InflamedLiver t1_ixo1s86 wrote
"she believed the Kremlin would handpick its representatives or perhaps even fill out their ranks with planted audience members, in order to stage Putin’s meeting with the “public”."
- I mean, yeah? Do you think Vlad was gonna risk looking like a fool or weak in public if a grieving parent called him out?
Jakesummers1 t1_ixo1vf0 wrote
Putin’s reaction:
justforthearticles20 t1_ixo2ldk wrote
If they are not careful Putin will have them drafted.
BigWillis93 t1_ixo3vmu wrote
Tbf he's not snubbing them he's just slowly dying of cancer
EastendDan t1_ixo55bb wrote
speaking of cancer slowly killing him, is it ever going to finish him off?
BigWillis93 t1_ixo5bba wrote
No he's got the best treatment in the world. He's paying for extended life for sure
EastendDan t1_ixo5lmz wrote
sounds accurate!! anyway, hopefully soon, when he does go , it will be the most recent celebrated death ...
autotldr t1_ixo61g2 wrote
This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 90%. (I'm a bot)
> Two months after mobilising tens of thousands of Russian men, the Kremlin has said that Vladimir Putin will grant some of their mothers and wives an audience to quell fears over the mass call-up.
> Putin's meeting with the families of soldiers, which was confirmed by the Kremlin this week, is seen as an effort to protect the image of the Russian president who at times has been accused of being out of touch and ridiculed as living "In a bunker".
> Melnikova said an audience with the mothers and families of mobilised soldiers who have gone public with their demands could lead to embarrassment for Putin.
Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: meet^#1 Russian^#2 Putin^#3 soldiers^#4 families^#5
PotentiallyNotSatan t1_ixo6dsc wrote
Lmao, Kursk flashbacks to that poor upset mother getting sedated by FSB on live TV
YetAnothrGuy t1_ixobw6a wrote
No Lada?
Gayguymike t1_ixocta2 wrote
What does snubbin mean sorry I have brain damage
InterstellarAshtray t1_ixod76l wrote
I sometimes wonder what has happened to her since then.
Rakiska t1_ixoh3xy wrote
With whom?
Rakiska t1_ixoh9e4 wrote
Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make
tiarawhy t1_ixokh34 wrote
I'm kinda curious. What can infinite money like that offer in terms of cancer treatment that you normally couldn't get otherwise?
lithenhoss t1_ixokqyu wrote
Nada no Lada
BigWillis93 t1_ixol7h3 wrote
The easy argument is we don't know because we're poor. Relatively. I'm not a doctor I just assume a corrupt world leader won't be worrying about hopsital bills while hiding one of his many yachts.
Just speculation
PotentiallyNotSatan t1_ixolc14 wrote
Still in the gulag/re-education/penal camp probably
UniquesNotUseful t1_ixolhzw wrote
Snubbing means to ignore. You use snub to indicate it's done on purpose and shows how the people feel.
So if I personally invited you to a birthday party telling you all the information and you just didn't bother to get back to me and not show up, I would see that as a snub.
tiarawhy t1_ixolj0i wrote
I mean, maybe? It didn't help Steve Jobs and he had basically infinite money too.
Gayguymike t1_ixolmda wrote
Ohh ok I understand that’s pretty rude
BigWillis93 t1_ixolv5v wrote
I'm not saying that he'll be cheating death. When it's his time it's his time regardless of money. I'm just saying the treatments he's recieveing is probably stuff that insurance companies don't even bother to pick up the phone for you know?
I can't explain without getting into full conspiracy theories about why I think this, I have no studies on hand to back this but I have no doubt rich people get better treatment. Add on that a world leader of, arguably, the second most powerful nation (at last time of counting. Next year will probably knock em down a few pegs)
Jollapenyo t1_ixom3vq wrote
UniquesNotUseful t1_ixon7bp wrote
Think of it as the difference between being taught in a class of 30 and having private tuition.
Immunotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted (attacking a molecule on a cancer to restrict growth), combinations of cancer growth blockers. Daily checkups. Bespoke diet. Medical advice and pills on request to stop side effects.
fannypackbuttsnack t1_ixoocv3 wrote
Steve Jobs chose homeopathic "treatment" over modern medicine though; they caught his cancer early enough that he had a very high chance of survival if he went the medical route. He chose against science, so he's not the best example in this case.
Paul Allen might be more fitting, since he had Lymphoma and despite his billionaire status and top-tier medical treatment still succumbed to his illness.
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_ixos42s wrote
One of the mothers of the submariner on board the Kursk got sedated against her will on international TV for calling them out at the press conference:
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_ixostk1 wrote
One fun (ie, silly) theory is that Putin is dead, and his body double has taken over.
This body double actually believes the bullshit Putin was spinning - invincible army, Ukraine is Russia, NATO is actively trying to destroy Russia, the empire will rise again - and when he took over, he ordered the invasion.
The long tables are there so that politicians and staff who have known Putin up close for years can't see the differences surgery can't hide.
It's probably bullshit, but at this point I wouldn't be surprised.
TrainingObligation t1_ixoxq4k wrote
In one sense it doesn't really matter if the treatments aren't that much more effective. Endless money didn't help Steve Jobs survive his second fight with pancreatic cancer.
BigWillis93 t1_ixp09px wrote
I'd believe it, but I think arguments could be made against your points but still
Jollapenyo t1_ixp6utd wrote
Feeling_Glonky69 t1_ixp83hs wrote
Snubbing, so hot right now
Ambitious-Score-5637 t1_ixpbzep wrote
Gasp! Murderous thieving autocrat ignores peasant.
Mrischief t1_ixpim5q wrote
Lets not forget genetics testing of the cancer, targetting of macromolecules, receptors of the pathways, ideal time line targeting, monitoring as close as possible to real time, symptomatic controll, not sure about how well it is when it comes to stem cell replacement and retargeting of WBC, but i dont know enough to know what i dont know.
strangeapple t1_ixpjaih wrote
>speaking of cancer slowly killing him, is it ever going to finish him off?
Plot twist: this is the fifth Putin. Whenever main one dies, his bodydoubles contest between themselves for the role.
FEARoperative3 t1_ixpmodc wrote
They’ll get there. Provided people take them in and educate them and channel their displeasure. Just saying “you’re not against war or against Putin”, or “you’re not doing enough” will only alienate and antagonize them.
CyborgElephant t1_ixpo2fz wrote
That is the most insane thing I’ve watched in a long time.
One-Turnover9984 t1_ixpw2vv wrote
It already happened. This Putin is def a double. Look at photos of the first one, its a different person
LastTrainLongGone t1_ixqhsl5 wrote
Seems to kick in a little quick for an injection in to muscle. That doc also seems to whip out the needle almost immediately and the mother didn’t seem to resist it. Injecting someone against their will requires them to be either overpowered or submissive.
Think she’s just absolutely drained herself and destroyed from misery.
[deleted] t1_ixreeu7 wrote
OcotilloWells t1_ixrquvc wrote
Also nobody in the room thought it was odd, either. Many of them had to have seen it.
j1mmyB3000 t1_ixry2j1 wrote
And after thoughtful calculation that number is officially only five million.
professorDissociate t1_ixsqt06 wrote
Source video? I have not seen this.
GabeDef t1_ixo1fp7 wrote
Color me surprised.