Backpacker7385 t1_jaawd94 wrote
Reply to comment by Rubicles in Me and my partner from England wanting to visit Connecticut by woodyrg14
Not the Mystic Pizza pizza, but Nana’s and Pizzetta are both very good options.
Backpacker7385 t1_j9whx5z wrote
Reply to comment by phishman55 in CT dairy wins US Championship Cheese Contest by pittiedaddy
You need to seek out some Jasper Hill, it’s going to blow your mind. Harbison and Winnemere are my two personal favorites but Alpha Tolman may be more up your alley.
Backpacker7385 t1_j9wgw8o wrote
Reply to comment by phishman55 in CT dairy wins US Championship Cheese Contest by pittiedaddy
I would take Jasper Hill over Cato Corner, but Cato is definitely in the very top tier of CT. I would also include Arethusa and Mystic Cheese in that tier, depending on the style you’re looking for.
Backpacker7385 t1_j8ojuxe wrote
Reply to comment by Popular_Bid_3343 in Gold Star Bridge Construction on I-95 by AggRavatedR
Location. It doesn’t make sense looking at a flat map, but if you look at a globe and realize that subs can go under the polar ice cap it becomes much more clear. It’s faster to get a submarine to coastal Russian waters from Groton than from San Diego.
Backpacker7385 t1_j8nqujz wrote
Reply to comment by Prestigious_Bobcat29 in Gold Star Bridge Construction on I-95 by AggRavatedR
This is a big part of the answer. Maintaining the Thames River with a navigable channel for submarines is the number one priority, as the Groton Sub Base is the single most important sub base in the Navy’s arsenal. That factor throws a major wrench into building a new bridge.
Backpacker7385 t1_j0gsile wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in NBC 10 I-Team: Extremist group activity on the rise in Southern New England by Previous_Floor
You should do some research on how often the police hit what their aiming for in a shooting situation. It’s a shockingly low percentage.
Backpacker7385 t1_j0gsa5n wrote
Reply to comment by brogaant in NBC 10 I-Team: Extremist group activity on the rise in Southern New England by Previous_Floor
Just so you know, the Jewish headwear is spelled yarmulke.
Backpacker7385 t1_iyns9gr wrote
Reply to comment by TywinShitsGold in Hunting rifle laws in CT and disposition when someone passes by [deleted]
This store in particular has a long reputation of ripping off customers who don’t know the value of their guns. I’d recommend working with someone else.
Backpacker7385 t1_iybqfeh wrote
Reply to comment by Total-Force-613 in Advice on finances for single mom by [deleted]
This is the best possible solution. It teaches him to budget for things he needs/wants in life, plus you can still be a “good” mom in your eyes. Still, no shame in putting his money towards the bills if you need the help.
Backpacker7385 t1_ixxd5k7 wrote
Reply to comment by Maverick8200 in Best towns for a childless, middle-aged couple? by CatsNSquirrels
If you haven’t been yet, Rise is my favorite breakfast spot in CT.
Backpacker7385 t1_ixkz0z5 wrote
Reply to comment by momscouch in Commute from CT to Boston. by Lucky-Front7675
Close to 4 hours on the train, each way? That’s a 17 hour workday, twice a week. Hard pass from me.
Backpacker7385 t1_ixkyqrd wrote
Reply to comment by MattinglyDineen in Commute from CT to Boston. by Lucky-Front7675
Depending where in Boston and where in NYC, rush hour could more than double those commute times. This is going to be hell for both of them, the train seems like the most manageable solution (assuming it’s even manageable), and that won’t be cheap.
Backpacker7385 t1_iww8010 wrote
Reply to comment by Enginerdad in Dang, these bastards are relentless. by TheDogsNameWasFrank
It’s financed at (ballpark) $150/mo for 20 years, but at a little less than 5% interest I’m actively paying it off more quickly than that.
Those numbers also don’t take into account the payback from Eversource for our over generation, which will offset several months per year entirely.
Backpacker7385 t1_iww76ra wrote
Reply to comment by Badfiish in Dang, these bastards are relentless. by TheDogsNameWasFrank
I hear you. Your opinion may change if they’re still $10k cheaper than the next closest bid (and for better capabilities nonetheless), but in theory I agree with you.
Backpacker7385 t1_iww0a32 wrote
Reply to comment by Enginerdad in Dang, these bastards are relentless. by TheDogsNameWasFrank
Bought. I don’t think there are a ton of situations where leasing makes more sense than buying.
Backpacker7385 t1_iwvjnom wrote
Reply to comment by Badfiish in Dang, these bastards are relentless. by TheDogsNameWasFrank
Tesla. It was cheaper to get a Tesla system including two backup batteries than the next two quotes I got which didn’t even include batteries. I know prices have gone up since I did mine, but get at least a couple quotes.
I also have a Tesla referral code, if you want it just message me. It’s only $300 off, but better than nothing.
Backpacker7385 t1_iwup836 wrote
Reply to comment by CaptainSolo80 in Dang, these bastards are relentless. by TheDogsNameWasFrank
I went to solar a year ago. It’s really nice to get a monthly $9 bill from Eversource and then a big check back from them at the end of the year. Absolutely would recommend.
Backpacker7385 t1_ity3ir1 wrote
Reply to This is nuts. by therealcocochanel
Bears are pretty smart when it comes to getting into things that smell good. Reminds me of the old park ranger story about how there’s a lot of overlap between the dumbest humans and the smartest bears when it comes to “bear proof” trash cans and food storage containers.
Backpacker7385 t1_jcx0mm3 wrote
Reply to comment by Single_T in 5 Minors Killed in New York Crash Are Related, Recently Moved to Derby: Superintendent by Jawaka99
You think an 8 year old and a 9 year old (who was riding in the trunk) being driven around by a sixteen year old, after midnight with no adults, is “being kids”?
Kids need some supervision, or this happens.