Their study noted that between 2015 and 2020, high-income households earning more than $150,000 per year increased by 151% in Newark and by 75% in Jersey City.
I'd be all down for tearing down the Penn Plaza it not for the very real possibility that such a move would create a parking lot that'd last for a decade before anything got built on it.
Big facts. NJIT's renderings were already bad, what we actually got was even worse. It's patently clear they didn't try (and perhaps picked the simplest cheapest designs).
I honestly wish they'd extend NLR into the Ironbound (I know, fantasy), and then it could hook up to HBLR to the east. It'd provide way more local access since PATH does least not in Newark.
66nexus OP t1_jeg9fof wrote
Reply to comment by ahtasva in North NJ rental market America's Toughest by 66nexus
I've definitely seen some new developments popping up along the train stations, especially Elizabeth (I've worked at the courthouse)