
BarCompetitive7220 t1_j76wk92 wrote

Corporate America is very late in embracing the $15/hr. That salary is no longer sufficient after the huge inflations after Covid and Big Oil GREED. Some seem to forget what has occurred since 2019. If a person can not live on that income, then they should strike for better wages.

96% voted for strike. Spring is coming Disney - how much are you willing to lose to prove that you are jerks towards employees.


BarCompetitive7220 t1_ixcqsor wrote

Once upon a time, 2008, the FED worked on drug abuse and settled cases against Big Pharma. ProPublica was / has a respository of many of those investigations. Sadly, it seems that that and other investigations of fraud into Medicare have been dropped by the previous administration. sigh.

Interestingly, one hospital in OK dropped their Medicare Advantage Plan, as it was too onerous and the hospital was loosing money.