
420EdibleQueen t1_j68oj8y wrote

It was on the dash mount so the one saw when I triggered it. They were quick too. It felt like it was so long before they took off, but after exiting dash cam footage down to just the incident for the cops it wasn’t long. From the time they blocked me in until they hopped back into the car and took off was 50 seconds.


420EdibleQueen t1_j68kcyy wrote

Sometimes not a good idea to comply either. The day I got nearly car jacked I froze and was more afraid of what the multiple guys with guns pointed at me would do if I got out. I used as much of the dash and seats as I could to block as much of me as possible, got a 911 call triggered and they took off. A little while later another car jacking happened a few miles away, the guy gave up the car, and was beaten and shot. Don’t know if it was the same guys or not. Cops said I was the third attempt that morning.


420EdibleQueen t1_j20nlnr wrote

They couldn’t get much worse. A few years back my oldest was using mobility to get back and forth to school. She called her dad panicking because the ride was late, the pickup window kept getting pushed back, it had gotten dark and a snow storm rolling in with her waiting for them. We were both on the way home and calculated who could get there faster to get her. It was him. I sat in traffic on the phone with mobility giving them a piece of my mind. Over 3 hours past her original window and they were still saying another 30 minutes at least.


420EdibleQueen t1_j1bnzhb wrote

I had a couple in Garrison a couple weeks ago. I thought the Hanukkah decoration on the door made it obvious to move along, but guess not. The neighbor got a laugh though. She said the look on their faces when I told them “we’re not interested, we’re Jewish. Have a nice night” and closed the door was priceless


420EdibleQueen t1_j1aa2hb wrote

Yeah it’s gonna get bad fast. My daughter was planning on heading north to family in PA tomorrow, but in light of the weather they’re leaving tonight so they’ll be there before I gets bad in either place. I’ll be heading out myself, but not until Saturday morning, after the worst is through and the crews can get to the roads a bit


420EdibleQueen t1_izsp9jy wrote

We had a storage unit when we moved here that held the stuff we had in our storage shed and garage at the old place. It took us a while to go through everything and downsize. I got motivated after a couple of years when the rates kept climbing like crazy. Rent for the unit went up $50-100 a year and rent on the apartment went up $100-200 a year, but salaries didn’t go up.