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roguestate t1_j9wmwu4 wrote

He fucked up by not being a President or Vice-President.


babysinblackandImblu t1_j9ww2e4 wrote

This guy seems to have had bad intentions though. And the number is in the same lines as Trump at 300 classified taken as he left his job which implies bad intentions.


THETRILOBSTER t1_j9x1lyb wrote

You say that as if Trump didn't seem to have bad intentions or take them as he left his job. They had to raid his shit to get them back because he was so determined to keep them.


David_denison t1_j9x8x7b wrote

They are still finding more things trunp stole because he is still intentionally hiding them


mtarascio t1_j9x8scj wrote

I get so confused about this.

If they are documents they can be replicated.

So why bother not feigning ignorance and return them when first asked?


lucianbelew t1_j9xnqg3 wrote

Is it because possessing a copy makes it absolutely undeniable that there's no whoopsie here?


Batttyroy t1_j9wps0b wrote

10 year max sentence and “documents were classified as Top Secret/SCI, and their unauthorized release could be expected to cause “exceptionally grave damage to the national security of the United States.” the U.S. attorney’s office said


FjorgVanDerPlorg t1_j9xrorf wrote

There could not be a better time for this to happen to him though, given both the current and former President appear to have done similar (though I'm not sure if the stuff found at Biden's home was SCI, the nuke stuff at Trump's def was).

Like right now it feels like both sides of govt really want people to forget that's even a crime, that taking your work home with you is some kind of innocent mistake.

Either way, mishandling classified documents is all the rage these days


killshelter t1_j9xv6z1 wrote

There are very set in stone guidelines for these things. Each President and their respective predicaments that you’re referring to will have had zero bearing on this persons sentencing.

To add to that, we all know that we common folk aren’t entitled to the same leniency as the wealthy politicians.


thefrankyg t1_j9y2dg0 wrote

You need to look at intent, which actually matters with the removal of classified material. It sounds like this Lietenant Colonel intentionally removed classified material from secure facilities. Especially that the guy handed over a thumb drive with documents on it. That isn't an opps, also a Lieutenant Colonel isn't getting a home SCIF to review documents, so there is no way he accidently forgot them when he brought work home.


YsThisGameSoBad OP t1_j9xwxpz wrote

Exactly why I posted. Enforcing punishment for breaking laws is often based on precedent, and this guy is going to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. So I would hate for this guy's treatment, who was held to the same standard has his former Commander in Chief, to be any different.


Bottom_Wobbles t1_j9zdaus wrote

Current president can handle all the classified documents he wants. It’s once you’re no longer the president that you should be having it.


Marthaver1 t1_j9y4nvg wrote

Don’t worry both previous and current presidents and like any other very well connected individual are above the law. The law only applies to us commoners.


Bottom_Wobbles t1_j9zdkw0 wrote

The president has clearance to have whatever documents he wants. Why are you spreading a stupid statement unless of course you’re doing it on purpose.


OPA73 t1_j9zhtlr wrote

Yes a President, not an ex president who has no job or need to view it.


Bottom_Wobbles t1_j9zspnv wrote

Yes, but the right is pushing the narrative that Biden is guilty of the same crimes as Trump, ignoring that Biden is currently the president. Now when Biden leaves office and if he’s loading up boxes with classified materials, he should be tried and punished.


flaker111 t1_ja020re wrote

also lying to the FBI/etc saying that trump turn in all his stuff to only get raided because he still had stuff....


SubstantialPressure3 t1_ja4vq8t wrote

And now finding out that several of those documents were copied and scanned to a trump aides laptop.......


One-Pumpkin-1590 t1_ja18m0z wrote

Well, some of the documents found were from when Biden was VP. So he did have them when he was not in office.

That said, it looks like an oversite on Biden's part, they informed the required parties and returned them immediately after being discovered. trump deliberately took, and refused to acknowledge he had them, refused to return the classified documents, and the government had to go get them after he was in office. And they keep finding more and more. A pretty big difference.


