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skaote t1_iy1slrd wrote

I feel targeted marketing happening


emoney107 t1_iy1n1rj wrote

This is awfully great, ty


brendanepic t1_iy3j7io wrote

I like my coffee like i like my women, from a third world country and picked up at a local gas station


UnseenPumpkin t1_iy4ima2 wrote

I like my coffee like I like my women hot, black, and smuggled in a bag from Honduras.


mysteryteam t1_iy3rsdd wrote

Not from a third world country, slung over the back of a donkey, until they're ground up and stored in a freezer?


vaultboi3233 t1_iy5px6m wrote

I like my coffee how I like my women, ground up and placed in the freezer.


jfb1337 t1_iy85dvw wrote

I like my coffee like I like my women. I've never had coffee.


Internal_Fennel_849 t1_iy1ri29 wrote

That one has some dimensions to it! Funny on several different floors. Wasn't there something about coffee liking women in that same one?


shadow_king13 OP t1_iy1rlek wrote

I like my coffee like I like my women, without another man’s dick in it


pdxpmk t1_iy21wyc wrote

Tumbling forgotten off the roof of my car as I peel out of the Starbucks parking lot?


halfwit_genius t1_iy3ew4w wrote

Or you could say, without others' cream in it.

Which makes the question "what about your own?" feel more tricky to respond to, unless it's a yes.


Rikathchii t1_iy4p2b7 wrote

I like my coffee like I like my women, with another man's dick in it (she's into threesomes) (I like burning men's dicks)


Canman1045 t1_iy1t5zq wrote

I like my coffee like I like my women; black, bitter, and preferably free trade

Dr. Krieger and I will be at the bar if anyone else would like to join us in hell


iong99 t1_iy29dqm wrote

Ground up and in the freezer?


Emotional-Accident72 t1_iy1yph4 wrote

I like my coffee like my women; hot, black and strong



Internal_Fennel_849 t1_iy1v5hd wrote

I can't drink it that strong. Go right through me! I'd drown the fires of hell out with a half cup. I wouldn't want to be in that guys house in the morning with no hot water and cold coffee, holding onto a half cup of guilty Joe Joe.


princhester t1_iy2p5zt wrote

I thought this was going to be something about black underneath with white on top.


No_more_Whippits4u t1_iy3ql42 wrote

I like my coffee like I like my women: Black and strong


Phantom317IN t1_iy45wvg wrote

A man who shaves off his beard to impress a woman deserves neither.


qaylan t1_iy2hb68 wrote

This drink is called a "Black Eye"...seriously. Lul, almost makes it worse!


Then_Treacle_7952 t1_iy3y8j9 wrote

Europeans supporting BLM: "All cops are bad, but not our cops."


MortusStrider93 t1_iy46rl8 wrote

Do you think Police officers just randomly murder black people in other countries? That's just an America thing dude.


Then_Treacle_7952 t1_iy4pp0o wrote

No, it's a media thing.


MortusStrider93 t1_iy4psh8 wrote

You're full of shit.


Then_Treacle_7952 t1_iy4q8si wrote


MortusStrider93 t1_iy4qusa wrote

I was born in New York. The reason I don't live there anymore is because it's a shit country full of gun-obsessed lunatics. In my country, there's only been one black person shot by police in my lifetime, and he was shot because he was attempting to stab a police officer.

In other words, you're full of shit.

Edit: Your "source" is the most laughably obvious propaganda I've ever seen anywhere other than fox news.


Then_Treacle_7952 t1_iy4xrth wrote

>it's a shit country

New York isn't a country.

>In my country, there's only been one black person shot by police in my lifetime, and he was shot because he was attempting to stab a police officer.

Which country? I suspect you're confusing it with a city.


MortusStrider93 t1_iy4z23v wrote

Yes, I'm well aware that NY isn't a country. I assumed you could figure out that I was referring to America since this whole conversation is about America. But asking an American to understand obvious concepts may have been foolish of me.


Then_Treacle_7952 t1_iy4zro5 wrote

And I assumed a European with superior geography skills would be more careful with their wording, so as not to confuse countries with cities.

>In my country, there's only been one black person shot by police in my lifetime, and he was shot because he was attempting to stab a police officer.

Again, which country are you referring to?


MortusStrider93 t1_iy50xy1 wrote

See, the problem is that no one with a developed brain could ever be stupid enough to mix those two up.

I'm Irish, I'm 29 years old, and the only black man killed by the Garda in my lifetime (possibly ever) was George Nchenko. And then we wound up with a load of wannabe yanks looting shops and chanting BLM as they went.


Then_Treacle_7952 t1_iy557sg wrote

>I'm Irish

Well, you're country's pretty small

>And then we wound up with a load of wannabe yanks looting shops and chanting BLM as they went.

Yeah, that's what happened in America. What makes you think most police killings in the US are unjustified?


MortusStrider93 t1_iy57nia wrote

Size is completely irrelevant, and you know it. The point is the difference in approach.

George Nchenko attempted to stab a shopkeeper. Gardai were sent to de-escalate the situation without force, but Nchenko continued to threaten people, so armed forces were called. When the armed Garda unit arrived, they once again attempted to de-escalate the situation without force, but Nchenko attacked and was shot dead. Every step of the way, the Gardai showed restraint, and only used force when it was absolutely necessary.

