
BelmontIncident t1_jegbwvp wrote

Reply to comment by eybosscan in 18M 18F Asian fetish by eybosscan

There's three questions you should ask yourself before you say something. Is it true? Is it useful? Is it kind?

If something is not at least two of those things, don't say it. Telling someone you have a fetish that they will never be able to act on is neither useful nor kind. Would you want a list of all the other people she's attracted to?


BelmontIncident t1_iw008zg wrote

I don't think I've been objective about any book I've ever read in my life. I have no intention of starting now.

Books are written by people immersed in cultures. They depict their eras to at least some extent even if they try not to. Sometimes they depict horrifying things on purpose to argue against them. Huck Finn sincerely believes that slavery is the will of God and decides to accept eternal damnation rather than turn Jim in. That moment wouldn't make sense if Mark Twain had not written racism how he saw it.