1DollarOr1Million t1_jcvzka9 wrote
Reply to Can Anyone Identify This Mountain? by Footie57
I don’t think it matches any that I know of exactly. I think it’s more just inspired by ski mountains of VT. If this is in fact supposed to be somewhere specific then it’s a shit rendition.
1DollarOr1Million t1_ja8w25e wrote
Reply to How good is Fidium Fiber? by Runetang42
I would love to have the option. Even if the down speeds were the same as I get now and for the same price, having it be symmetrical and fiber would still make it worth it. But that said it will be cheaper and faster than Comcast’s bullshit.
1DollarOr1Million t1_ja4nk68 wrote
Reply to Do you micromanage your plow service? by [deleted]
Here is the real answer: Your contract with ANY service provider including landscaping/snowplowing needs to be as detailed as possible. Make your expectations and desires very clear, and then they will quote you based on that. Then as long as you are paying the agreed price for the agreed level of service, they will be the ones in breach of contract for not following the guidelines.
The contract should state how often or when to come plow (include a snowfall minimum usually) and what is to be done in a given visit. Then also include that salt/dirt is not to be spread to close to the vehicles so as to hit them, conceding that if you fail to move your car, that’s on you.
Again, more detail is better. Although a plow person may view that as a red flag that you will be high maintenance, and may not want to even give you a bid. But also make it clear that you are willing to listen to their thoughts/concerns/suggestions on the contract so as to allow them to do their part in a reasonable and efficient manner.
In short: communicate, and don’t be a dick.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j9tjhfa wrote
Reply to Landlords and political signs? by [deleted]
When nobody is looking make the sign become unalive.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j9qkx65 wrote
Reply to Post hole depth? by CancelCultAntifaLol
3’ minimum. 4’ you should be fine.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j7mrut3 wrote
Reply to comment by Twombls in We Need to Do Something About STRs by Commercial_Case_7475
That is better than nothing, but still, there are loophole ways of getting around that. Which is why I think we need to kill it at the source and just say fuck AirBnB and any other like competitors.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j7m9cp1 wrote
As someone who’s generally pro-capitalism, I would be 100% ok with making STR’s in Vermont banned on a state level. Yes I’m talking outright banning AirBnB from the state. I don’t mind someone renting out a home for a reasonable amount, making a little profit, and providing a home to someone that doesn’t want to buy. Just don’t be a slumlord and don’t fuck over the states housing crisis by blocking out locals that need a home.
OP, if you can do something to gain traction in this direction, let me know and I will support in whatever way I can. Whether that’s voting a certain way, signing a petition, or whatever.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j6yggdk wrote
Reply to Two Years Later….Delivery to VT by Ok-Process-208
Dude tell me what you think of it. Been following the meta cycle since the beginning and am tempted but unsure. I’m also watching the Super76 motorcycle as well. More established company and prob a better looking bike.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j6y8tvq wrote
Reply to Kingdom folks: drip your faucets! Dry your wood, stock up on supplies, check on your neighbors... by mister_record
That’s wind chill numbers. Not actual. Although it will be cold as tits out.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j6x14fn wrote
1DollarOr1Million t1_j6qrgzw wrote
Reply to When you live in a no hi-beam laws state but also a no light bar law state. But for real guys, let's shut them highs off. by OddTry2427
It has been especially bad lately and I don’t know why. I kinda can’t help but think it’s just people paying less and less attn while driving.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j6pgrhx wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in 2 Rutland Drug Stabbings in 2 days. 1 left dead by devkim33
Honestly I hate the two party system and I hate the left and right. I believe that there are a lot of reasonable people in this country that can take a reasonable stance on multiple topics, but the two party system is meant to divide us. Like, I want my gay friends to get married, smoke some pot, and then protect their home with AR15’s. And I want everyone to be able to live whatever life they want as long as they aren’t assholes to others and are considerate of others desire to do the same. Freedom and liberty as long as it doesn’t encroach on others freedom and liberty. Is that too much to ask? Call it whatever political party or stance you want, but that’s me in a nutshell. Fuck Trump, fuck Biden, oh and fuck Bernie too.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j6pfver wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in 2 Rutland Drug Stabbings in 2 days. 1 left dead by devkim33
I’m actually planning on it. (Not FL specifically, but away) The fucking libs have ruined this state.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j6nsab0 wrote
Reply to comment by TheTowerBard in 2 Rutland Drug Stabbings in 2 days. 1 left dead by devkim33
Bruh what about what I said made you think I was “triggered”. I genuinely think that the laws in NY and CA suck. I am very pro-2A, although don’t let that make you think I’m a right-winger. And those 2 states are very bad as regards violation people’s personal rights and liberties. Also the taxes, the housing crisis and homelessness issues in both locations, etc. It’s two fucked up places that we should not want to emulate in any way.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j6n1xm9 wrote
Reply to comment by TheTowerBard in 2 Rutland Drug Stabbings in 2 days. 1 left dead by devkim33
How about this? Both NY and CA suck. That’s not an excuse for also sucking.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j6ldamg wrote
Reply to comment by sorrycharlie88 in 2 Rutland Drug Stabbings in 2 days. 1 left dead by devkim33
You joke but there are blade length limits in some parts of California. High capacity blades I suppose.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j6j5jjo wrote
I’ve never even heard that term before and no it doesn’t exist. The pizza in VT is just average at best overpriced pizza.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j6dkbb7 wrote
Reply to Best gym in Stowe/Morrisville area by hunny_bun_24
Also if you want to do CrossFit I think there is one in Waterbury and (maybe) Hyde Park. Just throwing it out there as a fitness option but I think CF only does classes typically.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j6didby wrote
Reply to comment by Not_the_sharpest_1 in A reminder to all Vermont public officials, judges and LEOs that if you deprive someone of their constitutional rights under color of law you're a criminal under US code Title 18 Section 242. by [deleted]
I believe it’s in response to the newly proposed “assault weapons ban”. Which, to be fair, even from an anti-2A perspective is very poorly written. That said I’m pro 2A and fuck them hoes.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j6dhinc wrote
Reply to comment by CHECK_FLOKI in Someone shot a bald eagle on Lake Rescue in Ludlow. by cookmybook
People with little penis’ and weak egos.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j63pezt wrote
Man Apples’ marketing strategy is getting weird.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j63kao2 wrote
Reply to comment by Rogers_Ebert in Black lgbt: what are the best spots to visit in Burlington? by [deleted]
Came here to say this. Unless their questions are directly related to that demographic, it shouldn’t matter. And nobody really cares anyway unless you are in the boonies.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j5xbnmp wrote
Reply to Snow phrase? by nowfromhell
+1 for dumping out.
1DollarOr1Million t1_j5vz50m wrote
Reply to comment by TheTowerBard in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
I understand that things don’t always go the way you want. You just have no way of knowing the exact situation you will be in. But I’d rather have a gun for another guy with a gun, than attempting to engage him by hand instead of (potentially) at range and from behind cover. The guy in LA got lucky, and the other guy had the misfortune of being in a town with shit cops. But also, if he hadn’t gotten shot by the cops he woulda been shot by the shooter anyway so it’s actually moot as regards your argument. Congrats, you played yourself.
1DollarOr1Million t1_jegmbv1 wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in Proof that capitalism won’t solve the affordable housing crisis. by No-Ganache7168
You forgot the /s. My mom had to move out of her 500 square foot apartment because they wanted 1650/month for it and when she did it went up to 2,000/month. For 500 square feet!!! IN MORRISVILLE!