Then let's look at America. The country where the police will strangle you for 10 minutes straight over petty robbery (if you're black). Where being shot in the back by police is commonplace (if you're black). American police (and the American people in general) fetishize violence constantly and it's fucking disturbing. There's no country on the planet that celebrates violence the way you do.

Edit: The looting in America makes sense. Why obey the laws of a country that is willing to kill or imprison you over your skin colour? In Ireland it was just dumb liberals who were influenced by American politics.


Then_Treacle_7952 t1_iy5efnv wrote

>Size is completely irrelevant

That's what she said

>where the police will strangle you for 10 minutes straight over petty robbery (if you're black). Where being shot in the back by police is commonplace (if you're black). American police (and the American people in general) fetishize violence constantly and it's fucking disturbing. There's no country on the planet that celebrates violence the way you do.

Ireland, the country where everyone gets in bar fights.

See how easy it is to list stereotypes?


MortusStrider93 t1_iy5fcdx wrote

Those aren't stereotypes, they are events that I witnessed with my own eyes, you stupid fuck. Furthermore, only could a yank be discussing their own cultural obsession with violence and decide it was an appropriate time for a dick joke. If you want stereotypes, I can do that too though. How do you circumcise an American? Kick his sister in the jaw.


Then_Treacle_7952 t1_iy5kq28 wrote

>they are events that I witnessed with my own eyes

The plural of anecdote is not data. Statistically, the events you are describing are very rare.


4foot28 t1_iy28ryn wrote

I like my coffee beans like I like my women.

Ground up and in the freezer


FilmoreGash t1_iy3dfro wrote

I'm so old, my first thought was "free."


anon2282 t1_iy3js6c wrote

Wow. Somehow this is more racist. And funny, too!


Sir_Q_L8 t1_iy1putg wrote

This is dopey yo


clkmk3 t1_iy1rjqt wrote

America Runs On Dunkin


Radiolotek t1_iy2tezy wrote

We all saw the SNL clip. Come up with an original and I'll upvote.


iDREAM247 t1_iy62od1 wrote

🤭 dark but funny


Rothyn1 t1_iy1sfde wrote

Damn. Just damn.


Nearby-Assignment661 t1_iy2fi8f wrote


shockingdevelopment t1_iy2zieo wrote

Why say you're black if you're mixed?


Nearby-Assignment661 t1_iy4cjuy wrote

Mixed is a broad term. I wanted to specify that I’m mixed with black


shockingdevelopment t1_iy4dgbb wrote

Transracial is the next frontier.


Nearby-Assignment661 t1_iy4fisz wrote

That’s not at all what I’m talking about


shockingdevelopment t1_iy4hl8i wrote

I know. I'm just thinking how the same arguments play. Except everyone's mixed to different degrees, so it makes more sense than transgenderism. People identify with whatever ancestry for personal reasons


Fit_Mind4212 t1_iy2k9vt wrote

Don’t really mind the subject matter but I take offense to the fact that it’s just an unfunny joke.


Refilon_24 t1_iy2kkgs wrote

Op watches snl. Congrats.


clamroll t1_iy2rq0h wrote

They like their coffee like they like their wives. With plenty of her boyfriend's cream.


Tyguy1106 t1_iy32i91 wrote

I saw this coming before I opened it. God damn.


Catfrogdog2 t1_iy42chz wrote

Better put a couple of dozen extra shots in just to be sure


Damystical1 t1_iy4qfy7 wrote

Wow😂😂😂😂 I'm black but find this hilarious


Byte_Me_2X t1_iy51fp0 wrote

I prefer postum. Not!


Low-Let8705 t1_iy5jeqd wrote

White, full of whiskey and covered in cream...


Competitive_Dot9712 t1_iy5nngo wrote

It's an accurate display of humanity to see a dark joke post about genocide followed by objectifying jokes about women .


Leo0793 t1_iy5uykk wrote

With a donut.


axk94 t1_iy6axmn wrote

Freshly pressed?


WalkInternational360 t1_iy6cpa5 wrote

I like my coffee like I like my women, I don't like coffee. 😜


cock_suckler50 t1_iy2w1r6 wrote

I think "black and on the ground" also does it


PresentationLow6204 t1_iy2zxu8 wrote

Tbh the set up for this joke could be "How does a young black American like his coffee" and it would be more statistically relevant by a factor of about 30.


Sonny-Moone-8888 t1_iy3028x wrote

DAMN~ That was brutal. Honest...but brutal.


anon2282 t1_iy3jmvo wrote

It's really neither. It's actually quite lame.


Playeddit t1_iy2oeet wrote

A couple shots only? More like extra shots.


JoeZamerica t1_iy1u4za wrote

I like my coffee like I like my women Ddl Hot, Ddl cupped, Ddl shot….


a_nonprofit_prophet t1_iy2cdlu wrote



chuck-chippendale t1_iy2xyvz wrote

I like how everything is labelled as racist these days. But if you talk on reddit about shooting black people, suddenly it's not racist, but only a joke?


AdNovel6790 t1_iy27a6c wrote

Like their criminals…..
