).


internetisnotreality t1_iu5rhu8 wrote

I agree. Patriotism is for the willingly blind. The amount of downvotes that pro-indigenous comments are getting in this thread is proof enough that Canada has a long way to go.


SuperDuperRotoPooper t1_iu5tcy9 wrote

Yeah, it's pretty telling and disappointing. But I'm glad there are others like yourself who get it.