OPA73 t1_ja21daw wrote

I understand but the stuff he self reported was in his garage from his previous administration. He screwed up, but he didn’t try to hide it. Neither did Pence.


VariationNo5960 t1_j9y5ssw wrote

Man. If I were able to get my penis classified as classified years ago, it would be pretty damn happy being mishandled again and again in this environment.


1funnyguy4fun t1_j9ygd91 wrote

Dude, “mishandled” in this environment means your dick would be tossed in a closet and forgotten about for months.


unique_passive t1_ja7c7bk wrote

If you’re into having your penis grabbed and manhandled by a stack of 70 year olds


stein63 t1_j9wrl28 wrote

He'll make it into the Cyber Awareness Challenge


toxicavenger70 t1_j9wxebc wrote

Hahaha! Finally an update to this boring ass training.


Captain_Hamerica t1_j9yovd3 wrote

I loved the cyber awareness challenge sequel when they brought in time travel. Really hoping they introduce the multiverse in the third installment!


toxicavenger70 t1_j9z33mc wrote

The time travel version was added a while ago if I recall. Maybe around 2012. I do not remember.


Captain_Hamerica t1_j9z3ro1 wrote

I wanna say it was a few years later. 2012 was the first year I took it, and it was probably 2013/2014 when I got the time travel version and I was like “huh, I wonder what they’ll do for next year!” and, well… we know how that went lol


toxicavenger70 t1_j9zcl3y wrote

Funny. I have been taking it so long we are like besties.


bryce1242 t1_ja6lh20 wrote

You dont just do the text only version to be done with it in 30 seconds?


TooMad t1_j9x1xu4 wrote

Rule #1, don't open unsolicited attachments. How do you start the Cyber Awareness Challenge?


Paoldrunko t1_j9xmj59 wrote

Step 1: Be in the US Air Force

Step 2: Take the mandatory annual online training that evaluates your ability to not do stupid shit, like clicking links in random spam emails, or, when you foolishly leave your phone out of arm's reach on a table at a restaurant, and some dude grabs it and walks out, report it, but don't bother chasing after him and beating his ass.

Step 3: Beat your head on your desk until you successfully repress memories of the training until next year

Step 4: ???


OPA73 t1_j9zirs4 wrote

It all clicked on day when I saw a document folder left on a desk after hours in the old man’s office. Closed the office door, stood guard and called him directly. He was over to the base in 15 minutes, barely out of shower and out of breath for running upstairs. I have no idea of the level of document, but my evaluations were never better the next time around. And this is how he acted within a secure building with nobody else around. Probably a benign boring document with boring statistics. But still he took it seriously, how does the President or ex President not. BTW he did report on himself as I had to fill out a statement.


Tostecles t1_j9xxm28 wrote

My boy Marty's gonna have to go pretty far back in time to clear this one up


coffeeandtrout t1_j9wys9p wrote

“In 2017, however, law enforcement officers discovered that Birchum had removed more than 300 classified files or documents, including more than 30 items marked top secret, from authorized locations to his home, his overseas officer’s quarters, and a storage pod in his driveway.

Prosecutors say Birchum had two documents on a thumb drive in his home that contained information relating to the National Security Agency’s capabilities and methods of collection, and targets’ vulnerabilities. Both documents were classified as Top Secret/SCI, and their unauthorized release could be expected to cause “exceptionally grave damage to the national security of the United States.” the U.S. attorney’s office said in a statement.”

This guy was going to retire and then sell this shit. 10 years seems a little short on time to me.


bryce1242 t1_ja6ly9v wrote

There is a good chance the files were his working resume since that has to go through prepub, still very very stupid for someone who works at the agency given the work done there.


Wild234 t1_j9wtj6a wrote

I'm really starting to think that we need some sort of system to better track classified documents and inform the people in charge when they are not returned on time.

I mean really, shouldn't there be some sort of check out/in system for sensitive information like this? How do so many people just have them sitting in their homes?


