
Aiorr t1_jaepuvu wrote

Reply to comment by nuevalaredo in Consultants Gone Wild by ToffeeFever

Subcontracting the subcontracts held by a subcontractor delegated by another subcontract that was initially filed with a contractor.

It's kinda insane when you look at the amount of subcontracting that occurs for a single project.


Aiorr t1_jaenfjr wrote

Reply to comment by nim_opet in Consultants Gone Wild by ToffeeFever

if lobbying to the point where congress cut agencies' leg and arm to be dysfunctional then pretty much forcing to use contractor isn't creating the problem, idk what is.

IT service is pretty much obliterated from government agencies, and are forced to use contract bidding. And I dont think anyone need an insight on how god-awful IT in govt is. And guess how much the bid was for these "consultants" :) most likely multitude of just having a solid in-house IT team.


Aiorr OP t1_j1jmyep wrote

Reply to comment by kikiindisguise in DCA past midnight by Aiorr

Thank you foe checking in!

Yes, I used one of taxi website redditor recommended me at under $40 rate :)

Yea! Wasnt aware of this whole uber/lyft thing. I will try empower next time.


Aiorr OP t1_j1gcpyy wrote

Reply to comment by snarkyturtle in DCA past midnight by Aiorr

Oh good call...!! fair chance it could be moved further or even cancelled. Probly better to just chill at cozy room and pay up for a ride (or take morning metro to delayed flight 😅) rather than to stay at airport for 6 extra hour only to be further delayed.


Aiorr OP t1_j1gahtm wrote

Reply to comment by alexzsdc in DCA past midnight by Aiorr

yeah.. I wasnt sure where to ask so I thought it would be best to ask where DCA is located. Then I learned DCA wasn't DC either.. heh


Aiorr OP t1_j1g7mhg wrote

Reply to comment by BlakeClass in DCA past midnight by Aiorr

no, it is not a layover. I should've made it clearer. I had something to attend to and currently staying in Rockville MD. My flight back home is departing at 8 am DCA. My initial plan was to take Redline then transfer to DCA but found out metro closes during the night unfortunately.