
BigVikingBeard t1_j9zsxfh wrote

Oh noes, I'm not sugar coating the bullshit for yall. So sad. Sorry I didn't feel like being diplomatic towards your fucking high horse bullshit.

Regardless, apparently none of you motherfuckers can read well. And apparently you subscribe to the capitalist bullshit, "just try harder" nonsense that permeates our society.

Fuck your, "just go into the trades, just start a business, it's so easy." bullshit. I don't have the energy to bother detailing a response that you won't read or retain about why that stupid shit is so fucking tiring to here from idiot white middle class people who are completely, and willfully, oblivious to the struggles that non middle class people face.


BigVikingBeard t1_j9ygpfz wrote

I'm a fucking union electrician, dipshit. I see the shit every fucking day.

You must've never worked a blue collar job if you think my comment is in some way inaccurate.

The amount of white dudes wearing some flavor of either obvious dog whistle bullshit all the way through to rebel flag hardhats plastered with Trump bullshit is legion.

Why the fuck would a bunch of black kids, who already have to deal with societies constant daily racism, want to go to a job site to work around people who make it a fucking point to wear their very very special snowflake fashy bullshit?

That's not even getting into the absurd amount of racist bullshit that gets scrawled inside every fucking portapot on a construction site.


BigVikingBeard t1_j9y754d wrote

Okay, great, a scant few physical labor opportunities are there. Not everyone is cut out for physical labor / trades. Not everyone wants to or can be an electrician, steam fitter, welder, carpenter, whatever. Can it be a decent career? Sure. Is it for everyone? Fuck no.

That's before even getting in to the atrocious work/life balance culture that the trades foster, especially outside of unions. You want to tell me that 40 and beyond hours a week of manual labor with limited or no vacation time, shitty healthcare, a culture of companies getting mad if you take time off for being sick, nevermind having to work around a shit load of insanely racist dipshits is particularly appealing to an 18/19yo black kid from the butterfly?

And that's not even getting in to transportation costs and/or the time investment if they have to use our shitty public transit of getting to these jobs.

White people in the L have white collar jobs available to them that pay better, have better work/life balance, better Healthcare, and so on an so forth.

And either way, it doesn't change my point. The kids are still growing up with deeply ingrained cultural cynicism towards life, towards their still ongoing oppression. Those few jobs might lessen the slope of Sisyphus' Hill, but it definitely doesn't remove their struggle.


BigVikingBeard t1_j9y1igf wrote

How exactly are people in the black butterfly supposed to get educated in sub-standard schools with under-supported and stressed the fuck out teachers, all while trying to teach kids who get shown every single day that life is stacked the fuck against them.

What yearly budget? There aren't a lot of worthwhile jobs.

What meal planning? There aren't really any grocery stores.

They can see beyond what's in front of their face, but literally surviving what is front of their face takes precedent over everything else.

They don't care about themselves and others because that requires having a potential future. And these kids grow up being shown that they have no future without putting in an endless Sisyphean level of effort.

And then we wonder why these kids grow up cynical as fuck and join gangs and shit.

And then no one invests in the butterfly because it's "full of crime".

And then we get more cynical kids...

And so on, forever.


BigVikingBeard t1_ixzuv6r wrote

Most of the trails that are part of the Gunpowder Falls are reasonably beginner friendly.

The Hereford Zone trails are probably the easiest to get to, head right up 83, most have a decent bit of parking that only really fills up on the nicer days in the summer.

One recommendation is to avoid the Gunpowder SOUTH (white blazes) trail on the east side of 83 following the river that connects the Panther blue trail and the Sandy Lane pink trail. It has some washouts that become tricky to navigate.

The Central Sweathouse area is also reasonably easy with minimal ascents, though the Sweathouse yellow trail has some spots that aren't super well marked.

Central Pleasantville area, taking the Little Gunpowder white trail and connecting back to the Railway yellow is fairly easy.

Oregon Ridge has some fairly easy and extensive trails, but parking can fill up quickly on nice days.

If you want to go further out, Susquehanna State Park has some nicer trails, but some have a lot more up and down.

As for boots / shoes, it's best you go to REI or w/e and try a bunch on. I am personally partial to Keens, as I have somewhat boxy feet, and I like the more squared off toe box. And they've done right by me twice now with warranty claims.


BigVikingBeard t1_ir2es16 wrote

If you think history cannot be interpreted with biases, I invite you to look at the white european's "history" of African civilizations while they were busy exploiting the fuck out of the continent.(and after)

Yeaaah, not getting in to debating rigorously debunked conspiracy nonsense with you.


BigVikingBeard t1_ir23ktw wrote

A website full of conspiracy nonsense and science denial calls into question the veracity of anything posted on it. I admittedly don't know enough of the specific history recounted to debunk any particular claim in the article but still.

And it wasn't a "magic" bullet when bullets can and do deflect at odd angles upon impacting bone. Bone is very dense and expecting straight line trajectories through a body as though it's a video game is foolish.


BigVikingBeard t1_iqz4f8c wrote

I dunno if you looked through the rest of that site, but holy shit is that place full of crazy fucking conspiracy nonsense.

They've got JFK assassinated by a cabal of ruthless warmongers, 9/11 truthiness, climate "skepticism", the whole lot.

Aside, and this is my own biases/aggravations showing through, but the "Quantum Quirk" (WTF is that name?) that popped up for me is a blatantly staged photo with posed dragonflies.