Environmental_Day558 t1_j9wvmiv wrote

There really isn't a check in/check out system because under regular circumstances you're not supposed to take it out of the building period. The only rare exception is it you have courier authorization to transport it from one SCIF to another, but I got a feeling this wasn't the case especially since it was on a thumb drive. People just end up walking it out the building and somebody he works with must have tipped him off to the feds.


Brilliant_Dependent t1_j9wvutc wrote

It's not like a library where there's a limited number of copies that are tracked. You can print out classified documents, make photocopies of them, or write notes about them that are then classified. When you're done you either store it or shred it.


Whisky3 t1_j9x4d5j wrote

It needs to start with not going crazy on classifying documents and desensitizing people to it. When I was in a Navy school, we labelled some basic math and physics (High School AP level) as Confidential.


Hot_Egg5840 t1_j9y7ol8 wrote

In the old days, we had that. Then computers came along. There's a reason why Russia is using typewriters.


Cool-Presentation538 t1_j9x7s21 wrote

They should print these kind of documents on paper with a metallic strip through it (I'm thinking like the weird strip on the new $100 bill) Then it will set off metal detectors when people try to take them home


katiecharm t1_j9xc6xo wrote

When I left the military, the last fucking thing I wanted was anything anchoring me to that same military or keeping me under their jurisdiction.

As well, when you are in, you are well aware of how important classified documents are and how much they need to be protected.

Zero excuse.


vanilla_disco t1_j9y8rb9 wrote

I think you're wildly underestimating the importance of preheating your oven. I know it might seem silly, and it takes a bit of extra time and adds to the cooking process, but it ensures an even heat across the entire thing that you're cooking.


YazmindaHenn t1_j9xyq87 wrote

Have you tried preheating your oven before cooking pizza yet? You didn't reply to any comments where everyone was bewildered by your problem of a cold centre of the pizza


kynthrus t1_j9xjkpw wrote

Hold on now, I know a whole family of regular ass citizen chucklefucks who were caught with boxes full of classified documents, who knows who they sold those to. And they aren't getting charged with anything. Doesn't seem fair.


PertinentPanda t1_j9x603v wrote

Why didn't he just store it in his garage next to his corvette where it's definitely safe


FT_Diomedes t1_j9yf3v8 wrote

On a thumb drive? How old were these documents? The usb ports on all the classified computers I ever used didn’t allow thumb drives. They sent an alert if you tried to plug one in.


OPA73 t1_j9zj1zg wrote

Might have scanned them at home and returned the originals.


billpalto t1_j9zpfen wrote

The President and Vice President are basically on duty all the time. Their house, the plane they use, anytime they travel, they bring their portable office with them. When they leave office, it is normal to have a few classified documents by mistake. And when they are found, they are promptly turned in.

What is different about this case and the Trump case is that both of them appeared to have gathered very highly classified documents, and tried to hide them. The Lt Colonel obviously shouldn't have had any top secret documents at all. Trump lied several times and tried to hide his top secret documents. Even today, there is a report that after the FBI searched his office, classified documents were moved back there in an attempt to hide them.


Speckled_Clout t1_j9wzrc1 wrote

I'm gonna have to check behind my ear for some classified documents


fusionsofwonder t1_j9xqf4d wrote

Everybody check your garage this weekend for classified documents.


SugarDaddyOh t1_j9zcztz wrote

Meanwhile, Diaper Don continues to walk a free man. SMH.


mtarascio t1_j9xm76c wrote

Security clearance person has less oversight than a local library

Fixed it for you.


I_took_ur_cookies t1_j9xm70q wrote

Ah yes, ethereal snake's "Mickey kills Goofy" all over again


AtomicTardigrade t1_j9yjivq wrote

Meanwhile the orange man is planning on going for president once more despite being found with classified documents at home...


deadbeat95 t1_j9yqtaq wrote

Meanwhile the current president is found with classified documents from 7 years ago as vice president in his garage...